Chapter 279 Hexi: Keisha, are you a cow?
"Leina, you are right, I did not fall asleep last night."

Maitora looked at Reina and said.

How could she sleep? Luo Fan, a pervert, beat her all day long and almost beat her to death.

If he hadn't pretended to faint, Wu Zhao felt that he might not be standing here right now.

Upon hearing this, Reina cast an understanding look at Wu Zhao.

At this time, Luo Fan looked at Reina and said:

"I'm going back to Earth soon, Wu Zhao promised to go to Earth together, do you want to go back?"

Hearing this, Reina looked at Pan Zhen.

"Haha!" Pan Zhen smiled, rarely showing a kind face, and said with a smile:

"You go, Lie Yang has me here, don't worry."

"And, for ten thousand years, I have taken good care of Lie Yang. Now we have Luo Fan's support in Lie Yang, who else dares to come to Lie Yang to play wild?"

Speaking of this, Pan Zhen looked at Luo Fan and said:

"Brother Luo, don't you think so?"

Luo Fan didn't speak, but nodded, his meaning obvious.

Seeing this, Reina decided to return to Earth together.

"Luo Fan, let's go, take my flying ship."

However, Luo Fan shook his head and drew his big hand in the air in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, a pitch-black gate of time and space appeared in front of him.

Reina looked at the dark portal and said:

"I forgot that you can go from the earth to the blazing sun in an instant, and naturally you can also return from the blazing sun to the earth in an instant."

"Wait, why can't I understand something?" At this time, Wu Zhao looked at the dark space more than three meters high in front of her and asked curiously:

"Leina, you said that Luo Fan can reach the earth from the scorching sun in an instant with this dark space door?"

"Lieyang and the earth in the Chiwu star system are separated by tens of millions of light-years. Even if you take a flying ship to fly in the big insect bridge, it will take more than ten days. How can you reach the earth from Lieyang in an instant?"

"Alas!" Reina stood in front of Wu Zhao, put her fair hands on Wu Zhao, and said:

"Actually, I thought this was incredible at first, but when I rescued Luo Fan the day before yesterday, Luo Fan was on Earth at that time."

"However, after I just finished speaking, Luo Fan arrived at Lieyang Star in just a minute or two. After that, you also know about Luo Fan's rescue of Lieyang."

Wu Zhao heard this and looked at Pan Zhen.

Pan Zhenhu stared at Wu Zhao and nodded.

Wu Zhao looked at the dark door of time and space in front of her, her beautiful eyes full of excitement, and she said excitedly:

"Let's go, unexpectedly, I can also take an express train."

Luo Fan understands Wuzhao's thoughts very well, just like his previous life.

I have been taking trains and buses, and suddenly I can take a rocket that goes directly to Mars.

Come to think of it, this is all very exciting.

Luo Fan shook his head, wrapped Lena's slender waist with his left hand, and Wu Zhao's smooth hand with his right, and walked straight into the gate of time and space.

Pan Zhen in the main hall saw that the moment the three of them stepped into the gate of time and space, the dark gate of time and space disappeared instantly.

It seemed as if there were no three people in the hall just now, and he was the only one.

"'s amazing!"

Pan Zhen muttered to himself twice, then walked to the high platform and touched the throne in front of him with a complex expression. A rare smile appeared on his usually majestic face:
"My late king, now Reina has found her destination."

"Luo Fan is very good. Although he has a lot of women, he is very good to his own women and will be very good with Lena." "The most important thing is that Luo Fan is very powerful, so powerful that no one dares to offend her. His majesty.”

"So, Lena will be very safe and happy with Luo Fan in the future."

Pan Zhen's big hand slowly stroked the throne, looked at the splendid main hall of the Lord God, looked at the blazing sun outside the hall, and said:

"Once upon a time, Lie Yang was destroyed by thieves the day before yesterday and was almost destroyed. When all of us were helpless,"

"It was also Luo Fan who took a better and larger star core and put it into the Lieyang Star, and repaired the Lieyang Star that was about to disintegrate and explode."

"And the star core is put into the core of Lieyang Star, and will never be destroyed by thieves again, which means that Lieyang's crisis is finally resolved."


Having said this, Pan Zhen knelt on the throne with a bang, and the crowd shouted:
"The former king, my minister Pan Zhen, did not disappoint your orphan. The protection of Leina and the development of Lieyang into a top-level civilization that you entrusted are now completed."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Pan Zhen's loud laughter resounded in the hall and throughout Lieyang...

Outside the main hall, Hushayuan Li Maoshen, one of the four guardians, looked at the laughing Pan Zhen and smiled, feeling happy for Pan Zhen.

Mao Shen is a veteran beside Pan Zhen, who has followed Pan Zhen for a long time, reaching ten thousand years.

God Mao saw with his own eyes that Pan Zhen accepted the orphan of the former king, and then developed Lieyang, which was much weaker than it is now, into the top civilization today.

Therefore, God Mao understood Pan Zhen best, and also understood Pan Zhen's persistence that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.


Chiwu star system, Earth, on Tianren [-].

In the garden, Kesha sat on a boulder.

Keisha, who has now returned to her original adult appearance, is wearing a long skirt trimmed in silver and gold, revealing her more proud and delicate body than before.

It seemed that the long skirt was about to explode in the next moment.

Her long golden hair was casually hanging down, making her small face look even smaller.

Women have one important beauty...a small face.

And Keisha is a standard small face, but without losing majesty and elegance.

At this moment, Kaisha looked at the sky with her deep eyes, as if she wanted to see through tens of millions of light years and see the person she likes.

Thinking of Luo Fan, Kesha smiled, her seductive red lips parted slightly, her lilac uvula turned, and she murmured:

"You guys are in your twenties, and you still like to drink..."

"Who likes to drink?"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded from the air.

Then, a graceful figure suddenly appeared from the sky, naturally sitting next to Kesha, and her slender little hands hugged Kesha's waist.

The moment the figure appeared, Kesha knew that it was Hexi who had arrived.

Only He Xi was so close to her. Even his biological sister Liang Bing didn't have as good a relationship as He Xi did with her.

After all, a 3-year-old best friend is the only one in the entire known universe.

Seeing that Kaisha didn't answer her, Hexi smiled and asked again:
"Kesha, I just heard that you are talking about who likes to drink Nai and Nai who drinks water? I'm so curious..."

When Kesha heard this, she looked at Hexi, hugged her directly, and stretched out her hand to tickle her nest:

"Hmph, I asked you to make fun of me, and I will make you walk around without food today..."

"don't want…"

Feeling the extremely itchy creaking nest, He Xi hastily said coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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