Chapter 155 Leng: You are such a good man
"Close your eyes!"

Leng looked at Luo Fan in front of him and said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, Luo Fan followed suit and closed his eyes slightly.

Looking coldly at the perfect face with eyes closed, he smiled slightly:
"What a perfect man, powerful, just, brave, and handsome. It would be great if he were my man."


Leng directly kissed Luo Fan's face, with a happy smile on his face.

"This?" Luo Fan looked at Leng, wondering why she kissed him.

Leng looked at Luo Fan's confused expression, lay in Luo Fan's arms, touched his face and said:
"I'm going to die anyway, why don't you allow me to be presumptuous once? He and Yan have been arguing for 7000 years, and now they are about to die, but I kissed you first, isn't this a victory over Yan?"

"Hehe... Yan will be so angry that she will vomit blood if she knows... Haha... I feel happy just thinking about it... However, it seems that she knew I was going to die before kissing you. With her broad-minded character, she will definitely not be angry about this."

"You're wrong, she will be angry!" Luo Fan corrected at this time.

"Why?" Luo Fan looked at Luo Fan in bewilderment.

"Hey!" Luo Fan sighed and said:

"Didn't I say that I can cure you, so Yan will still be angry at that time, why don't you become my woman, then you can compete in the future, who is more resistant to beating?"


"Hey, don't spread dog food, okay? Can you care about my opinion!"

At this time, Nuoning's angry roar came from the side.

Luo Fan rolled his eyes at Nuoning in disdain, and said:

"A dead person, still care about you?"

Nuoning was very afraid of death, thinking that she had lived for more than 3 years and had never seen any big storms. Unexpectedly, she fell into the hands of Luo Fan in front of her today.


Nuoning's eyes suddenly lit up. She thought about how Leng had kissed Luo Fan just now and Luo Fan had asked Leng to be his woman. This showed that this person was a playboy.

Moreover, he is not a scumbag like Hua Ye who treats women like nothing, but a playboy who treats his own woman well.

If he becomes the other party's woman, then Luo Fan will not only let him go, but also give her many benefits.

Thinking of this, Nuoning suddenly changed his face, stared at Luo Fan charmingly, and said in a coquettish voice:

"Fan, as long as you spare me, I will do whatever you want?"

When Luo Fan heard this, he turned to look at the coquettish Nuoning, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Seeing this, Nuoning continued to seduce and said:
"I used to be a beautiful angel among angels, and I have a lot of talents. Keeping it gives you an experience that you have never had before, and you are dying!"

When Luo Fan heard this, he directly took a mirror from the dark plane and placed it in front of Nuoning, saying:

"Look at how weird you are now. Before you joined Hua Ye, you were still very beautiful, heroic, decisive, and brave in battle. But now you have been ravaged by Karl for thousands of years. What have you become? Old lady."

"Damn it, I feel sick just thinking about it."

Hearing this, Nuo Ning touched his face, livid for a while, and roared hysterically:
"My angel Nuoning is obviously a peerless beauty, how can you insult me ​​like this?"

"Then look carefully in the mirror, are you blind?" Luo Fan hit again.

Nuoning looked at herself in the mirror. Indeed, her once alluring red lips were now black and blue, her fair skin had turned a bit darker, and her bumpy body had become...well, it was still okay, but her peerless face had become She turned into a middle-aged woman, her facial features had undergone subtle changes, and she was no longer beautiful.


Nuoning smashed the mirror in front of him with one hand, and said angrily:

"You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense, I'm obviously beautiful."

Luo Fan was too lazy to pay attention to her, looked down at Leng in his arms, and said softly:
"Next, there may be some pain... After all, all the angel genes in your body have been destroyed, so it must be very painful to recover."

"Well, just do it. As an angel, I, Angel Leng, can still bear the pain!" Not only did Leng not feel scared, but he comforted Luo Fan not to worry.

"Sure enough, she is a cold beauty!" Luo Fan praised, and then pressed his big hand on the chest and heart that was pierced by the cold, and then stimulated the healing power in his body.

Suddenly, little green lights appeared on the palms, surrounding the divine body.

The moment the green glow just appeared, Leng's keen perception sensed the surging original life force of the green glow in front of him.

At this moment, Leng had hope for the first time. Perhaps Luo Fan might actually be able to heal himself from his fatal injury that was so serious that even Queen Kesa could not heal it.

Nuoning, who was next to him, also felt the original life force contained in the green light on Luo Fan's hand. For the first time, panic appeared on his face, and he murmured to himself:
"Impossible, impossible. I have completely destroyed the angel gene in Leng's body. There is no way you can cure her."

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible."

When she saw the green glow on Luo Fan's hand, Nuoning panicked completely.

I thought I could pull a backrest before I died, but I watched Leng die in Luo Fan's arms.

But what she didn't expect was that Luo Fan might really be able to heal Hao Leng.

She was afraid, she was afraid that she would die like this, it was too worthless.

As a green light appeared on Luo Fan's hand, he then drilled into Leng's translucent chest.

Visible to the naked eye, the green awn attached to the bleeding flesh and then penetrated into it.

Then I saw that the bleeding flesh and blood stopped bleeding, slowly began to squirm, and granules sprouted, growing continuously.


Because the heart was directly pierced, it was extremely painful when it grew up, as if countless ants were biting the heart. Even Leng, who has more than 7000 years of combat experience and strong willpower, couldn't help crying out in pain at this moment. Voice.

Sweat was pouring down from his white forehead, and even his whole body was exuding an alluring fragrance. It was so painful that the fragrance flowed out of his body.

And each angel has his own fragrance, so the sweat he sheds also carries an alluring fragrance.

As the wound was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, under the severe pain, he gritted his white teeth tightly, even biting his tongue, and a mouthful of blood flowed out.

Seeing this scene, Luo Fan said directly:

"Open your mouth!"

Under the severe pain, he subconsciously opened his mouth.

Luo Fan then put his arm into Leng's mouth.

With the cold cherry mouth, he bit down directly on Luo Fan's arm.

However, Leng quickly let go of her mouth because she was afraid that she would hurt Luo Fan if she bit him.

Seeing this scene, Luo Fan felt that Leng was worthy of being a good girl. At this moment, under the excruciating pain of thousands of ants, under the incomparable pain, she was still thinking about him.

Luo Fan stroked the cold golden hair, and said softly:
"Bite, you will suffer less pain if you bite my hand. Don't worry, I am a fourth-generation god body, and I still have the strongest defense of the fourth-generation god body. Your teeth can't break my defense, and I won't hurt."

Leng Wenyan, thinking of Luo Fan's powerful strength, bit down on Luo Fan's wrist.

Not to mention, with a place to vent, I immediately felt less pain.

Leng bit Luo Fan's wrist while observing Luo Fan's expression. Seeing that he didn't show any sign of pain, he continued to bite it with confidence.

From Luo Fan's hand, green light continuously emerged, penetrating into Leng Shatter's heart.

Immediately afterwards, it penetrated into every part of her flesh and blood, repairing the collapsed angel genes in her body and the injuries all over her body.

(End of this chapter)

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