Chapter 159 Devouring the Heroic Core

Zhi Xin looked at the cloud shape of Eternal Justice in the sky, with uncontrollable excitement on his face.

After all, she is a scholar, and she is very happy to be able to create a void controller with Luo Fan that breaks out of the law of conservation of mass.

Ah Zhui and Leng watching this scene next to them were also happy for Zhi Xin.

Zhi Xin was so excited that she hugged Luo Fan and said:
"However, it is the joint efforts of the two of us to achieve this scene, so it is necessary to make a void controller, so that you can do this step alone."

"Well, let's do it!" Luo Fan was also very happy. Being able to break out of the law of conservation of mass is a very magical thing.

At that time, he can also integrate the created void controller into his own Heavenly Punishment, so that he will have both the Heroic Core and the Heavenly Punishment abilities.

Zhi Xin looked at Angel Leng, Ah Zhui, Ling Xi, Lei Na, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, and others around him, and said:
"Next, it will take about 48 hours to complete the production of the void controller. We cannot be disturbed. You must protect us."

"Okay, don't worry, you continue." Everyone nodded.

Then, Luo Fan and Zhi Xin stood on the edge of the deck, entered the dark plane and began to make the void controller.

Ah Zhui, Leng, Lingxi, Qilin and the others also entered a state of full alert, standing beside Luo Fan and Zhi Xin.

Fortunately, they are all super super, even if they don't sleep for seven days and seven nights, it will be fine.

Not only the super fighters such as Xiongbing Company and Angel are on full alert, even the Juxia is on the highest alert, preventing any enemy from disturbing Luo Fan and Zhi Xin.

Time passed in the blink of an eye under the full security of the Juxia.


Two days later, on the plywood of the Juxia, everyone set up a long table on the deck.

Luo Fan sat above and looked at the five pea-sized void controllers in his hand.

Originally, Zhi Xin planned to make only one for him to use, but Luo Fan thought that others would use it, so he prepared a few more.

For example, Qilin must be used, and Ge Xiaolun. This baby is quite pitiful. I don’t know which pit he is sleeping in. After the communication is connected, if you follow the communication to find him, you still have to give this baby one. of.

For the rest, just keep them prepared, and I will give them to whoever I see is pleasing to the eye.

For example, Ge Xiaolun, Luo Fan thought he was quite pleasing to the eye. Although he was a bit cowardly, he was quite kind. Also, he was a fool who couldn't do anything well. He grew up too slowly. At least, he would be much weaker than Qilin in the future.

Xin Zhao looked at the five void controllers in Luo Fan's hand and asked suspiciously:

"Can something as small as a pea can really do many magical and incredible things?"

Zhi Xin glanced at Xin Zhao and explained:
"This is a void controller made with anti-void and void abilities combined with other cutting-edge technologies. After taking it by anyone, it is far stronger than you."

"Holy shit, it's so magical?" Upon hearing this, Xin Zhao stared at the five void controllers with his eyes gleaming. If he eats these things, wouldn't he be able to beat Liu Chuang in the future?

This guy always makes fun of me and bullies me. When I get stronger, I have to beat him back. Thinking of this, Xin Zhao smiled and said:
"Since there are five pieces in this thing, don't you mind if I eat one?"

"I don't mind." Zhi Xin murmured.

"Then I'm not welcome!" Upon hearing this, Xin Zhao quickly picked up one and put it in his mouth.

And at this moment, Zhi Xin's voice sounded:
"However, the Void Controller can only be eaten by those who have the ability to resist the Void. If you eat it, your genes will collapse and you will die immediately. No one can save that kind."


"Bah... bah..."

Upon hearing this, Xin Zhao quickly spat out the void controller with a look of horror.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, I almost died!"

"You didn't ask?"

Zhi Xin glared at Xin Zhao.

Xin Zhao looked at the void controller in his hand, handed it to Luo Fan reluctantly, and said, "Here, here you are."

Luo Fan took a piece of paper and wrapped it around the void controller and murmured:
"It's disgusting to have your saliva on it, after you find Xiao Lun, he has anti-void ability, you can feed it to him.

Xin Zhao: "..."

Liu Chuang then thought that Zhi Xin said that he could only eat if he had anti-void ability, so he asked:

"Angel Zhixin, can you eat this void controller?"

Hearing this, Zhi Xin said with firmness on her pretty face:

"I can eat it, but I won't eat it because Queen Kesha will scold me if she finds out."

Liu Chuang heard this and asked:
"But, isn't Queen Keisha already offline?"

Zhi Xin's eyes were firm and he said seriously:

"Queen Keisha is always in my heart. I can give everything for Luo Fan's world, but Luo Fan is the main god of this world, and I am not, so I don't eat."

When Liu Chuang heard this, his rough face was full of admiration, and he said in admiration:

"Oh my god, angel girl, your faith is so firm. I, Liu Chuang, really admire you."

Luo Fan also admired Zhi Xin.

If it were him, if he were in Zhi Xin's situation, he would definitely swallow the void controller immediately.

Because, in that way, powerful strength can be obtained immediately.

After all, Zhi Xin has many sacred codes of angels and many powerful technologies in his mind. If Zhi Xin has a void controller, he can become stronger faster than Ge Xiaolun, and his strength is far more terrifying than Ge Xiaolun.

After all, having a void controller is equivalent to having the unique anti-void ability in Ge Xiaolun's body.

And it is this anti-void ability that is the fundamental existence for the Galaxy Power gene to grow into the supreme god of the known universe in the future.

"Luo Fan, you can give the void controller a name." Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan and said.

"Then call it Xiongxin!" Luo Fan didn't bother to name it, so he went straight to the name Xiongxin like in the original work.

"Very good!" Zhi Xin nodded, feeling that the name was good, so she said:
"Now, you eat it."

"Okay, then I'll eat!"

Luo Fan put away the other four core void controllers, and then ate one.

At the same time, he recited silently in his heart to directly activate the Heavenly Punishment System.
"God's punishment, devour the core!"

[Heavenly Punishment System activates, devours the target, and the core void controller starts scanning! 】

[Scan successfully, start analysis, analyze successfully, start swallowing... 1%... 5%... 12%...]

At this moment, Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan, who was still sitting on the chair with a calm expression after swallowing the male core, and asked:

"Hey, why doesn't your stomach hurt? Logically speaking, after swallowing the male core, your stomach will have severe pain like a woman giving birth, and the pain will last all night."

Luo Fan spread his hands, crossed his legs and said:
"It doesn't hurt, I don't feel anything at all."

"That's weird!" Zhi Xin could only scratch his head, unable to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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