Chapter 204 Morgana: Luo Fan, come to me...

In Morgana's room!
Morgana took off her black suit at the moment and was wearing a sexy white silk pajamas.

The proud and delicate body is undoubtedly revealed.

The fair skin, the slender waist, and the huge evil are indeed the greatest evil in the known universe.

However, there was hesitation in Morgana's eyes at this moment. After hesitating for a while, she finally gritted her teeth and connected to Luo Fan's communication:

"Is Luo Fan there?"

In the garden of Tianren No. [-], Luo Fan was lying on the grand master's chair, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Suddenly, Luo Fan opened his eyes and sat up abruptly.

"Fuck, what is Liangbing looking for with me?"

Listening to Liang Bing's voice in the communication, Luo Fan couldn't figure out what Liang Bing wanted to do when he contacted him.

After all, Morgana had never contacted him since that day.

Now, after a few months, Morgana's belly may have grown a lot, and I don't know if her evil has become bigger.

There was no contact for so long, and the cold and cold contact made Luo Fan feel a little uneasy even though he was surrounded by thousands of flowers.

However, escaping is not Luo Fan's principle of doing things. If there is a problem, he must face it and face it with all his strength...

Thinking of this, Luo Fan replied:
"Here, does Da Bingbing miss me?"

In Devil No. [-] room, Liang Bing lying on the bed suddenly got up and said:

"I miss you, you big-headed ghost. I miss no one, Queen."

Hearing this, Luo Fan thought for a while and asked:

"If you don't want me, why do you contact me?"

Hearing this, Liang Bing fell into deep thought on her suffocatingly beautiful face.

That's right, Queen, I don't want him, why contact him?
However, if I say that I miss him, then where can I put the face of this Demon King?

Thinking of this, Liang Bing fell into a tangle.

I really want to hang up Luo Fan's communication directly, but I feel reluctant to hang up.

After all, she is about to leave the Chiwu star system. If she wants to see her in the future, it will be difficult to see her across a distant galaxy.

At that time, seeing each other will not be as simple as going out of the ball, but going out of the galaxy.

Therefore, before leaving, Morgana wanted to see Luo Fan. It was best to let him come to Devil No. [-] and come to her room...

However, although Morgana thought so in her heart, she was still very entangled.

After all, the two of them had an affair while they were drunk. Now if they meet again, even she would feel a little embarrassed.

But if I don't see you, I'm going to leave now, and I feel a little regretful.

"Hey, what should I do?"

Morgana rubbed her hair and fell into tangle.

Luo Fan saw Morgana fell into silence, so he also fell silent.

He never likes to take the initiative, prefers to be passive...

No, Luo Fan suddenly thought that Qiangwei, Zhixin, and Reina did not take the initiative.

But here Liang Bing definitely took the initiative.

After all, after receiving the ten-day incense tax, Luo Fan went to the camp and followed Liang Bing to Devil No. [-].

Excellent hunters often appear as prey.

So, after seizing the opportunity, Luo Fan took the initiative to take down the cold ice.

Then, when it was over, he brushed off his clothes and ran away immediately.

Now that I think about it, everything is my own initiative.

Thinking of Morgana's alluring body and beautiful and charming face, Luo Fan's heart itch.

Generally speaking, after a man has a woman, he will slowly lose interest.

However, for a peerless beauty like Liang Bing, Luo Fan felt that even after 100 or a million years, he would not lose interest.

Because she is beautiful enough!

Thinking of this, Luo Fan felt that he should take the initiative to attack as before.

So, Luo Fan broke the silence and said:

"Liang Bing, if you miss me, just tell me!"

When Liang Bing on the bed heard Luo Fan's voice, his tangled expression immediately became happy, and he replied:
"No, absolutely not, Queen, I only want my child."

When Luo Fan heard this, he was also angry. If you don't want to give me face, then you can't blame me, so he said calmly:
"Since you don't want me, then I will hang up, and then set your communication as a blacklist."

When Liang Bing heard this, he suddenly panicked and said quickly:
"Think, I guess you're not alright?"

After finishing speaking, Liangbing immediately changed his words:

"No, I absolutely don't want to, it's my child who misses you."

"Haha...haha..." Hearing this, Luo Fan could imagine how funny Liangbing's expression was now, so he said:
"Okay, if you don't miss me, your child will miss me...but isn't your child also my child?"

Liang Bing sat on the bed, touched his slightly bulging belly, and said:
"I'm leaving the Chiwu star system soon."

Hearing this, Luo Fan instantly guessed what Liang Bing was thinking.

It seems that Liangbing has been thinking about him for the past few months.

It's just that because she is the king of demons, she still needs shoes, so she has been reluctant to contact her.

And now, he is about to leave the Chiwu star system, so he contacted him.

Perhaps, Liang Bing still wants to see him.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan said:
"Then let's meet, I miss my child too."

Liang Bing heard that Luo Fan wanted to see each other, his face was filled with joy, but he still restrained his joy, and said flatly:
"Okay, the child must miss you."

Luo Fan listened to Liang Bing's flat voice,
Hmph, you pretend, try your best to pretend to me, after I see you, I have to let you try it...

"Let's meet somewhere. Make an appointment at a time and a place. Let's catch up on old times. I won't catch up with each other for ten days. I'm sorry to meet you once."

"Then you come to Devil One, I will use Devil One to teleport you here in an instant."

"However, Devil No. [-] can't even solve a hair on your head, and it seems like it can't teleport you here..."

"Oh, it's easy, just give me the coordinates, and I'll come over in an instant."

"You can come here instantly?" Liang Bing said with a surprised look on his face.

Such a long distance usually requires large celestial bodies to cooperate with engine calculations. Logically speaking, Luo Fan would never be able to get through. She couldn't figure out why Luo Fan could get over.

But Liang Bing didn't doubt Luo Fan, after all, when this guy was not very strong, even she was taken down.

There is nothing incredible in this world that Luo Fan cannot do.

So, Liangbing sent the coordinates of Devil One to Luo Fan.

Luo Fan looked at the coordinates in the communication, the wings of time and space in his body moved, and his body instantly appeared in space.

Standing in the dim space, Luo Fan took one step forward, appeared on the square on Devil No. [-], and then walked towards the main hall.

At the same time, Ato, the sword demon in Devil No. [-], found Luo Fan's traces, rushed to the square, stared at Luo Fan angrily, his dark face was full of anger, and gritted his teeth:
"Luo Fan, you have harmed the queen, yet you still dare to come here. Today, I, the sword demon Atuo, will beat you to the point of crying."

After Ato finished speaking, he pulled out the sword of command bestowed by Morgana, stepped on his feet, and immediately shot out his body, slashing at Luo Fan with his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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