Chapter 164 Ge Xiaolun: Brother Luo, stop beating...

Liu Chuang also made great progress after being taught a lesson by Luo Fan, but Ge Xiaolun felt that he was still so cowardly and did not deserve Brother Luo's teachings.

Although, the captain of the Xiongbing Company is still Reina.

However, in the hearts of Liu Chuang and him, Ge Xiaolun, Luo Fan has already been established as the real captain.

After all, Lena is an alien, not of my race, so her heart must be different.

And Luo Fan is an out-and-out Chinese, so they can rest assured.

Moreover, in terms of strength, Ge Xiaolun also knows that Luo Fan is the strongest in the army now, even Brother Hou is not as strong as Luo Fan.

So, quietly, Luo Fan has become the backbone of Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Qilin, Qiangwei, and Rui Mengmeng.

Because of this, Ge Xiaolun was hit by Frazier, and while blaming himself, he opened his eyes and saw Luo Fan for the first time, and then he found a sustenance and hugged Luo Fan's thigh directly and cried.

Closer to home!
Ge Xiaolun blames himself very much now. He was also taught a lesson by Brother Luo. Liu Chuang changed to become better, but he was just the same as before.

It seems that I am such a waste that I am not worthy of Luo Ge's teaching, so I simply quit the Xiongbing Company and go home for the elderly. Anyway, I am not gluttonous, not the opponent of the sword demon Atuo, I am just a waste.

Yes, I quit the Xiongbing Company. Although the country spent a lot of resources to train me, they did it voluntarily. What does it have to do with me?

Although I, Ge Xiaolun, possess the Kamigawa gene with the strongest potential, I cannot be allowed to kill Taotie or demons because of this. I am just a college student.

By the way, aren't there so many fighters, they have machine guns, and they can use machine guns to fight aliens.

That's right, I'm about to quit the Xiongbing Company. I have such a great ability now, and I can't be popular among ordinary people.

Right, that is it.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaolun looked at Luo Fan and was about to speak.


Suddenly, Luo Fan, who noticed the change in Ge Xiaolun's eyes, snorted, and in anger, he slapped Ge Xiaolun on the face.


"Hate things that can't be made into steel!"


Ge Xiaolun only felt a buzzing in his ears, and his head immediately became dizzy.

He pointed at Luo Fan in disbelief and asked:
"You, you hit me?"

"Yes, I'm going to beat you, the loser!"

Luo Fan kicked Ge Xiaolun directly, sending him flying thousands of meters away and crashing into a mountain.


The hard mountaintop exploded directly, and Ge Xiaolun's body penetrated and hit the ground heavily.

Still not satisfied, Luo Fan fell directly from the sky and stepped on Ge Xiaolun, trampling him under his feet.

The reason why Luo Fan was so angry was because he thought of the original book.

Although Ge Xiaolun behaved very cowardly in the Battle of Tianhe and even became a deserter, he was not as good as an ordinary soldier, not even as little girls like Rui Mengmeng.

However, Luo Fan felt that this guy was a college student, hadn't seen the world, hadn't experienced the beatings of the society, although it was too much to be weak, it was justified.

However, after this guy went through many battles, the Super Seminary and the country gave him most of the resources, and the angel helped him become a three-generation god body, and taught him with great care.

He became powerful and became the main god.

However, this guy later met Qiangwei, and because of his personal relationship with Qiangwei, he was so depressed that he went back to his hometown to recuperate.

At that time, demons were rampant all over the world, and ordinary soldiers gave their lives to fight against them. Even Qilin was just a generation of super soldiers who were always trapped in the enemy's rear, fighting with their lives.

Only Ge Xiaolun is the most leisurely. He takes the country's resources and the angel's resources. If he doesn't like it, he will do as he pleases, play by himself, and enjoy life.

Have great power but do nothing.

To say that he only possesses the Kamigawa gene and does not use the resources of the country or the resources of angels, it is reasonable for Ge Xiaolun to rest and enjoy himself.

But enjoy the greatest benefits, but do nothing directly, just enjoy, is this something done by human beings?
Therefore, when Luo Fan saw the look in Ge Xiaolun's eyes just now, he knew that he was backing off. That's why he was so angry that he slapped him.

Now he is the main god of Blue Star, he is the backbone of everyone in the Xiongbing Company, he will make Ge Xiaolun not only enjoy but do nothing.


Luo Fan stepped on Ge Xiaolun's body again, Ge Xiaolun only felt his ribs were broken, his defense was strong and invincible, and his invincible invincibility was like a joke at this moment, breaking through with Luo Fan's defense.


When Ge Xiaolun felt the severe pain, he only felt a rush of hot blood rushing down his throat, and he spit out a mouthful of hot blood.

On the ground, in the bright red blood, the bone dregs are so dazzling.

Ge Xiaolun looked at the cold-faced Luo Fan, feeling frightened in his heart, and quickly begged for mercy:

"Brother Luo...stop...stop..."

"Sister Jinni!"

Luo Fan cursed and stepped on Ge Xiaolun's arms and legs again, crushing all the bones in his limbs.

However, Ge Xiaolun's invincible body is slowly recovering without using the void ability.

"Ge Xiaolun, do you feel any pain?"

Luo Fan stared at the pained Ge Xiaolun, and asked coldly.

Ge Xiaolun spat out a mouthful of hot blood again and felt excruciating pain all over his body. His limbs had no feeling at all and were obviously broken, but he also felt that they were being healed at an extremely fast speed.

"It hurts, it hurts, Brother Luo hurts so much!" Ge Xiaolun replied.

"Does it hurt?... Hehe..." Luo Fan smiled coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed in a random direction, saying:
"You know, there are many soldiers fighting now, and they are fighting with their lives."

"Their chests were shot through and their limbs were broken. However, you, Ge Xiaolun, possess the Galaxy Power Kamigawa gene, an invincible body, and powerful strength. I will crush your limbs and you can recover."

"But, can those ordinary fighters recover?"

"I ask you, can you or can't you?"


Ge Xiaolun replied.


Luo Fan knew that the big-eared maid had slapped Ge Xiaolun's teeth directly on Ge Xiaolun's face, causing his cheeks to swell up.


At this moment, Ge Xiaolun's arm has recovered a little, covering his face and wailing in pain.


Luo Fan slapped Ge Xiaolun's face again, and said angrily:

"Nitama still knows it hurts!"

Luo Fan intends to teach Ge Xiaolun a harsh lesson this time. He just wants to let Ge Xiaolun know that one cannot forget one's roots, and that one has to do things after taking advantage.

We can't let this guy recuperate and enjoy himself like in the original work.

He was going to wake Ge Xiaolun up, even if he couldn't wake up, he still wanted to beat him up.

It's fine if Ge Xiaolun understands him, but if he doesn't understand him and still resents beating him, Luo Fan said it's okay.

After all, with his current strength, it would be useless even if Ge Xiaolun resented him. Instead, he lived under his fear.

And what Luo Fan needs is for Ge Xiaolun to be obedient and not to give up halfway for Lao Tzu.

Luo Fan slapped Ge Xiaolun's face, and said coldly:

"I want you to remember that the country spends a lot of resources to train you, and Angel Yan will give you resources to help you upgrade your third-generation divine body."

"You can't let me lose the chain, you must be worthy of the country's cultivation, you must be worthy of Angel Yan's resources, you must cheer up, you must be brave, and you must obey Laozi's orders to kill gluttons and demons."

"If not, I will serve you with my fist!"

Luo Fan said, stretching out his fist: "Do you understand?"

Ge Xiaolun looked at Luo Fan's sandbag-sized fist, his eyes were full of fear, he nodded repeatedly and said:

"Understood, I understand, Brother Luo, I understand!"

"Fuck, I just owe a beating!"

(End of this chapter)

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