Chapter 266 Kesha and Hexi are afraid...

Two hours later!
Luo Fan gathered a lot of sacred atoms in his hand, and there were no more sacred atoms emerging from the sky around him.

"Finally successful."

Luo Fan murmured, these two hours have been a waste of energy.

It can be said that in all the battles since he traveled to the super god world, he has never been as tired as gathering the remaining sacred atoms for Kesha today.

The remaining 20.00% of the sacred atoms are in the corners of the universe, farther away, and some are even trapped in black holes.

That's why it was so difficult for Luo Fan to get together.

At this time, Keisha walked over, her body floated up into the air as high as Luo Fan, and a white handkerchief with a fragrance appeared in her hand, carefully wiping the sweat off Luo Fan's face.

"Luo Fan, thank you for your hard work."

While wiping Luo Fan's sweat, Keisha exhaled like a landau.

"Not tired." Luo Fan said duplicity.

As a man, how could he be tired.

Kesha listened to Luo Fan saying that she was not tired, and secretly thought that although this man is young, he is very responsible.

This is much more responsible than those gods who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

At the same time, seeing that Luo Fan's face was still a little red, his heart was full of touch and concern.

This man had exhausted himself like this for her.

Luo Fan looked at Keisha wiping his sweat thoughtfully, and secretly thought that older women are also good.

An older, just woman will know how to care about others, and she will be sensible in doing things, will not make trouble for no reason, and will be wise.

However, it is easy to age earlier.

However, for an immortal woman like Kesha, the problem of aging does not exist at all.

Even after another 30, 300 million, or [-] million years, Keisha is still so young.

So, bigger is better.

Women's college three thousand, ranked in the fairy class!
Thirty thousand girls, perfect goddess!
"Keisha, let's start now!"

Luo Fan stared at Keisha hotly, and because he spent all his efforts to gather the holy atoms just now, he was panting heavily when speaking.

The scorching hot air was sprayed directly on Keisha's face.

Luo Fan is the divine body of the fourth generation, and the divine body has no impurities, so there is no such thing as a tone.

Even the teeth are extremely white, without any tartar, and the breath is fresh.

Keisha felt Luo Fan's roughness, and she didn't feel disgusted at all, but felt a little distraught and fascinated.

Kesha flipped her hair and said:
"Although I promised you, but this... isn't this too fast?"

Hearing the words, Liang Bing stared at Kaisha with a look of astonishment, as if surprised that these words came from Kesha's mouth, it was so strange,
Even Hexi stared at Kesha dumbfounded, unable to believe that his unfeeling best friend would say such a thing.

"Kesha, what do you mean?"

Luo Fan's fiery eyes became a little weird at this moment.

Kesha felt Luo Fan's weird eyes, looked at the special eyes of He Xi and Liang Bing, and reacted instantly.


Keisha coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, lowered her head slightly and said:
"So... So that's what you said?"

"Then which do you think I'm talking about?"

Luo Fan looked directly at Keisha and asked with a smirk.

Keisha felt a little embarrassed, especially since Hexi and Liangbing were staring at her at the moment.

However, Kesha soon raised her head, raised her chest, showed great evil, stared at Luo Fan and said:
"I didn't say anything, you guys are thinking wrong."

Luo Fan: "..."

As expected of an angel of 3 years, this psychological quality is very good.

Hexi also stared at Kaisha unexpectedly, and said:
"Xiao Naisha, you have changed during the time you have been following Luo Fan. You have become as thick-skinned as Luo Fan."

Luo Fan would also smile heartily when he saw the three women playing with each other.

The three kings of the super-god world are all in front of him at this moment, and they will all become his women. What a blessing!

This trip to the super god world is not in vain, and this life is not in vain.

"Kesha, here I come, get ready!"

Luo Fan said something and pointed his big hand at Kesha in front of him.

Immediately, countless sacred atoms in his hands rushed towards Kesha's body, and then quickly integrated into her body.

Then, I saw Keisha's height of 1.4 meters, slowly getting taller.

In just a few seconds, a completely new Kaisha appeared in front of several people.

Elegant and beautiful face, long blond hair, tall figure, white and round long legs, and that huge evil.

Wait, evil?
Keisha looked at her own evil with surprise in her eyes.

She gathered into a lolita form before. Although she was not satisfied with the lolita form, she was satisfied with one thing, that is, the evil was huge.

She had thought that after returning to her previous form, the evil would be the same as before.

But what she didn't expect was that her evil was still huge, and even the evil increased again due to the overall elevation of her body.

Kaisha fell to the ground slowly, then walked towards Liangbing, standing face to face with her.

She wants to compare who is more evil.

Liang Bing glanced at Keisha, his eyes moved down slowly, his eyes froze, and he swallowed:
" won!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Kesha watched Liang Bing admit defeat and laughed happily.

He Xi stared at Kesha with burning eyes and said excitedly:

"Kesha, I will still sleep with you in my arms at night."

Kaisha gave Hexi a white look, of course she knew what Hexi meant, she just wanted to drink milk, so she refused:
"Hmph, from now on, I only belong to Luo Fan, you have a good idea."

He Xi heard this and said with aggrieved face:

"Kesha, you don't love me anymore!"

Luo Fan looked at Keisha in front of him and nodded, feeling completely satisfied in his heart.

Today's Keisha is just as he imagined in his heart, perfect in all aspects.

A beautiful face, a curvy body, perfect, very perfect, so perfect.

Luo Fan looked at the sky and found that it was already dark, so he turned his neck and said:

"Oh, before I knew it, it was already dark. I'm so tired today. I want to go to bed early."

Liang Bing listened to Luo Fan's words and instantly knew what this guy wanted to do.

And now that she is pregnant, she wants to rest earlier, so she said first:
"Luo Fan, I'm a little tired today, so I'll go back and rest first."

Luo Fan glanced at Liang Bing, now there are Kaisha and Hexi next to him, of course he cares about Kaisha and Hexi.

As for Liang Bing, the future is long anyway, so there is no rush, so he said with concern:
"Then go to bed early."


Liang Bing snorted and left the garden as if running away.

Just walked to the edge of the garden, suddenly turned to look at Kaisha and Hexi, and said:

"Don't be afraid tonight, Luo Fan is a good man who cares about his beauty."

Kaisha and Hexi glared at Liangbing together when they heard the words, and said:
"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb, so stay where you are."

Then, Kaisha and Hexi glanced at Luo Fan from top to bottom, then looked at each other, and said:
"It's over!"

(End of this chapter)

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