Chapter 183 Beautiful Tianshuang, Linglong
"Die, bastards!"

Luo Fanfei flew on Tianren No. [-], using the God's Eye of Punishment, two red lights shot and killed the gluttons one by one.

Since there are more than 9000 Taotie, they are densely packed in the sky.

The two red lights shot back and forth, like a meat grinder, harvesting the life of Taotie.

Thirty angels also joined the battlefield under the leadership of Moy.

Moy is okay, the third generation of high-level guardian angels, although not as fast as Luo Fan's killing speed, usually one sword at a time.

But for thirty or so ordinary angels, it takes a few moves to kill a Taotie.

After all, an ordinary Taotie with a full body of armor is equivalent to the strength of a generation of super warriors. In fact, when multiple Taotie besieged him, a generation angel who was hundreds of years old was almost killed.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Luo Fan flew at the height of Tianren No. [-], his whole body burst into golden light, his golden hair shot up to the sky, and the two red lights in his eyes blasted a lot of gluttons to death in an instant.

Just 30 seconds later, when Zhi Xin, Ah Zhui, Ling Xi, and Leng came out of the command hall, they saw only the corpses of Taotie falling from the sky. There was no living Taotie on the entire Tianren No. [-].

And Luo Fan also exited the state of the second-level extreme berserk, and fell downward.

After all, the second level of extreme berserk is too exhausting. Even if he now has several fourth-generation divine bodies, and they still have strengthening values, he still feels that his body is very exhausted at this moment, and he feels a sense of fatigue after strenuous exercise for ordinary people. .

However, it was much better than when it first cast its second level of extreme rage.

Luo Fan still remembers that at that time, he was only halfway through the second level of extreme rage. Before he could succeed, the vitality of his whole body was rapidly depleted, and his whole body looked like a skin and bones. Even the second level of extreme rage was not successful.

Now, not only can it be successfully performed, but it can also last for such a long time, which is a great improvement.


Luo Fan landed on Tianren No. [-] from the sky and made a loud noise, crushing the head of a Taotie under his feet.

Looking around, there are gluttonous corpses everywhere, blood flowing like a river.

"Luo Fan, what was your state just now?"

At this moment, Zhi Xin came over and grabbed Luo Fan's arm and asked.

Just now, Luo Fan had been fighting, so she didn't have time to ask.


Luo Fan groaned and said:
"That's the second level of extreme rage. On the basis of the first level of extreme rage, it can be strengthened by a hundred times again, which can increase some of my strength."

"Increase some strength?" Zhi Xin murmured, this has been increased by a hundred times, and some strength?
However, this kind of Kamigawa gene is really terrifying. If every angel is implanted with this kind of gene, then who else in the universe is an opponent.

However, Zhi Xin had a question, how did Luo Fan possess such a god-defying Shenhe gene, so Zhi Xin asked:

"Fan, where did your second-level extreme rage come from?"

"I figured it out myself." Luo Fan said half-truthfully.

It can't be said that I own the system, it is rewarded by the system, the system is his biggest reliance, no one can say that.

Moreover, he said that he did it by himself, not by his own research, and the rewards obtained by the system, weren't they also made by himself?

This is also true.

"What? You really researched it yourself?"

Hearing this, Zhi Xin said with a shocked face.

Although, she had already guessed that Luo Fan had researched it himself. After all, the scientific researchers Luo Fan had the greatest contact with were the instructors from the Super Seminary, but those instructors were not of that level.

Strong mentors have long since left the Super Seminary. For example, the God of Death, Karl, was also a mentor of the Super Seminary. The former Apocalypse King Liang Bing was also a mentor of the Super Seminary, and Tianji King Hexi...

However, even Death God Karl, Liang Bing, Hexi, and even Space Principal Kieran couldn't develop such a heaven-defying Kamikawa gene as the second-level extreme berserk.

Therefore, when Luo Fan said what he had researched, he was so shocked.

Zhi Xin really wanted to get into Luo Fan's brain, to study how his brain grew, to be so smart.

In a few months, the Kamigawa gene that is so heaven-defying as the second-level extreme rage has been researched.

Not only Zhi Xin, but the thirty or so angels beside him also showed terrified expressions.

Although they are not as knowledgeable as Zhi Xin, seeing Luo Fan's powerful combat power just now, they also understand how difficult it is to research the second level of extreme berserk.

However, Luo Fan looked at one of the angels, where two beautiful angels were particularly conspicuous among the angels.

One has long golden hair, neat bangs, a tall and delicate body, a huge evil, and a slender waist, especially those long snow-white legs, which are particularly conspicuous in the night.

Angel Tianshuang, a beautiful second-generation angel.

The other has short hair, a tough and beautiful face, and is equally evil. A pair of beautiful legs under a short red skirt can be seen for 300 years.

Angel Linglong, a beautiful second-generation angel.

Luo Fan remembered that in the original work, the angel Chai discovered the Insect Bridge where Hua Ye's fleet was heading to Mero Heaven.

As a result, Ruoning found her, and then led a fleet to ambush on a planet.

And Ah Zhui followed, and while reporting to Yan, Yan supported these two beautiful second-generation angels for Ah Zhui.

However, the two angels were only the second generation, and they were killed by Nuoning in a few moves. Even Ah Zhui was killed by Nuo Ning using Hua Ye's void-level god-killing martial arts. However, Ah Zhui had a secondary biological engine and survived. He Linglong didn't have a secondary biological engine, so he was completely dead.

However, Tianshuang and Linglong have reached the second-generation level of angels at the age of only a few hundred years old, and they are at the same level as Lingxi. Although they are weaker than Lingxi, they are still very good.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan waved to the two beautiful angels, smiled and said:
"Tianshuang, Linglong, come here."

"Okay, Luo..."

Tianshuang and Linglong heard the words, agreed and walked towards Luo Fan.

It's just that I don't know how to call Luo Fan.

When he got closer, Luo Fan realized that the two archangels were even more beautiful. Look at their fair skin and well-proportioned figures.

"Just call me Roger."

Luo Fan looked at the two women and said calmly.

"Okay, Brother Luo, Brother Luo."

Tianshuang and Linglong yelled with a smile, but Tianshuang stared at Luo Fan and asked curiously:

"Brother Luo, how do you know my and Linglong's names?"

"Because you two are only a few hundred years old, and you have reached the second generation of angels. Ah Zhui often mentioned you two to me, saying that you are rising stars, and you will definitely become the third generation of high-level angels in the future."

Luo Fan said without changing his face, and pulled Ah Zhui out to block the gun.

Ah Zhui next to him heard the words, and a pair of beautiful eyes fell on Luo Fan.

If it weren't for the fact that there are so many angel sisters now, she would have to ask Luo Fan, when did I tell you about Tianshuang and Linglong, did I say it in the room or in the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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