Chapter 240 Keisha teaches Liangbing a lesson...

Liang Bing stared at the Loli in the air in front of him with a confused look on his face, looking at it carefully.

The appearance is almost exactly the same as Keisha, but it is only 1.4 meters tall.

The most important thing is that the huge evil is a match for her.

You know, she claims to be the greatest evil in the known universe, and the loli in front of her is only 1.4 meters, how could she have such a huge evil.

Judging from her body shape, Liang Bing felt that the Loli in front of her was not Kesha.

However, that little face that was exactly the same as Kaisha's, and the pair of silver wings just now fully proved that the loli in front of her was her own sister, Queen Kaisa.

Liang Bing looked at the Loli in front of him and asked anxiously:
"This little lolita, may I ask what your name is?"

"Hmph!" Kesha snorted lightly, stared at Liang Bing indifferently, and said:

"How long has it been since I don't even know your sister?"


Hearing the words of Loli in front of him, Liang Bing finally confirmed that the person in front of him was Kaisha.

However, she just cooperated with Karl, the god of death, to kill Kesha.

But why, now it is alive, and it still appears on Tianren No. [-].

Liang Bing looked at Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui, and saw the same shock in their eyes.

It was obvious that even Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui, two of Kesha's most trusted angels, had just learned that the person in front of them was Kesha.

Then, there is only a glimmer of possibility, that is, Kaisha was resurrected by Luo Fan.

And Luo Fan lied to her before, and only stayed with Keisha at the Big Worm Bridge for one night.

Now that I think about it, how can I stay for one night? I don't know how many nights I stayed on Tianren No. [-]. The two of them must still sleep together at night.

Therefore, when Luo Fan arrived at Devil One a few days ago, he only had the fragrance that belonged to Kesha, the bitch, on his body.

And Luo Fan, knowing that she and Kaisha are not getting along, now hides that Kaisha is in Tianren No. [-] and tricks her over.

"Damn it, Luo Fan, you tricked me!"

Liang Bing's beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she was so angry that she was shaking violently, and turned to glare at Luo Fan.

However, at the place just now, only one grand master's chair was still shaking slightly.

Luo Fan's figure disappeared.

"Damn it, Luo Fan, you are a badass."

Looking at Kesha, Liang Bing knew that he was no match. He had tricked her to death some time ago, and he would definitely seek revenge on her now.

36 meter, go is the best policy.

Therefore, Liangbing directly used the micro-wormhole transportation technology to open up the surrounding space.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared around the body, positioning the coordinates of the wormhole in space outside the earth, and then Liang Bing's body disappeared immediately.

However, when Liang Bing appeared again, he was still in the garden.

Kesha, on the other hand, was setting up a throne in the air, sitting lazily on it, looking at her indifferently.

Liang Bing once again used the micro-wormhole transport technology to open a wormhole to travel through space, but it still appeared in the garden.

Seeing this, Liang Bing still didn't know that Kesha was responsible, so he glared at Kesha angrily and said coldly:

"Bichi, you Bichi, you actually blocked the space."

Kesha sat on the throne in the air, supporting her head with her right hand, leaning lazily on the sofa, crossing her legs, staring at Liang Bing indifferently, and said:

"You're not stupid. You know how to seal off this space. Your wormhole technology doesn't work and you can't escape."


Liang Bing cursed angrily and stretched out his hand towards Kesha.

The next moment, a large cloud of black mist appeared in the sky above Kaisha. In the black mist, several dark silver chains appeared, stabbing towards Kaisha below.

Kesha sat motionless on the throne, only moving her index finger slightly.

The next moment, several silver wings appeared and shot directly towards dozens of dark silvers.


In an instant, the indestructible Ansu silver chain was cut into pieces in an instant.

"Tsk tsk... tsk tsk..."

Kesha looked at Liang Bing with an indifferent expression and said in a calm tone:

"We haven't seen each other for a few months. You are still using the same old tricks. Don't you have any new tricks?"

"Bichi, don't you have these tricks?" Liang Bing looked at Kesha with a cold face and retorted.

"Haha!" Kesha chuckled twice and said:
"I have stronger attack methods, but these few moves are enough to deal with you."

"Hmph!" Leng Bing snorted coldly, pointed at Kesha and said:

"Try this trick again!"

The next moment, two huge devil's claws pinched Kesha back and forth.

Kesha's childish face still had that unhurried and indifferent look, and a golden light flashed in her eyes.

The next moment, four silver wings appeared, one was divided into two, and each of the two silver wings held a devil's claw in the middle, unable to move.

Then, two silver wings appeared again and shot towards Liangbing quickly.

Seeing this, Liang Bing's body shook, and more than a dozen dark silver chains appeared again, surrounding his body.

However, in front of Yin Yi, he was instantly cut into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Then, two silver wings stuck the cold ice in the middle, making her unable to move.

Seeing this, Liang Bing didn't show the slightest fear on his face, and cursed coldly:
"Bichi, who would have thought that you would die and come back to life?"

Kesha looked at Liang Bing, who looked angry and evil, and said calmly:
"Whether you live or die, it doesn't matter."

"The important thing is that today I will teach you, the traitor of the angel, a lesson."

"Haha...haha..." Liang Bing suddenly laughed loudly, her smile was beautiful, her smile was like a flower, and she said:
"Teach me?"

"Kill me if you can. If I, Liang Bing, frown, I will take your last name."

"Okay, since you want to die, then I will help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge dark silver angel giant appeared in front of Liang Bing, holding a huge angel holy sword in his hand.

The sharp edge of the angel's holy sword was burning with red flames.

With Keisha's index finger moving slightly, the angel giant held the angel's holy sword in both hands, and thrust towards the cold ice fiercely.

The speed was extremely fast, and it was inserted into Liang Bing's chest in an instant.

Liang Bing was shocked when she saw this. Could it be that Kesha, Bichi, really wanted to kill me?

That's right, last time I beat her to death, this time, Keisha must be determined to kill me.

At this moment, Liang Bing felt a panic in his heart.

What she was afraid of was not her own life, but the child in her stomach, so Liang Bing yelled directly:

"I was wrong!"

Suddenly, the holy angel sword stopped in front of Liang Bing's chest.

Keisha looked at Liang Bing who admitted her mistake indifferently, and said:

"I never thought that the famous Demon King Morgana would admit her mistake?"

"Hmph! Bichi!" Liangbing snorted, still saying the classic Bichi curse.

Kaisha frowned when she heard this, bursts of murderous aura appeared on her body, and the strong murderous aura soared into the sky, she said coldly:


The next moment, the angel giant once again waved the huge angel holy sword and slashed towards Kesha.

At this moment, Liang Bing was completely panicked. She knew that Kesha had murderous intentions.

Thinking that the child was about to die, a look of panic appeared on his face, and he broke into a cold sweat.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The next moment, Keisha laughed loudly.

Liang Bing looked up and saw Keisha was laughing and staring at her playfully.

"Are you kidding me?" Liang Bing asked coldly.

Hearing this, Kesha stared at Liang Bing and said:

"Yes, I didn't want to kill you just now, I just scared you. You were so scared. You are really fragile."

At this moment, seeing that the battle was over, Ah Zhui and Zhi Xin came to Kaisha's side, stared at Kaisha respectfully, and said excitedly:

"You... are you really Queen Keisha?"

(End of this chapter)

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