Chapter 167 I am the Lord God

Huang Ze thought about what Zhi Xin said carefully, and found that what the angel Zhi Xin said was true.

In the Battle of Tianhe, tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers were helpless against Taotie's vanguard.

In the end, it was the heroic army that was dispatched to destroy the gluttonous space battleship, and the biggest hero among them was Luo Fan.

In the battle of the Juxia some time ago, the gluttonous army was dispatched, and even stronger demons than the gluttonous were dispatched. If it weren't for Luo Fan, relying on the Juxia alone, and relying on ordinary soldiers would not be able to survive.

Even in the Battle of the North Star, all their ordinary fighters joined forces to destroy a thousand-meter-long firepower ship owned by Taotie, and suffered heavy casualties.

And Angel Leng led two angels, a three-member angel squad, to defend the North Star and destroy Taotie's eighteen thousand-meter-long space battleships, fireships, and countless small flagships.

And Luo Fan is even more terrifying than the strength of the Angel Squad.

After all, he also heard that the fallen angel Nuoning killed Leng, the angel team, and directly collapsed, and Luo Fan arrived, rescued Leng easily, and easily killed the fallen angel Nuoning.

Thinking of this, Huang Lao felt that Zhi Xin's words were indeed reasonable, but it was really hard for him, a high-ranking man, to admit the concept of God.

Zhi Xin stared straight at Huang Lao, with her brain development speed, far smarter than human beings, she naturally knew what Huang Lao was thinking, so she asked lightly:
"So, boy, do you accept the concept of God?"


When Huang Lao heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He was already in his eighties, yet the angel Zhi Xin on the opposite side actually called him a child.

He occupies a high position, and even Dukao would respectfully call him Huang Lao when he sees him. The young-looking Zhi Xin in front of him actually calls him kid?

Hearing this, Huang Lao showed anger on his face, and said coldly:

"Do you know that calling me a child is disrespectful to me?"

However, there was no change on Zhi Xin's face, and he wrote lightly:

"I'm sorry, I only respect Queen Keisha, I only respect Queen Yan, and I only respect my male god Luo Fan. What else is the rest of my business?"

"Also, I'm five hundred years old, there's nothing wrong with calling you a child."

"Also, you haven't answered my question yet. Are you accepting the concept of God now? Don't take advantage of Luo Fan and instead kidnap morality?"

When Huang Lao heard this, he turned his head and glanced at Luo Fan, hoping that he would express something.

Luo Fan naturally felt Huang Ze's gaze, but he didn't express anything.

After all, what Zhi Xin said was right, now that Blue Star is involved in the wars of major civilizations in the universe, it can no longer be a mess.

The devil Morgana has the final say, and Lieyang Pan Zhen has the final say now, no, Pan Zhen is still in Karl's hands, and Lena has the final say.

Now that Queen Keisha is offline, the angels have insufficient prestige, so they can only rely on the new generation of angels who have accumulated their own prestige, most of which are less than 1000 years old.

If Yan had Kaisha's prestige, relying on the many old angels who have been hidden in the universe for 1, 2, and 3 years, they would not be as passive as they are now.

The scumbags Hua Ye has the final say.

In the Styx galaxy, Karl, the god of death, has the absolute right to speak.

Therefore, Luo Fan felt that Zhi Xin's words were very reasonable.

"Ah!" Seeing Luo Fan ignoring him, Huang Ze could only sigh helplessly in the end:

"I...I accept the concept of God."

"Isn't that right?" Zhi Xin nodded, looked at Du Kao, Ling Feng and the others and asked:

"What about you, do you accept the concept of God?"

Ducao heard the words, stood up, and said seriously:

"Of course I accept the concept of God, otherwise I wouldn't have been working on super genes."

"Just like when Pan Zhen invaded Blue Star, he could only defend against it by defeating Buddha Sun Wukong. Otherwise, Pan Zhen would have succeeded."

"Based on my experience of more than 1 years, it is impossible for a civilization without gods to survive among many civilizations with gods."

After finishing speaking, Ducao sat down again, looked at Luo Fan with tiger eyes, and nodded.

Now his daughter Qiangwei is pregnant with Luo Fan's child, and Luo Fan is his son-in-law. When the devil attacked him a while ago, if Luo Fan hadn't rescued him, he would have died long ago.

Regardless of whether it is emotional or reasonable, he feels that Luo Fan must be the main god and must have the concept of God.

Seeing that Ducao also admitted, Zhi Xin looked at Xiong Binglian and asked everyone:
"What about you, do you accept the concept of God?"

"I fully accept it!" Lena, the captain of the Xiongbing Company, spoke first.

She was originally the main god of Lieyang Star, how could she not accept the concept of God.

Moreover, now Luo Fan's strength is already above hers, enough to become the main god of the Chiwu star system.

As a die-hard fan of Luo Fan, Liu Chuang was severely beaten and educated by Luo Fan since he entered the Super Theological Seminary. Later, Luo Fan taught him the ability to throw an ax through wormholes, which had a profound impact on his strength and so on.

Therefore, without thinking about it, Liu Chuang raised his hands and said:
"I, Liu Chuang, absolutely recognize the concept of God. Luo Fan is the main god of our galaxy, and no one will work."

"If you don't agree, first ask me if the ax in my hand agrees?"

"I, Ge Xiaolun, agree too!"

In fact, Ge Xiaolun has a little mischief in his heart. After all, when he first entered the Super Seminary, everyone said that he is the power of the galaxy. When he grows up, he will be the supreme god of the known universe and the main god of the future.

Even Xin Zhao is his right-hand man.

However, later Luo Fan suddenly emerged, and his strength left him far behind. Even his favorite woman, Qiangwei, was pregnant with Luo Fan's child.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaolun lowered his head, glanced at Qiangwei, seeing her tender little hands on her slightly protruding stomach, feeling uncomfortable.

He really wanted to tell Qiangwei, as long as you follow me now, I don't dislike you for having a child, and I am willing to be the father of the child.

However, he himself agreed, but Qiangwei, the goddess in the dream, disagreed, and Qiangwei didn't like him at all.

Indeed, compared with Luo Fan, he was crushed in all aspects.

However, when it comes to Luo Fan being the main god, Ge Xiaolun has no objection, after all, his strength is not as good as the opponent's.

Moreover, even if he had an opinion, he didn't dare to say it. He was beaten up by Luo Fan a few days ago.

Although the scars on his body had already healed, deep down in his heart, he was afraid of Luo Fan.

"I, Xin Zhao, agree, with both hands and feet."

Xin Zhao said with a smile, he didn't think so much, but he believed in chivalry and respected the strong.

Luo Fan is the strongest, so he is the main god, of course, the god of Blue Star.

Cheng Yaowen looked at the crowd and said:
"I, Cheng Yaowen, also agree that uncontrolled gods will lead to the destruction of civilization, but I have been with Luo Fan for a long time, and he is a righteous god."

"With him as a god, civilization will surely go one step further, have a place in the huge universe, and even become a top civilization."

ps: Recommend a novel [Dou Po: Many sons, many blessings, the beginning of the cloud rhyme]

(End of this chapter)

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