Chapter 184 Upgrade Gene
Tianshuang and Linglong received praise from Luo Fan and said happily:

"Brother Luo, you said that we will become three generations of high-ranking angels in the future?"

"Well, you will definitely be very powerful in the future." Luo Fan looked up and down the two women with clear eyes.

This time, the angel suffered heavy losses in order to send Tianren No. [-] to the earth and give it to Luo Fan.

And now, although some plots have changed with his insertion, and many things that will happen in the future have happened in advance, Tianshuang and Linglong may still die in the future.

Now the angel has paid a great price for him, Luo Fan intends to make it up, let's make it up to Tianshuang Linglong.

Give them an upgrade so they don't die in the future.

As far as Luo Fan is concerned, he still has several massive resources of the fourth generation of gods, and upgrading the two to the third generation of high-level angels is just a wave of his hand.

But for two beautiful angels, it could be life or death.

If you don't know, forget it, if you know, just do it, Luo Fan doesn't like to owe others.

Of course, you can also act spontaneously, do whatever you want, and do things according to your own principles.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan looked at Tianshuang, Linglong, and asked:
"Do you want to become the third generation of high-ranking angels now?"

"Three generations of angels? Think!" Tianshuang and Linglong said in unison, their faces full of excitement.

The two of them worked very hard, so they were able to upgrade to the second generation in a few hundred years, and they were deeply valued by Yan.

Otherwise, they will not be sent to support Ah Zhui in the future to deal with the mighty Ruoning.

However, they still want to be stronger, but it is difficult to reach the third generation of high-level angels.It requires at least several thousand meters of accumulation. There is only one exception, and that is Zhi Xin, but she is the only direct disciple of Tianji King Hexi.

Seeing this, Luo Fan raised his big hand, and two white rays shot into Tianshuang and Linglong's bodies immediately.

Immediately, the bodies of Tianshuang and Linglong lifted off the ground automatically, floating one meter in the air.

Tianshuang and Linglong didn't know what Luo Fan was going to do to them at the beginning. After all, the resources of the three generations were too precious, so how could they just give them what they said? Even among their angels, they usually had to make great contributions. OK.

Suddenly, Tian Shuang's expression changed, because she felt that when those white lights entered her body, the angel genes in her body were undergoing earth-shaking changes, as if they were evolving.

Tianshuang suddenly had a bold idea in her heart, and looked at Linglong beside her, only to see Linglong also looking over, with shock in their eyes.

After a while of eye contact, they had already confirmed that Luo Fan was upgrading them to three generations of gods.

Behind Tianshuang and Linglong, more than thirty young angels looked at the two women in the sky with envious eyes.

They didn't expect that Tianshuang and Linglong, who were already outstanding, were being promoted by Luo Fan to the third generation of high-ranking angels.

Involuntarily, everyone looked at Luo Fan, who was glowing with white light in his hand. His beautiful eyes were full of heat.

However, Luo Fan directly ignored the hot eyes of more than thirty pairs.

Although more than [-] angels have been upgraded to three generations, he can still hold on, there is no problem at all, and they can all be fixed.

However, it is too tiring and requires too much effort and resources.

A moment later, the white light in Luo Fan's hand disappeared, and the angel Linglong and Tianshuang also completed their upgrades and slowly fell from the sky.

Then, Tianshuang and Linglong pulled out their flame swords, and directly chopped down on the corpse of Taotie on the ground.

Immediately, Taotie's body was split into two.

Tianshuang and Linglong tried their power and felt that they had indeed reached the level of third-generation high-level angels, and they were extremely excited.

Unexpectedly, it would take thousands of years and great achievements to be upgraded to the third generation of high-level angels. Now Luo Fan waved his hand, and they were successfully upgraded.

The two women looked at each other, looked at Luo Fan and solemnly thanked:

"Brother Luo, thank you for upgrading us to the third generation of high-ranking angels. If we need anything in the future, we only need to order, and Tianshuang and Linglong will definitely do it."

Hearing Tianshuang and Linglong's words, Luo Fan felt a little turmoil in his heart, but he still smiled and said:

"I'm not helping you upgrade out of gratitude. On the contrary, you angels have sacrificed too much to send Heavenly Blade No. [-]. I'm here to compensate you."

Seeing this, Tianshuang and Linglong didn't insist, and said:

"Thank you so much, Brother Luo, but we will always remember this kindness in our hearts. It's still the same sentence, but if you need anything, just ask us sisters."

Zhi Xin, who was standing next to her, saw that Luo Fan was so popular among the angels and was also happy for him.

Then, Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan, spread her hands and said:
"Luo Fan, here is an image left by Yan, just take a look."

"it is good!"

Luo Fan took the walnut-sized golden crystal in Zhi Xin's hand. In less than a second, the golden crystal turned into an image and appeared in the air in front of him.

Suddenly, a lifelike Yan appeared in front of him, just like a real person.

With a beautiful face, wearing a crown, her long golden hair was casually scattered on her chest.

The red royal robe was draped behind her, and the tight silver battle armor revealed her uneven and delicate body, and her slender willow waist was as flexible as a water snake.

Under the red short skirt, a pair of long, slender and round snow-white legs appeared in front of her eyes, revealing infinite temptation.

As expected of Angel Yan, she is so beautiful, the beauty is suffocating.

To the north of the Milky Way, Wuyan is the most beautiful, not just for fun.

Soon, Yan's delicate red lips parted slightly, and his sweet tongue spoke:
"God of the world, Luo Fan, I am very glad that you can see this message from me, which means that you have successfully won the Tianren Seventh."

"This Tianren 7 was given to you by me on Earth... Well, it is actually specially given to you, because you are here, and you are the main god of the Earth."

"Your civilization is in great need of this Sky Blade Seven. Zhi Xin knows how to control it. If you modify it properly, it will come in handy."

Speaking of this, Yan suddenly smiled softly and said:

"Luo Fan, since I met you, I realized that 7000 years is not old."

"I still have something to do, so I won't be able to see each other in the near future. See you soon, my future male god!"

Speaking of this, the image suddenly disappeared.

Seeing Yan's image disappear, Luo Fan knew what she was going to do.

That is the next generation king of angels, Ainesheed, calculated by the patron saint Kesha using the treasure house of knowledge in Fraser.

Yan realized that Morgana was also going to Fraser, so he went.

Regarding the next generation of angel kings, Luo Fan's idea is that the treasure house of knowledge is dead, but people are alive.

Relatively speaking, Yan is a pure warrior, and he has some love-mindedness. For example, in order to send him the Heavenly Blade No. [-] this time, many angels were sacrificed.

And Anishid, who built a kingdom from the weak, calmly...

Compared to Yan, Anishid's character is indeed suitable to be the king of angels.

However, now that he, Luo Fan, has come to this world, whoever he says is the King of Angels will be that one.

I'm sorry, Anishid, I don't know him yet, and I can't be the king of angels.

Moreover, although Kesha has been offline, the sacred atoms are scattered to all corners of the universe and will take [-] million years to converge.

However, with Luo Fan here, he will be able to resurrect Kaisha in a short time. As for the resurrection into a mature Kaisha, or a seven or eight-year-old little milksha, that is his decision.

Therefore, Kesha will be there by then, and Hexi himself will definitely not let her die, and Yan will be stronger. The position of the King of Angels will not be occupied by Ainehid.

(End of this chapter)

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