Chapter 158 Making a Heroic Core
"You... Both of you have become Luo Fan's guardian angels?"

Leng looked at Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui with disbelief on their faces.

"Yes, what's the problem? Anyway, I don't think you can escape Luo Fan's hands, and you will become his woman soon."

Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui stared at Leng and said in unison.

Leng Wenyan was silent for a while, and then said:

"Zhi Xin, the two of you, Ah Zhui, have become Luo Fan's guardian angels, and Yan has also become Luo Fan's guardian angel. If I also become his guardian angel, do we need four of us to play mahjong?"

"That's not the case!" Zhi Xin shook her head, pointed at Qilin next to her, and Qiangwei said:
"These two have also become Luo Fan's women and are pregnant. The four of us have already formed a pair of mahjong. You can play two if you have nothing to do. You are late. You can only wait for Yan and other goddesses to form a pair of mahjong with you. ."

Leng Wenyan looked at Qilin and Qiangwei, and indeed saw the stomachs of the two women swell slightly, then looked at the stomachs of Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui, and asked anxiously:

"Could it be that you two are also pregnant with Luo Fan's child?"

"Yeah!" Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui looked at each other, then nodded.

"Ah, my God, what is Luo Fan's charm that attracts you all?" Leng scratched his golden hair, feeling incomprehensible.

However, she then thought about it. Luo Fan was strong, handsome, just, and brave. In addition, he had saved her before. It seemed that she had some feelings for Luo Fan now.

Leng sometimes wonders whether Luo Fan has a succubus physique that can attract outstanding women to approach him and fall in love with him, otherwise, why are there so many outstanding and beautiful women leaning on him.

You know, they are angels, every one of them is stunning in the world, plus they are angels, they can be called gods in any civilization below the aerospace-level civilization.

What's more, her angels Leng Leng, Zhi Xin, A Zhui, and Yan are all the dozen or so top angels.

Not only their angels, but also Qilin and Qiangwei, not only are they both extremely beautiful women, they also fell in love with Qilin, and they did so sincerely.

That's why Leng wondered if Luo Fan had some kind of succubus physique that could attract outstanding women.

At this time, Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan and said:

"Now that Sister Leng has been rescued, let's start making the void engine."

"Okay!" Luo Fan nodded.

"Then, just listen to me next." Zhi Xin suddenly became serious.

"Hmm!" Luo Fan hummed, looking at the suddenly serious Zhi Xin in front of him, as if she was a teacher, but he was indeed a student, which had a unique flavor.

However, Zhixin is Kesha's right-wing guard, the only disciple of scholar Tianji Wang Hexi, and the new generation of angel think tank. With her knowledge and knowledge, it is more than enough to be his teacher.

Moreover, Luo Fan felt that there was an unexplainable charm in the serious heart at the moment, which was very attractive.

At this moment, Zhi Xin's pretty face was full of seriousness, she looked at Luo Fan and said:

"You have the anti-void ability of the galaxy's power, are you the void, I have the sub-biological engine ability, and I am the void."

"Actually, it is 0 or 1 in binary language. You are anti-void, which means that you can realize 0, logically false, and I have the void ability to realize 1, logically true."

"Yeah!" Luo Fan hummed, agreeing, and respectfully stretched out his hand to signal:
"Please continue, my wife!"

The reason why Luo Fan respects Zhi Xin is not only because his women need to respect each other, but Luo Fan feels that Zhi Xin's vast knowledge deserves his respect.

The consequence of respect is to compensate her severely at night.

"Be serious, don't be shy!" Zhi Xin glared at Luo Fan.

When Luo Fan heard this, his expression became serious immediately, and he said, "Okay, now you are the boss, and I will be the boss tonight."

"Not in shape!"

Zhi Xin spat, and continued:

"I can directly write sacred language knowledge similar to assembly language into your brain. In fact, logically it means the same thing, convert binary to decimal, and then convert to high-level coding."

"And we have void and anti-void abilities, so we can create a void controller through a logical transformation."

"Through this controller, then... rewrite the world."

"Didn't it mean that the power of the void is enough to rewrite the world?" At this time, Rui Mengmeng, who was next to her, asked her doubts.

Zhi Xin glanced at Rui Mengmeng and explained:

"The void ability can partially rewrite and change, but it is very limited. It still cannot save mass."

"So, the void controller we studied, through the void controller, jumps out of mass conservation."

Liu Chuang next to him heard this and said in surprise:
"It sounds good science and good metaphysics, but can this thing jump out of that... then what is the conservation of mass?"

"Yes, why not call it void ability." Zhi Xin explained.

Then, Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan again and said:
"I found that your brain development is completely comparable to that of angels. It can be seen that you are very smart. Originally, learning the sacred language is the driver language that Holy Kesha gives the angels to drive dark energy. This process will take at least several months. , but your brain is highly developed, and I can directly transmit sacred language to you."

After finishing speaking, Zhi Xin's beautiful big eyes suddenly shot out one after another of mysterious sacred language, heading towards Luo Fan's eyes.

A few seconds later, Luo Fan shook his head and nodded to Zhi Xin.

"Is it alright?" Zhi Xin asked.

"Okay!" Luo Fan nodded.

Zhixin stared at Luo Fan seriously, and said:

"Now I will send you the binary code, and you can cooperate with me according to the code. We can make a small test server. If the code is successful, a cloud will appear in the sky, forming the shape of eternal justice."

"Come on!" Luo Fan murmured and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhi Xin also closed his eyes.

The people around consciously stayed away from the two of them, watching Luo Fan and Zhi Xin not saying a word, keeping quiet.

Then, a voice sounded from the dark plane of Zhixin.

"Open the void, explain 1."

At the same time, Luo Fan’s voice from the dark plane also sounded:

"Negative void, explanation 0."

Then, the Burning Heart Dark Plane rang again:
"Execution succeeded, start further coding."

"Data synchronization complete!"

At the same time, Zhi Xin and Luo Fan entered the dark plane, their bodies were surrounded by darkness, but suddenly a series of golden sacred codes appeared.

Zhixin explained:
"This is a code with more than 14400 million characters. It may take 3 minutes to start the connection!"

But at the same time Luo Fan and Zhi Xin were docking, the ordinary soldiers of the Juxia were stroking their heads with heavy faces.

"Ah...why is my head so dizzy?"

"mine too."

"Don't worry, everyone, Luo Fan and Angel Zhixin of the Xiongbing Company are researching some kind of magical thing, so it affects us, but it is not harmful to the body. Please bear with it, it only takes a few minutes."

When these ordinary soldiers heard that Luo Fan was researching magical things, their faces were filled with excitement. After all, it was thanks to Luo Fan that the Juxia was saved a few days ago. If it wasn't for Luo Fan, they might all have died, so they said:
"It's okay, we're okay, let Luo Fan study it carefully."

A few minutes later,

Zhi Xin and Luo Fan opened their eyes at the same time, looking into the sky, where,
A cloud formed the shape of justice forever.

(End of this chapter)

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