Chapter 241 Don't Spank...

"You... are you really Queen Keisha?"

Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui came to Kaisha's side, and their eyes fell on Sister Luolisa in front of them, their eyes were full of disbelief.

They didn't expect that such a lolita Sister Sha, who is only 1.4 meters tall, turned out to be the 1.7 meters tall, majestic Queen Kesha.

Keisha: "..."

Kesha was also embarrassed at the moment, because her current loli appearance was really embarrassing.

Moreover, she said before that she is not Queen Keisha, but Sister Sha.

However, Keisha's psychological quality is very strong. Anyway, I know it now, so I know it when I know it.

As long as you are not embarrassed yourself, it is others who are embarrassed.

So, Kaisha looked at Zhi Xin and Ah Zhui with a smile, and said:
"Yeah, I'm back."

At this time, Ah Zhui was so excited that he hugged Queen Kaisha directly.

According to Queen Keisha, when she was a baby, she was picked up by Queen Keisha and raised.

Therefore, Ah Zhui has a very deep affection for Keisha. On the one hand, he regards her as an angel's belief, Queen Keisha.

On the one hand, she regards Queen Keisha as her biological mother.

That's why he was so excited that he hugged Queen Kesha directly.

And, tears fell from the eyes.

"I... I thought I'd never see you again..."

Queen Kaisha also hugged Ah Zhui with her backhand, and patted Ah Zhui's back with her white hands. Ah Zhui was raised by her, so she regarded Ah Zhui as her own daughter.

For example, apart from her and Hexi, the two kings of angels, the subbiological engine is only owned by her sacred wings Zhixin Kazuhiko.

And Ah Zhui is just Yan's left-wing guard, but has a sub-biological engine. Yan's right-wing guard, Moi, does not have a sub-biological engine, and his strength is much weaker than Ah Zhui.

This is her preference for Ah Zhui.

Kesha patted Ah Zhui on the back while comforting her:

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Ah Zhui hugged Kaisha for a while before letting go, and then asked curiously:

"Queen Keisha, why did you hide your identity before and didn't tell Zhixin and me that you are Queen Keisha?"

Keisha: "..."

Keisha was suddenly embarrassed again. If someone asked, she had to let her know the majesty of Queen Keisha.

However, this is Ah Zhui whom she loves so much, so she said patiently:
"Look at my loli appearance. As Queen Keisha, am I ashamed to see you in this loli appearance?"

Ah Zhui looked at Kaisha's appearance, her beautiful and immature face, although she was only 1.4 meters tall, she was so evil.

So Ah Zhui said truthfully:
"Queen Keisha, although your appearance is a little smaller, but have you noticed that there is a very big advantage."

"What's the advantage? It's so big?" Keisha asked.

Ah Zhui stared at Kesha's chest and said:

"Your previous evil was okay, but it wasn't very good."

Having said this, Ah Zhui turned his eyes to Liang Bing in the distance, and said:

"But now, at this moment, your evil is even comparable to Morgana's evil, so you also have advantages now."

Keisha heard the words and said lightly:

"I really don't know if you are praising me or comforting me."

After speaking, Keisha looked at Liang Bing.

It seems that the current self is really evil.

She likes it so much!

Then, Kesha looked at Liang Bing and said lightly:

"You said, although I don't want to kill you, how should I punish you now?"

"Bichi!" Liang Bing yelled, glaring at Kesha and said:

"Whatever you want, I, Liang Bing, will follow you whenever I frown."

"So spineless? That's good." Keisha said, and waved her hand lightly. The two silver wings clamped down on the cold ice and fell to the ground. Then she knelt on the ground with a cross, and a seductive buttocks was immediately exposed. come out.

Looking at Liang Bing from the back, the seductive buttocks, the slender willow waist, the huge evil, the fair skin... every part of the body is full of infinite temptation.

Moreover, being crossed by two silver wings, this appearance is exciting no matter how you look at it.

Luo Fan stood on a building in the distance, watching all this silently.

He had long known that once Liang Bing was brought to Tianren No. [-], there would be several battles between Kesha and Liang Bing.

As a result, Keisha must win.

However, Luo Fan wasn't worried about Liang Bing's safety, because he knew how much Kaisha cared about this younger sister, and how much she doted on her only younger sister.

Otherwise, cold ice would not have been rampant in the known universe for 3 years without disappearing.

Moreover, even if Liang Bing killed her before, Kaisha would not do it now if she wanted to kill Liang Bing.

Because, the child in Liangbing's belly is her biological niece or nephew.

With Keisha's character, she will never kill Liang Bing.

However, there is a high probability that he will be punished by turning over the cold ice.

Liang Bing's temperament is too wild, now Kaisha helps her discipline Liang Bing, and it's too late for her to be happy, so why do she still help Liang Bing?

In the garden, Liang Bing was restrained by the silver wings and forced to kneel on the ground. Thinking of his shameful appearance, Liang Bing suddenly had a bad premonition, and glared at Kaisha and said:
"Bichi, what do you want to do to me?"

"Don't do anything, just lightly spank your butt a few times, such a beautiful butt, wouldn't it be a pity not to give you a few whips."

"What? Whip my ass?"

When Liang Bing heard this, her face suddenly changed. When she was playing games with Luo Fan, when she was spanked by Luo Fan, the slaps on her buttocks were very painful.

Now, wouldn't it hurt even more if you hit your butt with a whip?

Thinking of this, Liang Bing quickly said:
"No, absolutely no spanking."

"Haha...haha..." Seeing Liang Bing's frightened look, Kaisha suddenly laughed and said:
"Seeing that you are so afraid of spanking, then I will spank you even more."

As soon as the words fell, Kaisha walked towards Liangbing, stretched out her hand, and a ruler appeared in her hand.

Liang Bing looked at the ruler in Kaisha's hand and said:
"Bichi, didn't you say to beat me with a whip? Why did you use a ruler instead? It won't hurt me."

"You reminded me, it seems that I need to add something."

The next moment, the ruler in Kaisha's hand disappeared, and a ruler with 0.2 meter spikes appeared in her hand.

Looking at the ruler covered with spikes on the ruler, Liang Bing suddenly panicked.

If this thing is pumped on the butt, wouldn't it pierce the skin in an instant, and be pierced with tiny holes.

It's all because of my sloppiness, so I have to say bluntly that the ruler won't hurt her.

Now, Keisha has changed to a ruler with spikes. Although this thing can't kill her, nor can it seriously injure her, the extreme pain is indeed very tormenting.

However, Liang Bing still glared at Kaisha.With a stiff mouth, he said coldly:
"Bichi, beat me to death if you have the ability"

"Okay, since you ask so, then I will fulfill you?"

After finishing speaking, Keisha held the end of the ruler without spikes and hit Liang Bing directly on the buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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