Chapter 211 Luo Fan Has Arrived...

"Sun Wukong is calling?"

Lingfeng murmured and said hastily:
"The communication is over."

Soon, a light curtain appeared on the long table. Sun Wukong was dressed in dark alloy armor and stood on the top of a building holding a golden cudgel, looking at the direction of the East China Sea.

"My old grandson is watching at the command center of the Tianhe Military Region and asked me to clean them up."

"My old grandson can not only fly, but also let the avatar pass by without any danger."

Hearing this, Ling Feng felt a little excited on her beautiful face, and said:
"Wukong, I'll leave it to you."

Hearing this, Monkey King jumped and flew directly to the coast.

On the East China Sea, three large triangular bodies were flying slowly towards the coast.

Although it looks slow, the speed is indeed extremely fast.

This scene was naturally seen by the citizens of the coastal city.

A middle-aged man in black pointed at the triangle and said loudly:

"Hey, look, what is flying over in the sky?"

"What is it, it looks black?"

"It's not like some aliens are here again, there have been several waves of aliens."

"This time, we will never retreat and fight side by side with the soldiers."



The citizens near the coast saw the Triangle, and they planned not to escape this time. They just watched the soldiers destroy the aliens here, and if they lost, they would join in.

Seeing that the three triangles were approaching the coast, a figure flew from behind the city and flew towards the sea.

When Monkey King flew 500 meters away from the triangle, he directly used the avatar technique and created 81 avatars.

As soon as the 81 clones transformed, they rushed towards the triangle.

Seeing this, the triangle stopped in place for a moment.

Seeing this, many avatars also flew in the air in formation, staring at the triangle with sharp eyes.

When the nearby citizens saw Monkey King, they immediately ran to the port with excitement.

"Is that the Great Sage?"

"Nonsense, you can fly, you can clone, and you have a golden cudgel, who is it not the Great Sage?"

"Look, the Great Sage is here to protect us!"

"We are the backing of the Great Sage. We will not run for our lives this time. We want to witness the Great Sage destroy those three monsters with our own eyes."


When many citizens saw Monkey King coming, they immediately became overwhelmed, not to leave, and watched with burning eyes from the coastal port.

Even if the soldiers tried their best to persuade Son Heung-min and others to leave, the crowd didn't want to leave this time.

In particular, there was an old man wearing a peaked cap who stood directly on the police car and called for no retreat. This time he must witness the Great Sage destroying the Triangle.

Suddenly, the man in the peaked hat pointed to the sky and shouted excitedly: "The power of the Galaxy, the power of the Galaxy is coming."

As soon as the words fell, Ge Xiaolun flapped his black wings behind him, and flew over with a black void sword in his hand, saying:

"I understand how you feel. If you don't plan to withdraw, that's fine. I'll stand in front of you."

"As long as I don't die, it's impossible for aliens to hurt you."

At this moment, Ge Xiaolun was holding the void sword in his hand and said with a serious face.

After so long and many battles, Ge Xiaolun has gradually grown up.

Although the strength is not very strong, the heart is no longer as cowardly and hesitant as before, and has become brave, strong, responsible and decisive.

Hearing this, the old man in the peaked hat looked at Ge Xiaolun excitedly and said loudly:
"Before, we were forced to leave here when the gluttonous invaded."

"Now, we don't want to run away anymore, we have to stand here and watch the Great Sage kill the alien monster."

Ge Xiaolun glanced deeply at everyone, especially the man in the peaked hat, and said:

"You are all warriors!"

And at a distance of 1000 meters from the coast, Monkey King's avatar and three triangles meet and confront each other a thousand meters away.

Sun Wukong's body is behind the clone, with a pair of eyes shining with a faint golden light, and his sharp eyes are staring straight at the triangle.

The triangular body stopped in the air, neither advancing nor retreating.

After a long time, a triangle in front of the three triangles uttered Kamigawa body language, and a mechanical voice sounded:

"Fighting and defeating Buddha, Sun Wukong, multiple clones, dark metal rod, stretchable at will, brain development degree 35."

"The beast body, the mighty Kamikawa beast body, 1400 years ago, the evil disaster, the chaos in the Central Plains, and the battle against Pan Zhen..."

The Triangle analyzed everything about Monkey King, and at this moment, Monkey King became impatient, his face was full of anger and fighting spirit, and the audience's golden cudgel pointed at the Triangle, and said sonorously:
"Do you dare to fight with me?

"Don't fight, powerful half-beast body." The voice of the triangular body came out, but they didn't even open their mouths.

Seeing this, Monkey King yelled again:
"But I don't allow you to come to this world to mess with the people. If you dare, you will die!"

At this time, the sound of the triangle came out again:
"The body war is inconclusive."

Sun Wukong heard the words, his face burst into anger, the golden monkey hair on his face was trembling, and he said coldly:
"But you have already caused damage to my world."

The triangle in front replied:
"It has nothing to do with us, it's other powerful people. I'm just a soldier. For the next 1000 years, I will fight endlessly with you."

"I, seeing Wukong with a half-beast body, don't fight, just retreat!"

After finishing speaking, the triangular body directly turned its direction and flew towards the direction it came from.

Seeing this, Monkey King did not pursue him. In his opinion, this kind of alien is too mysterious to act rashly.

And at this moment, a few tens of meters in front of the triangle, ripples appeared in the space.

The next moment, a figure appeared instantly.

Dressed in black, with a tall and strong body and extremely handsome cheeks.

When the citizens at the port saw Luo Fan, they immediately became overwhelmed.

"It's Luo Fan, the god on earth, Luo Fan."

"Is it the main god of our earth, the main god Luo Fan?"

"Of course, I saw his video on TV, that's him."

"I heard that Lord God Luo Fan is terrifyingly powerful. I wonder what he is going to do now that he is standing in front of the aliens?"

"In my opinion, the Lord God Luo Fan wants to keep the alien monsters."

"Impossible, even Sun Wukong, the guardian god of our earth, didn't take action to keep the aliens, how could Luo Fan keep them?"


The people at the port were discussing.

"Brother Luo!" Ge Xiaolun's face was full of excitement when he saw Luo Fan appearing.

Because he knew that once Brother Luo appeared, basically all problems would be solved.

Although the origin of these three triangles is mysterious and their strength seems to be unfathomable, even if the angel Lingxi has planted seedlings, Ge Xiaolun feels that Luo Fan must have a way.

Sun Wukong looked at Luo Fan who suddenly appeared and yelled:

"Luo Fan, these three monsters are very dangerous, so be careful."

"Brother Monkey, don't worry!"

Luo Fan responded, staring at the triangle with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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