Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 280 Hexi: Keisha, You and Luo Fan Have a Child

Chapter 280 Hexi: Kaisha, you and Luo Fan have a child...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In the garden, Hexi's laughing voice sounded.

Hexi couldn't bear being tickled by Kesha, but she knew Kesha wouldn't let go until she tickled her for an hour.

However, she couldn't beat Keisha again.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

He Xi couldn't help laughing out loud, thought for a while, and said anxiously:

"Kesha, stop, my stomach is sick..."


Kesha heard that Hexi's stomach was not feeling well, so she stopped tickling immediately, touched Hexi's stomach with a changed face, and asked with concern:
"What's wrong? Why are you uncomfortable?"

However, Hexi just touched his stomach without speaking.

Seeing Hexi like this, Kaisha immediately became more anxious. She stroked Hexi's belly slowly with her small hands, and asked anxiously:

"What's wrong, what happened to your stomach?"

"Hexi, please speak, don't scare me?"

At this moment, Kesha's face was full of anxiety. Sometimes she touched Hexi's belly, and sometimes she put her ear on Hexi's belly, paying close attention to the condition of the baby in her belly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, He Xi couldn't hold back any longer, and laughed out loud.

The smile is beautiful, and the smile is like a smile.

Kesha listened to Hexi's laughter, looked up at the teasing smile on her face, she couldn't understand that Hexi was joking.

So, Keisha glared at Hexi and said:
"Okay, how dare you lie to me?"

"Haha...haha..." He Xi smiled softly and said:
"I don't want to either. Mainly if you keep tickling me, it's really too itchy. Besides, if I really tickle me for an hour, what if something goes wrong?"

"Hmph!" Kesha snorted coldly and said:
"How dare you lie to me? Your teeth will fall out of laughter just because I won't scratch you today."

After finishing speaking, Keisha stretched out her hands and scratched Hexi's creaking nest.

However, when her hands were about to scratch, Kesha suddenly stopped her hands.

Because, she thought, what if there is something wrong with the baby in her belly if she scratches again.

Although, Hexi's physique is very strong, Kaisha knows that there is no possibility of problems.

However, to be on the safe side, she retracted her hands.

Seeing this scene, He Xi said with a smile:

"Kesha, it seems you like my baby very much?"

"Of course." Keisha rubbed her belly and said proudly:

"This is your child. Of course I like it. After it is born, I will be the child's godmother and take her to play everywhere every day.

Luo Fan is the most handsome man in the known universe, and you are the most beautiful angel in the known universe, so, your child, she will definitely be the most beautiful angel in the universe. "

"Thank you for your compliment."

Hexi thanked her, then held Kaisha's hand and said:

"Speaking of which, my child has just been conceived, and you touch it non-stop every day, as if you are more attentive than Luo Fan.

Since you like children so much, you might as well have one. "

"Okay!" Keisha nodded, and then said:

"Even if I want to give birth, no one will give birth to me. My sacred body is so hard that ordinary people can't even break through the defense."

Hearing this, He Xi stared at Kesha with a half-smile, and said:

"How come no one can break your defense, Luo Fan can definitely do it."

"Also, Luo Fan must be interested in you, and you absolutely like Luo Fan, you can have a beautiful angel baby with him."

When Keisha heard this, he and Luo Fan sat in the garden unconsciously in his mind, and their little angel baby was dancing happily in the air.However, Keisha suddenly came back to her senses, because she found that He Xi was staring at her closely, with a teasing smile on her face,
"Haha!" He Xi smiled slightly and said:

"I'm right, you must have fallen in love with Luo Fan, and you must have been looking forward to a bright future just now."

Having been exposed by He Xi, Keisha only felt embarrassed, so she said:

"You guessed wrong, I didn't want to have a baby just now."

"Hey, I heard about having a baby as soon as I came back. Who wants to have a baby?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind the two of them.

He Xi and Kesha turned around and saw Luo Fan standing behind him with his arms around Reina and Lieyang's dancing photos.

When Kesha saw it was Luo Fan, in order to avoid embarrassment, she quickly said:
"We were discussing Hexi's baby just now. I will let her have another one in the future after she is born. More children and more blessings!"

"Oh, so that's the case." Luo Fan took a deep look at Keisha and muttered.

However, Hexi thought that Kaisha had tickled her just now, so he broke the stage and said:

"Luo Fan, it's not me who gave birth to a baby, Keisha said she wanted to give birth to a baby for you."

Keisha: "..."

Keisha just felt so embarrassed on the spot that she felt ashamed to see others.

The majestic king of angels actually wanted to give birth to someone else.

Kesha narrowed her eyes and glared at He Xi fiercely.

"He... Hee..."

Hexi ignored Kaisha's sharp eyes, as if he didn't see it, he just ignored it, and said:
"Kesha, if you stare at me like that again, I'll ask Luo Fan to deal with you severely tonight."

Keisha: "?????"

Keisha felt even more embarrassed. In order to change the subject, she looked at Reina and Wu Zhao, said hello, and said:

"Leina, long time no see, who is next to you?"

In order to change the subject, Keisha even knowingly asked who Wu Zhao was.

However, everyone at the scene knew that Keisha definitely knew the information about the dance photos.

After all, Keisha glanced casually, and the insightful eye could know all the information about Wu Zhao.

Lena had a good impression of Keisha, and knew that the elegant woman in front of her was Queen Keisha, who was famous in the known universe and invincible for 3 years in the known universe, so she smiled and said:
"This is the Chifeng Tianhu, one of our new four-generation guardians of Lieyang, Wu Zhao."

"At the same time, she is already Luo Fan's woman, and she has already entered the bridal chamber in our Lieyang."

Hexi: "????"

Hexi's beautiful face was full of question marks, secretly thinking that Luo Fan's charm is really great, he went to Lieyang, and took down the dance photo of Lieyang and Leina's beauty.

High, really high.

Kesha, on the other hand, said directly after hearing this:

"Luo Fan, you are really good, it seems that I have to give you an award."

Upon hearing this, Luo Fan bowed his hands to Kesha and said:

"You are polite, you are polite, you are too polite."

He Xi glanced at Wu Zhao, and turned her beautiful eyes.

Now that Luo Fan has obtained all the dance photos, she will definitely accept Kesha.

After all, Keisha is much stronger than Wu Zhao in terms of status and strength.

And it happened to take this opportunity to bring Keisha and Luo Fan together.

She knew that Kaisha had been invincible for 3 years, and she had been single for 3 years.

So Hexi said:
"Luo Fan, why don't you marry Kesha..."

(End of this chapter)

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