Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 168: One person can defeat an entire civilization

Chapter 168 One person can defeat the entire civilization

Qilin sat next to Luo Fan. At this moment in the conference room, she did not hug Luo Fan, but said simply with a serious face:
"I agree!"

Rui Mengmeng also said at this moment:

"I don't have much culture, but I know that every time I meet an enemy, in my opinion, those enemies that are extremely powerful, in the end Luo Ge leads us and can always destroy them."

After Rui Mengmeng finished speaking, she turned to look at Luo Fan and gave him a shy smile.

Seeing this, Luo Fan also smiled slightly.

However, he saw a trace of love in Rui Mengmeng's eyes.

Luo Fan felt nervous, no way, no way, not even Rui Mengmeng would be interested in me.

Mengmeng is a kind and good girl, he has always regarded her as his younger sister.

Qiangwei sat next to Rui Mengmeng and naturally noticed the way Rui Mengmeng looked at Luo Fan.

She knew it was a secret love.

For the girl Rui Mengmeng, she is too shy to express her love and will only hide it in her heart.

However, this matter will be discussed later.

Qiangwei also perverted and said:
"I agree too."

Zhi Xin glanced at everyone, then said:

"It seems that everyone's thinking is very advanced."

"I have nothing to say. Next, you can discuss the battle plan. Anyway, what I need to do, we angels will do our best to assist Luo Fan."

Next, everyone looked at Huang Lao.

Huang Lao felt the eyes of everyone. Before Zhi Xin said these words, he would have felt very proud and everyone would listen to him.

But now, he just knows that everyone thinks he is an old man and respects him.

Moreover, when it comes to ordinary warfare, he has a wealth of experience, and now he can come up with a perfect plan.

The current war is beyond his previous knowledge, and his experience has no effect. What's more, the angels next to him all started at least 500 years ago. They often deal with the wars of civilizations in the universe and exercise justice in the universe. They are more experienced than him. Richer.

Therefore, Huang Lao felt the eyes of everyone, and only felt an invisible pressure on his body.

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, so he simply looked at Luo Fan and said:

"Then... let Luo Fan and... Lord God Luo Fan speak a few words."

"Huang Lao said seriously, just call me Xiao Luo."

Luo Fan first looked at Mr. Huang and said politely, and then said:

"For the Taotie on China, it's very simple, just kill them!"

"It only takes a few days before they are forced to flee into space."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Huang asked curiously:

"Then please ask, Lord Shinra..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Fan interrupted and said:

"Old Huang, as I said, just call me Xiao Luo, it's more kind."

Luo Fan didn't stop Zhi Xin from correcting Huang Lao's thinking before, because he also felt that Zhi Xin was right.

China needs gods, the earth needs gods, and the Chiwu star system needs gods.

Despite this, Luo Fan feels that respect for the elderly is a Chinese virtue and must be regarded as a standard for human conduct.

Moreover, Mr. Huang is an old soldier who has made contributions and deserves his respect.

Therefore, he would not let Huang Lao call him the Lord God.

Huang Lao listened to what Luo Fan said and nodded with satisfaction. He already had a good impression of Luo Fan and suddenly felt that Luo Fan was very good as the main god.

God can live for ten thousand years, 10 years, or even live forever.

As long as Luo Fan is there, civilization can always walk in the right direction, and it will always be blessed by God.

From his point of view, Luo Fan will become stronger and stronger in the future, and even have absolute prestige, controlling most of the things in the future.

After hundreds or thousands of years, anyone who sees Luo Fan in the future will call Luo Fan the Lord God.

And such a powerful god made him feel comfortable calling Xiao Luo affectionately.

In the future, with those old comrades in arms, it can also be said that our main god forced me to be called Ronaldinho.

I wanted to call him Lord God, but he had to let me call him Ronaldinho.

Thinking of this, Mr. Huang looked at Luo Fan kindly and said kindly:

"Little Luo, what's your battle plan? You can drive all the gluttons out of China in a day or two."

"Of course, don't be brave. If you need help, just tell me. I will try my best to help you apply to the higher authorities to assist you in combat."

"No need for Mr. Huang, this time I'm enough alone." Luo Fan looked into the distance through the layers of buildings, and said calmly.

"Can you do it alone?"

When Huang Lao heard this, he stood up straight away, and looked at Luo Fan in horror, his dizzy eyes were also staring round at this moment.

Dukao, who was standing next to him, saw that Mr. Huang was so excited and was worried about his health. He quickly patted Mr. Huang on the back and said:
"Don't get excited, don't get excited Mr. Huang, just listen to Luo Fan."

Then, Dukao looked at Luo Fan and said:
"Luo Fan, continue talking."

"Yeah!" Luo Fan nodded and continued:

"Since everyone says I am the Lord God, let's do what the Lord God does."

"You probably also know that during the Battle of the Juxia, more than a dozen space battleships besieged me, and even fired a dozen world-destructive nuclear strikes and anti-matter laser cannons to attack me."

"There are even hundreds of firepower ships nearby, with tens of thousands of gluttonous firepower."

"However, I resisted them all one by one, and even killed them and ran away for their lives."

"And now, with the help of Angel Zhixin, global communications have been restored, and we can know exactly where Taotie is."

"Then, I can visit them one by one. If I see a Taotie, I will kill one. If I see ten thousand, I will kill ten thousand. I believe that the Taotie who will definitely kill will be frightened and immediately flee into the depths of space."

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Mr. Huang excitedly slammed the table and shouted:

"Taotie, the giant wolf civilization invaded. We lost too many warriors and too many lives. Now, we can finally drive them out and pay the price with blood."

"Xiao Luo, I thank you on behalf of everyone!"

As Huang Lao said, he saluted Luo Fan.

"Huang Lao's words are serious!" Luo Fan also saluted back.

Looking into the distance, a cold voice came out:

"Those who commit crimes against China will be punished even if they are far away!"

Ge Xiaolun looked at the high-spirited Luo Fan with envy on his face.

"In the past, before the Battle of Tianhe, Luo Fan was far from being as strong as he was then. Although he was stronger than Ge Xiaolun, the gap was far from as big as it is now."

"At that time, everyone believed that Ge Xiaolun possessed the power of the galaxy, the Shenhe gene, and that he would be the supreme god of the known universe in the future. All resources were devoted to him, and he was even said to be the main god of the future."

"However, Ge Xiaolun thinks that if he is allowed to be the main god, facing such a situation, he has no choice but to fight bit by bit."

"Even if he were to face a gluttonous space warship by himself, he would have no way to do it. He would be seriously injured and then seriously injured. After all, his greatest strength is resistance, and he cannot fight against more than a hundred gluttons at the same time."

"Only Luo Fan is fearless in the face of tens of thousands of Taotie. Faced with this situation, he can say that I am the main god. I alone can kill the Taotie and escape from the Blue Star."

(End of this chapter)

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