Chapter 265 Daughter
Liang Bing came to the garden and looked at He Xi who was staring at her coldly, knowing why she looked at him like this.

Indeed, she once discovered the demon civilization on the planet Kunsa, and was imprisoned after being discovered by Kesha.

After that, she asked the demon civilization to kill Melo Heaven to save her. When Kesha went to kill the demon, Hexi watched her from outside the protective shield.

As a result, she takes advantage of Hae-hee's concern for Keisha, saying that Keisha needs her.

When Hexi opened the protective cover, she went to save Keisha.

As a result, not only did he fail to save Keisha, but he suddenly pierced his chest with a sword from behind, completely betraying the angel and Kesha.

Afterwards, there was a ten-thousand-year war with the angels, and even the angels sacrificed a lot.

She even worked with the God of Death, Karl, to completely kill Kesha some time ago.

Therefore, it was completely understandable for Liang Bing to see He Xi staring at her coldly.

Because, looking back, Liang Bing realized how fucked up what he did before.

Liang Bing smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to He Xi, and said:

"Long time no see He Xi!"

He Xi looked at the smiling Liang Bing with cold eyes, then looked at Liang Bing's little hands, and then looked at Kesha.

Kesha felt He Xi's gaze but said nothing.

She felt that she had no right to make decisions for Hexi.

The reason why I forgive Liang Bing is because she is my own sister. This is an unbreakable fact, and it will never be changed.

And Hexi is just his best girlfriend, Liang Bing who only met through him.

Afterwards, the three of them worked together to lead the female angels to overthrow Hua Ye's Tiangong order and completely end Hua Ye's era.

Seeing that Kesha didn't say anything, Hexi looked at Luo Fan again.

Luo Fan felt He Xi's questioning eyes and thought in his mind.

Since Hexi was asking about his thoughts, Hexi wanted to forgive Liangbing in his heart.

However, because Liang Bing has done too many things to be sorry to the angel, He Xi cannot forgive.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan said:
"Since Liangbing is no longer the demon king Morgana, she gave up the demon and became an angel."

"Then, it proves that she really wants to reform herself."

The reason why Luo Fan said this was that he didn't think about what Liang Bing did to the angel, because he was a human being, and they could handle the angel's affairs by themselves, so he, an outsider, was so fussy.

What Luo Fan cares about is that Liang Bing is now his woman, and with his child, it doesn't matter who comes.

Therefore, he must want Hexi, Kaisha, and Liangbing to live in harmony.

As for what happened before, what did he do?
"Got it." He Xi replied. From Luo Fan's answer and his expression, He Xi already knew that Luo Fan wanted her to reconcile with Liang Bing.

So, He Xi stared at Liang Bing closely, and asked:

"So, in the future, will you still do things that are sorry for the angel and betray justice?"

"will not."

Liang Bing replied without any consideration. After having a child, she had figured out a lot.

What a devil!
What is the greatest evil in the known universe?

What hate?
Those who all go riding horses are not as important as their own children.

She was cold, and all she cared about now was Luo Fan and the child in her belly.

Hexi listened to Liang Bing's words, looked at the sincerity in her eyes, and said coldly:

"I hope you will keep your word. If you ever do anything that is sorry for Melo Heavenly Court or Luo Fan in the future, I, the Heavenly King Hexi, will swear to be the first to kill you!"

"Yeah!" Liang Bing nodded, and then said:
"Hexi, why are you so serious? You still look good with a smile."

"Come... give us all a smile, and give a smile to the baby in my belly."

Listening to Liang Bing's words, He Xi could maintain his majesty and seriousness at first, but when he heard Liang Bing say give her baby a smile, he finally couldn't help but smile slightly.

For a moment, the face was full of moonlight, and the smile was as bright as a flower...

Therefore, Hexi first shook hands with Liangbing to express reconciliation, then touched Liangbing's swollen belly, and a gentle and pleasant voice sounded:

"Baby is still moving..."

Hearing this, Liang Bing said:
"She is alive. It has been five months. She must be able to move."

"Sorry, sorry." Hexi felt that he had said something wrong, so he said apologetically, and then asked:
"Is the baby a boy or a girl?"

Liang Bing touched his belly and said:

"Luo Fan saw it and said it was a girl."

"Girl, girl is pretty good, cute." He Xi praised, then looked at Luo Fan who was still gathering the holy atoms, and asked:

"How do you know it's a man or a woman?"

A faint white light flashed in Luo Fan's eyes, then he stared at He Xi and said proudly:

"Could it be that I have clairvoyant eyes, and I have to tell you?"


He Xi quickly crossed his arms, turned sideways and said:

"I remember that when Hua Ye attacked Merlot Heavenly Court a few days ago, [-] angels flew around us. At that time, your eyes seemed to flash a faint white light."

"So, what were you doing? You pervert..."

Even Liang Bing and Kesha glared at Luo Fan when they heard this.

Seeing the look in the three women's eyes, Luo Fan waved his hand and said:
"He Xi, you are wrong. At that time, I was just checking the bodies of [-] angels to see if they were seriously injured."

"If they are seriously injured, I have the ability to heal, so I can help them heal."

Hexi heard the words, looked at each other with Liang Bing and Kaisha, and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes, so he said:
"I believe you ghost, you have a bad day!"

Luo Fan spread his hands and said indifferently:

"Forget it if you don't believe me, anyway, I won't suffer."

Hexi: "..."

Keisha: "..."

Liang Bing: "..."

Although He Xi had not been with Luo Fan for a short time, he knew that Luo Fan was very thick-skinned and would never admit it even to death, so he ignored him and touched Liang Bing's belly with his white hands and asked:

"What's the baby's name?"

Liang Bing shook his head and said:
"Luo Fan hasn't named the baby yet."

Hexi heard this, glared at Luo Fan, and said:

"Really, the baby is five months old, and you haven't named it yet?"

Luo Fan said that he didn't want to do this, mainly because he had too many children, so he didn't choose a name for a while.

He plans to wait for the child to be born before taking another name.

However, now that Hexi asked about it, he thought for a while and said:

"Since she is my Luo Fan's daughter, let's call her Luo Nannan."

"Luo Nannan?"


He Xi murmured, turned to look at Liang Bing, and asked:
"You are the baby's mother. Do you think Luo Nannan, Nannan is a good name?"

Liang Bing rubbed his belly, smiled and said:


"The name Nannan is quite nice, as long as it is named by Luo Fan, it is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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