Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 160 Qilin: Can you implant a male core in me?

Chapter 160 Qilin: Can you implant a male core in me?

[Successfully swallowed the Void Controller of the Heroic Core, and obtained all the abilities of the Heroic Core! 】

At this time, the sound of the Heaven Punishment System came from the dark plane.

Listening to the voice of the Heaven's Punishment System in his mind, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Fan's mouth.

Zhi Xin noticed the smile on the corner of Luo Fan's mouth, and asked:
"Don't tell me, you have digested the male core now?"

"Yeah!" Luo Fan nodded, and commented: "It just doesn't taste good."

"You're so fast?" Zhi Xin's face was incredible. According to her understanding, after eating the core, it would take at least one night to digest it, and it was very painful, with severe stomach pain.

However, not only did Luo Fan not feel the slightest pain, but he digested it so quickly.

As expected of his outstanding male god, he can even digest his stamina so quickly.

"Zhi Xin, you think I'm fast?" However, Luo Fan stared at Zhi Xin's tender body at this moment and said:

"It seems that if you don't get an injection for a day, you will panic. It's your turn tomorrow."

"Ah?" Zhi Xin thought of Luo Fan's powerful physique, and a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face. He moved his lips and said:
"You'd better let me go, I'm only five hundred years old."

As he said that, Zhi Xin glanced back and forth among the crowd, and finally focused his gaze on Leng, saying:
"By the way, look for Sister Leng. She is over 7000 years old. If you want to take a beating, look for her."

"Looking for me?" Angel pointed at himself coldly and asked:

"I know what you mean, but isn't this too fast?"

"Not fast, not at all." Zhi Xin quickly replied, then pointed at Ah Zhui, and said:
"Did you know that sister Chasing saw Luo Fan less than half an hour ago, and she directly..."

"Ah? So fast?" Leng looked at Ah Zhui in disbelief, and asked:
"Achai, is that so?"

Ah Zhui first glanced at Zhi Xin, then looked at Leng and replied:

"It seems, it seems to be the same thing, but, but I was an accident, an accident, haha."

Hearing this, Leng looked at Ah Zhui in disbelief, which made Ah Zhui's heart tremble.She didn't expect that Ah Zhui, who was usually so serious, would be so serious after meeting Luo Fan... In less than half an hour after meeting him, he lost the most precious thing that had been preserved for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think that it seemed that if I were with Luo Fan now, it wouldn't be happy.

Leng slowly raised his head to look at Luo Fan, and met Luo Fan's hot gaze. Leng suddenly trembled and did not dare to look at Luo Fan again.

Luo Fan stared at Leng for a few times, with a beautiful and cold face, a slender and delicate body, huge and evil, a willow waist that can be grasped, and a pair of straight, round long legs under a short red skirt are so white, tender and elastic .

To be honest, Leng is very beautiful, very beautiful, like the most perfect artwork in the world, it is pleasing to the eye at a glance.

No, it should be said that the most perfect artwork is not enough to describe the beauty of Angel Leng, because angels like Su Leng do not belong to the world.

However, Luo Fan looked away after a few glances, because at night, he was going to implant Qi Lin with a core void controller, also known as a void engine, so that her strength would increase greatly.

As for Leng, the perfect angel flower, he can't run away anyway, so there is no rush for today.

In the following time, Luo Fan and Zhi Xin had an in-depth discussion, studied the various skills of Xiong Xin, and asked Zhi Xin to transmit some sacred codes of angels.

In the room, Luo Fan was lying on the big bed, and Qilin was lying beside her in tulle, with her head resting on Luo Fan's arm, her seductive body was undoubtedly revealed.

Luo Fan turned his head to look at Qilin, and stroked her fair face with his big hands, his silky tentacles.

"you are pretty!"

Luo Fan praised, Qilin is indeed the dream goddess of some nerds in the previous life.

She has a tough character, is patriotic, and is a woman of the country. She is beautiful, has a strong figure, and has a heroic appearance.

Moreover, the Qilin in front of her is much prettier than in the anime in her previous life.

"Brother Luo Fan, it's late at night!"

Qilin looked at Luo Fan with winking eyes, and reminded with a slightly red face.

"You girl, you actually urged me to come."

Luo Fan gently pinched Qilin's nose, and then said:

"There's no rush today, there's still important things to do."

"Is there anything more important than you, a big pervert, thinks?" Qilin asked curiously.


"You actually called me a pervert?"

Luo Fan slapped Qilin's buttocks hard, punishing her.

"No pain."

Qilin gritted her teeth in pain, then quickly endured it and said harshly.

Seeing this, Luo Fan raised his big hand again and slapped it fiercely.

Seeing Luo Fan's ruthless attack, Qilin hurriedly begged for mercy in fear, "No!"

However, Luo Fan suddenly changed, and a male core void controller appeared in his hand.

"Scare me, bastard, I thought you really wanted to be cruel!" Qi Lin's eyes widened, and she rolled her eyes at Luo Fan, immediately full of flair.

It is good to be beautiful, whether you are angry, crying, or happy, you are very beautiful.

Then, Qilin looked at the Xiongxin in Luo Fan's hand and asked:

"Brother Luo Fan, what are you doing with the male core? Are you trying to feed it to me?"

"Yeah." Luo Fan nodded and asked:

"Do you want to have it?"

"Think!" Qi Lin looked happy, but said immediately:
"Currently, the global communication is destroyed by Morgana's Devil One, and the communication is unavailable, which also causes us to have no idea where is being invaded by gluttony. We don't even know where the soldiers are, so we can only fight on our own."

"There is also Brother Monkey. I haven't heard from him for a long time, but he should probably be fighting the Taotie invasion in Huaguo Mountain or other cities."

"That's why I want to have the ambition to grow stronger quickly, first restore global communication, and then drive Taotie out of China together with you."

"However, Zhi Xin also said that to eat the hero core, you must have anti-void ability or the void ability like Zhi Xin, otherwise you will only die from genetic collapse."

"And the power of the galaxy does not have the unique anti-void ability in Ge Xiaolun's body, nor does it have the void ability to burn the heart, so it cannot have the ambition."

Luo Fan looked at such a patriotic Qilin and admired her very much.

In this crisis season, ordinary women only know how to amass money like crazy. Just like the blind date of Ge Xiaolun in the original novel, he quarrels with Ge Xiaolun and lists the soldiers who protect the family and country as the most unmarable men. Who knows? God damn it.

He also asked Ge Xiaolun to have money, money, money, money.

In the end, because of Ge Xiaolun's anger, he woke up and defended his family and country again.

And Qilin, a woman, was just a generation of super warriors in the original work, but she was always on the front line, killing gluttons and demons.

Good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand.

Therefore, this is what Luo Fan has always admired about Qilin the most.

In addition, after traveling to this world, Luo Fan and Qilin grew up together. They were childhood sweethearts and had a deep relationship.

Back in time, Luo Fan was just an orphan whose parents died, and Qilin's father was in a high position, and Qilin was like a princess.

However, Qilin has never disliked him because of this, but has always had a deep friendship with him, secretly promised him, and will never leave him.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Luo Fan loves Qi Lin the most all the time. He and Zhi Xin made the Void Engine Core mainly for Qi Lin,

After all, he has Heaven's Punishment, which is more advanced than Xiongxin, and he doesn't need to devour Xiongxin.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan put his hands on Qi Linxiang's shoulders and asked:
"Qilin, do you want to have the ability to fight against the void? Do you want to have a heroic core?"

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(End of this chapter)

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