Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 206 Liang Bing: I finally realize how powerful you are

Chapter 206 Liang Bing: I finally realized how powerful you are...

Devil No. [-], in the Queen's room.

Liang Bing and Luo Fan sat on the bed, Luo Fan held Liang Bing's waist with one hand, and touched Liang Bing's slightly swollen belly with the other.

A pair of eyes, condescendingly staring at Liang Bing's...

Luo Fan felt a little parched, and said:
"Liang Bing, I miss these two sisters..."

When Liang Bing heard this, his face was full of doubts, his seductive red lips parted slightly, and he asked:

"Two sisters, which two sisters do you want?"


Luo Fan chuckled twice, stared at Liang Bing and said:
"What do you think?"

Liang Bing moved down slowly following Luo Fan's gaze, her beautiful face suddenly turned red, her little hand lightly hammered Luo Fan's chest, and said coquettishly:

"Hey, I'm ignoring you!"

Luo Fan looked at Liang Bing who was slightly shy and blushing, stroked her pretty face with his big hand, and said suddenly:

"If Carl, that 3-year-old licker, saw your expression in my arms, I wonder if he would be furious."

When Liang Bing heard this, his face turned cold, and he returned to his usual domineering appearance as the Demon King, and said coldly:

"Karl's old Yinbi is like a sissy. He doesn't even have a body. He's still a phantom. Ghosts like him."

" only like me."

With that said, Luo Fan rushed towards Liang Bing...

[Ding, the galactic power enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, the galactic power enhancement value is +1. 】

[Ding, Nuoxing God of War’s enhancement value +1. 】

[Ding, Nuoxing God of War’s enhancement value +1. 】

[Ding, the enhancement value of the German Star Spear is +1. 】

[Ding, the enhancement value of the German Star Spear is +1. 】

[Ding, the strengthening value of the power of time and space is +1. 】

[Ding, the strengthening value of the power of time and space is +1. 】


In Luo Fan's mind, system notifications sounded one after another.

The next day!

Sword Demon Atuo had a gloomy face, and flew back to Devil One from the depths of space.

Just after returning to Demon No. [-], Sword Demon Atuo glanced around and did not see Luo Fan.

"Hey, Atuo, are you back?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Atuo.

Atuo turned around and looked, and it turned out that the crocodile god Thorton came over with a figure-footed step and a cow leg in his mouth to eat.

Sword Demon Atuo stared at Thorton, and asked anxiously:

"Shorton, did Luo Fan leave yesterday?"

Thorton chewed the beef leg with bones into pieces and swallowed it into his belly. He touched his belly and said:
"Leave, how could he leave, he's still on Devil One."

"Still on Devil One? Could it be?"

Sword Demon Atuo's heart tightened. Although he loved the queen and knew that he did not deserve the queen, he would still feel very uncomfortable and even painful if the queen was obtained by someone else.

Atuo raised his feet and slowly came to Thornton's side. He put his two big hands on Thornton's shoulders and stared straight at Thornton with his small eyes.

Seeing Ato's movement and expression, Thornton felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, and the scales on his body almost stood upside down. He said hastily:
"Brother Atuo, brother, I don't like that, and we are of different types. Please don't have any thoughts on me?"


Sword Demon Atuo was in a very sad mood at the moment, he slapped Thornton's head directly, and said coldly:
"I'm not in the mood to fight with you right now. If I ask you a question, just answer it. Do you understand?"

Thornton is known as the crocodile god, so he is naturally powerful and very arrogant.

After being slapped on the head by the sword demon Atuo, a surge of anger suddenly rose in his heart, and he said angrily:

"Lick the dog, do you want to taste the power of my crocodile Thornton?"

"Try?" Sword Demon Atuo said with a dark face and a cold voice.

Thornton felt the strong murderous aura in Sword Demon Atuo, and his angry expression immediately changed, and he said with a smile:
"Oh, brother Atuo, what kind of friendship do we have, please tell, please tell, Thornton must know everything."

"Let me ask you, Luo Fan didn't leave Devil One, so where did he go to Devil One?"

Atuo put his hands on Thornton's shoulders and asked eagerly.

Thornton didn't joke this time, nor did he get angry, and replied honestly:

"He went to the Queen's chambers."


A Tuo only felt that his brain was hit by a giant hammer, his body staggered, and then asked again:

"After Luo Fan entered the queen's room, did he leave at night?"


Hearing this, A Tuo's big hand on Thornton's shoulder slowly tightened, and he held Thornton's shoulder and said:
"Then has Luo Fan left the Queen's room now?"

Thornton felt the huge pain on his shoulder, and said:

"No, it's still in the queen's room."


A Tuo suddenly roared, and shook his big hand fiercely.


"Ah...ah...don't...don't pinch my shoulder..."

The sound of bones breaking suddenly came from Thornton's shoulder, and he screamed in pain, and the fish eyes staring at Atuo almost popped out.

If he hadn't been unable to defeat Atuo, he would definitely pull out a big ax now and chop this thousand-year-old licking dog to death.

"Ah..." A'tuo roared, venting the anger and pain in his heart, then stared at Thornton with a sullen face, and said coldly:

"Shorton, I'm very angry now, and I really want to find someone to beat me up."

Hearing this, Thornton had a bad feeling in his heart and said:

"If you want to leave Luo Fan, go ahead and beat him up. Brother supports you."

Atuo shook his head and said:
"No, I can't beat him at all. If you beat Luo Fan, you are asking for trouble. You can only get a beating in vain."

Hearing this, Thornton spread his hands and said:
"Then I can't help you."

"No, you have a way, are you willing to help me vent my anger?" Atuo stared at Thornton closely with his small eyes.

When Thornton heard this, he felt even more uneasy. He had already guessed that Atuo was going to do something bad to him, so he quickly said:

"No, I don't want to."

Atuo shook his head and said coldly:

"No, you would."

"Because if you don't want to, you are willing."

Thornton: "..."

"Ah... Luo Fan, I'm going to beat you to death!"

A'tuo roared violently, forcing himself to think of Thornton as Luo Fan. He clenched his fists loudly and punched Thornton in the stomach.


A powerful and heavy punch hit Thornton's stomach. Thornton's body was directly knocked out of the Demon No. [-] and shot towards Thornton.

"Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

Thornton's roar came from space.

After waiting for a while, Thornton's voice sounded again:

"Ah... I can't fly... Come and save me."

When Atuo saw this, he originally felt embarrassed enough to punch Thornton.However, now that Thornton asked him to go over and beat him, there was no way he wouldn't beat him.

With a flap of tattered wings behind Ato, he quickly flew in front of Thornton, saying:
"Shorton, you are really my good brother. You know that my anger is not over yet, and you still asked me to come over and beat you up."

"I will thank you very much!"

After A Tuo finished speaking, he stepped on Thornton's stomach and sent Thornton flying for a hundred meters, then quickly flew to Thornton's place, and punched him again.

"Ah... ah... Atuo... I'm ashamed!"

"What, call me back if you tell me to..."


(End of this chapter)

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