Chapter 205 Liang Bing: Give the child a name...

In Demon Square No. [-], Atuo held the sword of command and slashed at Luo Fan's head with all his strength.

The reason why Atuo took action with all his strength was because he knew that Luo Fan was too powerful.

Facing Atuo's full sword, Luo Fan didn't even resist, let alone hide, but just stood there calmly.


When A Tuo slashed at Luo Fan's head with the sword of command, there was only a ding sound, and there was no scar on Luo Fan's head.

A Tuo was stunned for a moment. He knew that Luo Fan was very strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

With his full sword, if the queen didn't make any defense, she would be cut in half by him.

However, when it came to Luo Fan, nothing happened.

This is too hard!

Luo Fan glanced at Atuo, and said lightly:

"Too bad!"

Then he stretched out his finger and flicked towards the sword of command.


Suddenly, the sword of command was broken into pieces by Luo Fan's fingers, leaving only the hilt in his hand.

Ato: "???"

Luo Fan looked at the sword demon Atuo, shook his head, and said:
"Too bad!"

"I haven't seen you for a few months, but you have grown a lot, from a third-generation super warrior to a third-generation divine body, but you are still too weak."

When Sword Demon Atuo heard this, his bewildered face became even uglier, and he was deeply hit by Luo Fan.

But even if he couldn't defeat Luo Fan, the sword demon Atuo still stood beside Luo Fan, with his hands open to shield him, he said firmly:

"Even if you die, I won't let you go in and hurt the queen again!"


Luo Fan sighed and was about to pat Atuo on the shoulder, but found that Atuo was more than three meters tall.

So, he kicked A Tuo's legs directly, and A Tuo immediately knelt on the ground.

Luo Fan then patted Atuo on the shoulder and said sincerely:

"Atuo, we are old acquaintances. I have a piece of advice for you. Don't be a licking dog. A licking dog will lick a dog. In the end, there will be nothing left."

After speaking, Luo Fan kicked the Sword Demon Atuo into space.

In space, suddenly another insect door suddenly teleported the sword demon Atuo to the depths of space.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

Luo Fan clapped his hands and murmured:
"It's all right now, no one will disturb my beautiful night with Da Bing Bing."

Luo Fan walked toward Liang Bing's room with his hands behind his back, taking steps that he didn't recognize.

Along the way, 10,000+ demons saw Luo Fan and moved out of the way.

There was no other way. Atuo, the strongest sword demon under the queen, had been killed. They didn't dare to stop Luo Fan.

Luo Fan had an unimpeded journey and arrived at Liang Bing's door.


Luo Fan stood in front of the door and knocked gently.

Inside the house, Liang Bing stood behind the door with an excited face and asked:


"Why are you here?"

Luo Fan: "..."

It seems that even Morgana, the most evil person in the known universe, is a little uneasy when facing a man like herself.

However, Luo Fan was impatient and said directly:

"If you don't open the door again, I will kick your door open, and then I will beat you first and then..."

Liang Bing heard this and said:

"You are still so domineering, can't you be gentler?"

As Liang Bing spoke, he opened the door.

Luo Fan looked at the beautiful and charming Liang Bing, and said:
"I have to be more domineering towards you. Isn't it stupid to be like Atuo, that ten thousand-year-old dog licker?"

After saying that, Luo Fan closed the door and sat naturally on Liang Bing's bed.

Seeing this, Liang Bing stood there for a moment, not knowing whether to go over and sit on the bed directly.

If that were the case, wouldn't it look like he was too proactive and too anxious?

Luo Fan looked at Liang Bing and raised his fingers at her.

Seeing this, Liang Bing thought to himself that you called me, not me, so he walked towards Luo Fan and sat down on the bed.

Luo Fan glanced at Liang Bing and said:
"Why are you sitting there? Sit on my lap."


Liang Bing made a sound, her voice charming, and asked:
"So, isn't it too fast, shouldn't we have a chat?"

Luo Fan touched Liang Bing's hair and said with a smile:

"Where do you want to go, I just let you sit on my lap so that I can stick to your stomach and listen to my baby."

Only then did Liang Bing realize that he had thought too much and said:
"So that's it, I thought you were going to..."

Having said this, Liang Bing quickly closed his mouth,

Luo Fan smiled, slapped Liang Bing's plump buttocks, and said:
"Tell me, what do you think I'm going to do?"


With a coquettish cry, Liang Bing gave Luo Fan a blank look, and then said:

"Don't you want to hear about it kid?"


Luo Fan hummed, and stroked Liang Bing's bulging stomach with his big hands.

He could feel that there was a little life inside that was working hard to grow.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Fan placed Liang Bing beside the bed, and then squatted down...

He gently leaned his head on Liang Bing's belly, feeling the beating of the fetus inside.

Sitting on the bed, Liang Bing watched Luo Fan rest his head on his stomach with a happy expression on his face.

If possible, she would like to stay like this for the rest of her life, stay with Luo Fan, give birth to a child, raise the child, and live happily as a family of three.

However, she is the Demon King Morgana, pursuing corruption and freedom, and there are hundreds of thousands of demons under her command who need her.

Moreover, Luo Fan will not be like this,

She knows that this guy is very powerful, so there are many women around him, and he is still a very good woman.

This time I took the initiative to find Luo Fan, and it was only because I was about to leave the Chiwu star system that I couldn't help but take the initiative because of the longing in my heart.

Luo Fan listened for a while and thought that the child didn't have a name yet, so he asked:
"Liang Bing, have you named the child?"

Liang Bing touched his belly and said:
"I haven't thought about it. After all, you are the father of the child, so you should get it for him."

Luo Fan held Liang Bing's slippery little hand with one hand, stroked his swollen belly with the other, and said:
"Actually, it doesn't matter to me who the name is, and the same goes for your name."


Liang Bing directly shook his head and said:

"Although it doesn't matter to you, I must consider it for you. Otherwise, if someone asks why the child has my last name in the future, it will hurt your face."

"So, you better take it."

"All right!"

Luo Fan touched Liang Bing's hair, but he didn't expect that Morgana, who had always been domineering, decisive and independent, insisted on asking his opinion on the name of the child.

It seems that Liang Bing still has him in his heart.

Luo Fan thought for a while, and then said:
"If it's a boy, let's call it Liang Luo. If it's a girl, let's call it Luo Bing."

"Liang Luo, Luo Bing?"

Liang Bing murmured, suddenly smiled and said:
"Isn't this the combination of your name and mine? And if it's a boy, wouldn't it be my last name?"

Luo Fan hugged Liang Bing, pinched her upturned nose:

"As I said, I don't have a problem with the child's surname. In this way, if a boy takes your surname and a girl takes my surname, it's fair."

"As for the joke you said about my child taking your surname, it depends on whether he dares... If he dares, he will blow him up with one punch."

(End of this chapter)

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