Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 212 Burning Heart: Is It Easy For Me To Be Pregnant?

Chapter 212 Burning Heart: Is It Easy For Me To Be A Pregnant Woman?
Luo Fan put his sharp eyes on the triangle and said lightly:
"Three little bastards, since you're here, do you still want to leave?"

The three triangles looked at Luo Fan who was blocking the way, and felt a creepy feeling. At the same time, they quickly scanned Luo Fan's information.

"Sex name, unknown!"

"Strength, unknown."

"Age, unknown."

"Weapon, unknown."


The triangle continued to scan Luo Fan, but the more it scanned, the results were all unknown, and no information could be found from Luo Fan.

Seeing this scene, Monkey King gave Luo Fan a thumbs up.

After all, everything about him was scanned by these three triangles just now, but when Luo Fan was scanned, it all showed unknown.

After triangular scanning for a while, the following conclusions were drawn.

"Unknown life form, unknown strength, unknown origin, don't fight, dare not fight!"


As soon as the words fell, the three triangles turned around and flew towards the sky.

"Can you escape?"

Cao Mi spat, pointed out, and instantly a finger shot out, piercing a triangle directly, and then fell towards the sea.

Seeing this, the remaining two triangles knew they couldn't escape, so they turned around and launched a mental attack towards Luo Fan.

Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaolun hastily shouted:
"Brother Luo, hurry up and retreat 1000 meters away. The Triangle has a mysterious attack. When Angel Lingxi approached the Triangle 800 meters before, he was directly dizzy, and his whole body was weak and lost the ability to resist."

"It's okay, don't worry." Luo Fan said lightly, and stood there like this.

At this time, Ge Xiaolun's ambition felt an invisible energy killing Luo Fan.


Luo Fan let this mental force attack his body.

Suddenly, Luo Fan felt a buzzing sound coming from his ears, and his soul felt like it was lightly bumped.

However, this kind of attack seemed like nothing to him.

Seeing this scene, the two triangles trembled in horror.

So, he quickly launched the biggest mental attack, continuously attacking Luo Fan.

Five seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

Suddenly, a large spurt of blood spewed out from the three holes in front of the two triangles, and the body immediately swayed in the air, floating to and fro.

When Sun Wukong saw this scene, his eyes were full of surprise.

He could see that the reason why the triangular body had such symptoms must be due to the use of mental attacks, and the excessive use of mental attacks produced this kind of reaction.

"Hey, I'm too lazy to play with you guys, I'm so weak."

Luo Fan murmured, and two red lights appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, two fiery red rays shot out, directly piercing the two triangles and falling towards the sea.

At this time, without the mental attack of the triangle, Ge Xiaolun flew over, looking at the three triangle corpses below, he couldn't believe it:

"Brother Luo, this, this matter that we big guys have nothing to do with, you just solved it lightly."

Luo Fan smiled and said lightly:
"Yeah, it's just that easy."

"The main reason is that this triangular body is too weak, and it dares to invade our planet. I am really impatient."

"too weak?"

Hearing this, Ge Xiaolun felt embarrassed, and turned to look at Monkey King, only to find that Monkey King was also looking at him in a daze.

Ge Xiaolun was speechless. If the three triangles were weak, Lingxi, a second-generation guardian angel, would not have fallen directly from the sky when he approached 800 meters.

If it was weak, he and Brother Monkey would have killed Triangle long ago.

Luo Fan glanced at the confused expressions of Ge Xiaolun and Sun Wukong, and wanted to laugh a little, but in order to give them face, and mainly to give face to Sun Wukong, he suppressed his laughter and said:
"Let's go, let's go back to Tianren No. [-], Lingfeng and the others are still waiting for us in the command hall."

"Okay, okay Brother Luo!"

Sun Wukong and Ge Xiaolun responded, and the three of them flew towards Tianren No. [-].

In Tianren No. [-], everyone sat around a long rectangular table.

Sun Wukong didn't sit down, stood up, put his hands on the long table, and said:

"Triangles, right? Triangles read my past in an instant, and they are very accurate, without any mistakes."

"Even I, the left guard of Queen Kesha, can't read it!" Zhi Xin said seriously.

Sun Wukong heard the words, looked at Zhixin and said:

"Girl, I can't let you read it."

"I have the age of an angel at five hundred years old." Zhi Xin looked serious.

Sun Wukong patted his chest and said confidently:

"When I sleep, I sleep for 500 years."

Luo Fan couldn't help but feel a little amused when he saw Zhi Xin and Sun Wukong arguing.

Lingfeng also looked at Sun Wukong and shook his head, then glanced around and asked:

"The problem is, we don't even know how the triangular body came about or what abilities they have."

Heartbroken, he said:
"Are there super warriors or gods with a lifespan of more than 1 years and long-term activities in the universe?"

Hearing the words, Ge Xiaolun looked at Monkey King expectantly. After all, Monkey King just said that 500 years have passed after sleeping.

Sensing Ge Xiaolun's expectant eyes, Monkey King smacked his lips and lowered his head slowly.

After all, he is only over 1000 years old.

So Monkey King looked at Zhi Xin and said:

"Aren't you being ridiculous? You just said that you are younger than me, and you asked me if I have lived [-] years?"

"No, I'm just discussing the facts." Zhi Xin said seriously.

As far as Zhi Xin was concerned, she was too lazy to raise arguments, and she didn't want to raise arguments, because, for a scholar like her, raising arguments was too boring.

Sun Wukong looked at Ducao and asked:

"Old Du, you are a god of more than 1 years and a former war madman Ducao, you should know the triangle very well, right?"

Ducao heard the words, shook his head and said:
"I used to be in the Deno galaxy, and usually I mainly studied how to fight and how to let the Nuo star defeat the De Nuo star, so I don't know much about the triangle."

"Even before the Holy Kaisa came to the Great Strait, it was the first time I saw her. Otherwise, I would not have looked at Holy Kaisa and asked her if she was Holy Kaisa."

Everyone fell into silence when they heard the words.

After all, Ducao, the oldest here, didn't know, let alone the rest, and fell silent for a while.

"I know!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Everyone looked at the top of the conference table, Luo Fan was lying on the grand master's chair.

Zhi Xin looked at Luo Fan lying on the teacher's chair, whether he was sitting or not, and said:
"Luo Fan, you are the main god, can you sit better. Look at Qiangwei, Ah Zhui, Leina, me, Leng, we are all pregnant, and we all sit upright."

Hearing this, Luo Fan didn't move, he still lay on the grand master's chair, jokingly said:
"No way, now you start to take care of me. I won't be free anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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