Chapter 291 The three kings are in danger, Luo Fan arrives
Aboard the Tiangong!

Hua Ye, who was crushed by the three kings Kesha, Hexi, and Liangbing, suddenly shook his body.

The three of Kesha didn't notice anything wrong, and rushed towards Hua Ye in the middle with their flaming swords.

At this moment, Hua Ye raised his head and stepped hard with his right foot.

Suddenly, a mysterious force spread, and the bodies of Kaisha and the three of them froze suddenly, and they stopped motionless in place.

Kesha and the three looked at each other, unable to understand what was going on.

They couldn't figure out why Hua Ye, who had just been crushed by them, suddenly became so powerful.

However, Hua Ye at this moment is no longer Hua Ye, but Karl, the god of death who came from 23000 years later.

Karl looked at his hands. He actually didn't want to enter Hua Ye's body.

However, as a person from the future, he is incompatible with the past. If he does not enter Hua Ye's body, he will not be able to use his own body to defeat Kesha and the others.

Then, Karl looked at the hundreds of Sky Blade series combat objects around him and clenched his fist.

Suddenly, a wave of purple energy spread towards the surroundings.

The next moment, one after another Heavenly Blade combat celestial bodies suspended in space exploded instantly, and then fell downward.

When Liang Bing saw this scene, he stared at Hua Ye coldly and said:

"Holy shit, it's cheating."

After hearing this, Karl walked towards Liang Bing, his eyes full of admiration.

Karl looked at the cold ice in front of him, and said:
"Twenty-three thousand years later, you married someone else and became pregnant with a child."

"Now, I see you again as a young child. This time, I, the God of Death, Carl, don't want to be a licking dog. I want to take you down domineeringly."

"After 23000 years?"


There was surprise in Liang Bing's eyes, he looked at the cute Hua Ye in disbelief, and said:

"I'm talking about how this expression looks so familiar, and I'm talking about how you suddenly became so powerful. It turns out that you are the pervert Karl, and you came from 3000 years in the future."

"Haha...haha..." Karl laughed softly and said:
"Yes, I am Karl. This time I will be bolder and more domineering, and I will execute you directly on the spot."

Karl said, reaching out towards Liang Bing.

At this moment, Liang Bing suddenly turned cold and shouted:
"you dare?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Karl's body froze violently and he quickly retracted his hands.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Liang Bing's laughter rang out, his voice full of contempt and ridicule.

Karl listened to Liangbing's ridicule, and looked up at Liangbing, only to see Liangbing looked at him with disdain.

"You...what are you laughing at?"

"Hmph!" Liangbing snorted and said disdainfully:
"You are such a pervert. When you were in the Super God Universe, you didn't even dare to look at me. Do you think you can do anything to me 2 years later?"

When Karl heard this, his face turned blue and white.

Indeed, when they were in the Super God Universe 3 years ago, he and Liang Bing were both mentors of the Super God Academy.

At that time, he fell deeply in love with Liang Bing, a bold and straightforward beautiful angel.

However, he only dared to peek at Liang Bing secretly, and did not even dare to express his love. He kept this love in his heart.Even 3 years later, facing Liang Bing, he was still at a disadvantage. Even after Liang Bing bluntly said that he had become a phantom, he looked down upon him even more.

Karl originally thought that he came from the future and could handle Liang Bing 3000 years ago at will, but he did not expect that his love for Liang Bing and his lack of bravery were deeply hidden in his heart.


Karl suddenly roared, pointed at Liang Bing and said:
"You were who you were 3000 years ago, and I come from the future. I have the power to control you now at will."

"So, today I am going to take you and make you the woman of my god of death, Karl."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, Liang Bing laughed a few more times, looked at Karl with disdain, and said:

"Are you really not a man?"

"Why?" Karl was not afraid of anything, but he was most afraid that Liang Bing would look down on him, so he asked quickly.

Liang Bing looked Karl up and down and said lightly:
"Look at you, you still said you wanted to get me, but now you are using Hua Ye's body. Even if you get it, it is still Hua Ye's body that got it. You made Hua Ye's wedding dress. You are really pitiful."

"I can't believe that after more than 2 years, you in the future will still be such a coward and a licking dog. The biggest licking dog in the known universe is you... Carl, the God of Death, you are so perverted!"

Liang Bing's words were like the sharpest knife in the world piercing Karl's heart.

Oh no, Carl has no heart.

It penetrated directly into Karl's soul, causing his soul to tingle.

At the same time, it also angered Karl.

Karl's usually calm face also showed anger at this moment, and he said angrily:

"I admit that in front of you, I, the God of Death, Karl, always seem to be inferior to you, but that is because I love you."

"But don't think that because I love you, you have nothing to fear. Now, I am going to kill your only relative in this world, Kesha!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Karl held the God-killing Martial King Sword in Hua Ye's hand and walked towards Kesha.

Now Kesha, the god-killing weapon in his hand is enough to kill her.

Liang Bing watched Hua Ye, who was possessed by Karl, walking towards Kesha step by step. His face was full of worry as Karl expected, and he cursed anxiously:

"Karl, you are a pervert. If you have the ability to come at me, how can you kill my sister?"

Karl turned to look at Liang Bing and saw the worry and anxiety on her face. He felt satisfied in his heart and said with a smile:
"Haha, Liang Bing, haven't you always been aloof in front of me? When I face you, I always lower my head and can only see your great evil."

"But why are you so anxious in front of me right now?"

"Haha...haha..." Karl laughed a few times and said:

"Liang Bing, please beg me. All you ask is me. I will definitely let Kesha go."

"Oh, no, it's useless to just beg me. You still have to say you love me. Only if you say you love me to death will I let Kesha go."

"Now, beg me quickly, love me quickly, or I will raise my sword and chop off Kesha's head in front of you...please me quickly..."

However, in the face of Karl's crazy yelling, Liang Bing still raised his proud head, stared at the God of Death Karl with contempt, and said coldly:

"You pervert, if you want to kill me, just kill me. I, Liang Bing, will never beg you, and I will never say I love you to you, this pervert."

"Ah..." Karl looked at Liang Bing's contemptuous eyes and listened to her sarcastic and heart-wrenching words, and he shouted violently.

Then, Karl glanced at Liang Bing with a cold look and said:
"Since you don't beg me, I will kill her now and make you regret it for the rest of your life."

After Carl finished speaking, he walked up to Kesha, staring at Kesha's snow-white neck with cold eyes, and slashed off with the sword in his hand!
(End of this chapter)

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