Chapter 163 Lesson to Ge Xiaolun

"who am I?"

"where am I?"

Ge Xiaolun slowly opened his eyes, and looked around in a daze.

He only remembered being seriously injured to death by the sword demon Atuo, and at the last moment of consciousness, he saw himself falling into a space-time wormhole, and then...

Then he passed out.


Luo Fan stood behind Ge Xiaolun and tapped his forehead with his fingers.


Ge Xiaolun's frightened face became even more frightened, and he quickly turned around and backed away.

However, when he saw the appearance of the person coming, his panicked face suddenly changed, and he stepped forward crying with joy, and hugged Luo Fan's thigh.

"Brother Luo, Brother Luo, do you know how I live in Frazier?"

"I don't know." Luo Fan replied flatly, looking at Ge Xiaolun, who was kneeling on the ground and hugging his thigh, with snot and tears.

Ge Xiaolun finally saw Luo Fan at this moment, he seemed extremely wronged in his heart, knelt on the ground, hugged Luo Fan's thigh tightly, and said:

"Brother Luo, I'm useless. In Fei Lei Ze, Angel Yan crushed the sword demon Atuo Da, and he has always gained the upper hand."

"Then, I wanted to help, so I used the anti-void ability on the ground, and kept shouting to stop, come down and so on, trying to help Angel Yan."

"In the end, the sword demon Atuo came towards me. I thought I had killed some gluttons in the Tianhe battle and some demons in Fraser. I was already very powerful. But..."

Having said this, Ge Xiaolun looked at Luo Fan and asked fearfully:

"As a result, Brother Luo, guess what?"

Of course Luo Fan knew what the result would be, and said:
"As a result, you raised your sword and slashed at the sword demon Atuo, but he sent your great sword in the void flying with one strike, and then chilled your heart with one strike, and killed you directly."

"Then, you will be resurrected immediately, and when you open your eyes, you will see the sword demon Atuo holding your great void sword and killing Angel Yan directly in a crushed state."

Ge Xiaolun was stunned when he heard the words, because he found that what Luo Fan said was accurate, it was as if he had seen the other person with his own eyes, and said:
"Brother Luo, that's it, but why do you know it so accurately?"

"Then why did you call me Brother Luo?" Luo Fan touched Ge Xiaolun's head and asked.

"That's right!" Ge Xiaolun's cute face seemed to understand, so he said again:
"Afterwards, the sword demon Atuo took my Void Great Sword, which I still don't know how to use, flew over and stabbed me into the ground with a sword."

"The pain at that time, I can feel that my genes are collapsing completely different from before, I will die completely, no, I will not die, because I am the power of the galaxy, the invincible body, it should be the gene collapse and fall into a deep sleep .”

"But at this moment, Angel Yan somehow came back to life, and seemed to use a lot of strength to open a space-time worm gate, and teleported me away. The sword demon Atuo was going to chase me, but suddenly turned towards Angel Yan. Kill the past."

Having said this, Ge Xiaolun hugged Luo Fan's thigh and cried:
"Brother Luo, I can't. I, Ge Xiaolun, can't do it. Not only did I kill Angel Yan once, but I still don't know if Angel Yan is completely dead."

"Angel Yan is not dead." Luo Fan said lightly.

"Great!" Ge Xiaolun wept with joy instantly, with an indescribable joy on his face.Although he, Ge Xiaolun, is cowardly, he is most afraid of owing others. If Angel Yan dies because of him, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"stand up!"

Suddenly, Luo Fan's cold voice sounded.

Hearing Luo Fan's cold voice, Ge Xiaolun suddenly trembled with fright, looking at Luo Fan's serious face, like a child who has done something wrong when he meets his angry parents, he is terribly frightened.

"What...what's wrong, Brother Luo?"

Ge Xiaolun lowered his head, not daring to look into Luo Fan's eyes, and asked nervously.

Luo Fan stretched out his big hand, grabbed Ge Xiaolun's dark alloy armor on the chest, and lifted him up, staring straight at Ge Xiaolun's eyes with his sharp eyes.

Ge Xiaolun felt Luo Fan's sharp gaze and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Luo Fan's eyes.

Seeing this, Luo Fan felt that Ge Xiaolun's character was still so weak despite all his experiences.

Although Ge Xiaolun is cowardly, but his character is still excellent, plus everyone's comrades-in-arms, now he wants to give Ge Xiaolun one more core.

Therefore, Luo Fan felt that it was necessary for him to teach Ge Xiaolun another lesson, to make him braver and not always be cowardly.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan shouted:
"Raise your head up, I."

As soon as the words fell, Ge Xiaolun's body trembled subconsciously, and then he slowly raised his head, but his eyes were still looking down.

"Look straight at me!"

Hearing this, Ge Xiaolun slowly turned his eyeballs up, looking straight into Luo Fan's eyes.

However, when he felt Luo Fan's sharp gaze, he still quickly looked down.


Luo Fan directly rewarded Ge Xiaolun with a chestnut, saying:
"Tell you to look directly at me."

Ge Xiaolun felt the severe pain on his forehead, and thought of the scene where Luo Fan was still facing the sun in order to let him learn to fly, so he quickly looked directly at Luo Fan.

However, there is respect, fear, panic, lack of confidence, and cowardice in his eyes.

Luo Fan looked into Ge Xiaolun's eyes and said:
"Since you call me Brother Luo, I will do it for you. Do you know what your biggest shortcoming is?"

Ge Xiaolun thought for a while and said:
"My shortcoming is that I am too weak."


Luo Fan's face was filled with anger, and he gave Ge Xiaolun another slap in the face and said:
"Wrong, your biggest shortcoming is that you are not confident enough, brave enough, or persistent enough. If you were as firm, brave, and confident as Qilin, you would not be in such a bad state now."

"Since Angel Yan saved you, it means that he is kind to you, and what you have to do is not to hug my leg and cry like a woman here, but to give yourself a favor like a man. Set a firm goal, and make unremitting efforts for this goal, struggle, and don't give up halfway when encountering a little setback."


Hearing Luo Fan's words, Ge Xiaolun felt that Luo Ge's words were very reasonable.

He also knows that he has always been a little cowardly, and when he encountered some setbacks in doing anything, he couldn't persevere and gave up halfway.

He also knew why Luo Fan taught him such a serious lesson, it was for his own good.

Just like Liu Chuang was taught a lesson by Luo Fan when he first came to Super Seminary.

However, the current Liu Chuang is no longer the boss of the bad society, the whole old hooligan.

The current Liu Chuang is patriotic, determined, brave, protecting his comrades, and has made great progress.

As for him, Ge Xiaolun, after being taught a lesson by Luo Fan by throwing him into the sun, he is still so cowardly, giving up whenever something happens and not daring to face it bravely.

Compared with Liu Chuang, he is indeed far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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