Chapter 292 The three kings were shocked

"Queen Keisha!"

But at this moment, in another dimension of this time and space, Angel Yan looked at this scene with worry on his face.

Yan has been monitoring the god of death Carl during this time.

Therefore, after discovering that Karl was going to Devil No. [-], he rushed over immediately.

However, after entering the time and space corridor through the time and space gate in Demon No. [-].

Yan discovered that Karl's phantom body could actually enter Hua Ye's body through the dimension of time and space.

But she couldn't do this, she could only fly in the air and worry.

At this moment, seeing Hua Ye, who was possessed by Karl, slashing at Queen Kesha with a sword, Yan had no choice but to do anything.

Suddenly, Yan's eyes changed and he looked at Kesha with surprise.

On the Tiangong.

Karl held the God-Killing Martial King Sword and slashed at Kesha's snow-white neck.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of Kai Kai.


The God-killing Martial King Sword struck Luo Fan hard on the shoulder.

With just a click, the sturdy God-killing Martial King Sword instantly broke into several sections and fell to the ground.

Karl looked at Luo Fan who suddenly appeared, his face full of horror:

"You, how did you get here?"

"That's it."

Luo Fan snapped his fingers, and Kesha, Hexi, and Liang Bing regained their mobility, and then they all came to Luo Fan and looked at the handsome guy who suddenly appeared.

"Impossible." Karl waved his hand with a look of disbelief:

"When I was planning to enter Demon One, I made some inquiries. You were on Earth at that time."

"And Devil [-] is tens of millions of light years away from the Earth. How could you reach Devil [-] so quickly and immediately enter the space-time corridor to catch up with me?"

Luo Fan was not in a hurry to kill the pervert Karl right away. It would be too boring if the final boss could be killed with one sword.

I have to say a few words.

Luo Fan patted Karl's head and said lightly:

"Perhaps it is possible that I can reach Demon One from Earth in an instant."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Karl's face was full of disbelief and he said:

"How can such a long distance be reached instantly?"

"Also, even if you can reach Demon No. [-] instantly, how can you appear here in your own body? This is the past, and there are some time and space dimensions."

"Even if I am a phantom body, I can enter Hua Ye's body. However, even if I am a phantom body, I cannot affect the surroundings with my true body, let alone directly break through the time and space dimensions like you and appear. it's here."

Luo Fan shook his head, patted Karl's face with his big hand, and said:

"My child, you are really looking at the sky from a well. What you can't do doesn't mean I can't do it too."

Karl is a scholar. He knew he was dead the moment Luo Fan appeared. However, he wanted to know why Luo Fan could appear here instantly and break the dimension of time and space.

However, he found that after asking for a long time, Luo Fan just said how awesome he was, but did not tell the reason.

This made him, who was extremely curious about knowledge, feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching his heart.

Karl looked at Luo Fan in front of him, his calm face suddenly went crazy, and asked:

"Can you tell me something sweet and let me know how you became so strong in a few months?"

"No." Luo Fan's three simple words directly broke through Karl's psychological defense.

Luo Fan knew that Karl had a very strong thirst for knowledge.Otherwise, he would not have been obsessed with studying the void, and even turned himself into an illusion.

Without a body, one cannot enjoy the pleasures brought by the body.

He even knew that Liang Bing would never like him turning into a phantom body, but his thirst for knowledge about the unknown led Karl to still choose to become a phantom body.

Therefore, not telling Karl the reason why he is so powerful is the greatest damage to Karl's soul.

No, Karl’s expression suddenly changed and he said:

"As long as you tell me how you are so powerful, how about I let you do whatever you want, and I can even give you the big clock?"

However, Luo Fan looked at Karl as if he was looking at something, and patted his face:
"Are you a fool for riding a horse? I'll kill you. The big clock is mine as well."

"Not only is the big clock mine, but everything you own is mine."

After speaking, Luo Fan looked at Karl and said:

"I'll let you take action once, otherwise you won't even have a chance to take action."

"Okay." Karl responded. He knew Luo Fan's strength. If he didn't take action, if Luo Fan did, he might not even have a chance to take action.

"Then I'll take action." Karl was still very polite and said hello when he was about to take action.

Then, Karl waved his hand, and the space around Luo Fan's body changed, and he instantly appeared in a star.

This star is tens of thousands of times larger than the sun.


Then, the star made a bang and exploded with a bang.

"Level [-] extreme rage!"

At the same time, a loud shout came, and Luo Fan instantly completed the second level of extreme rage.

Golden light erupted around his body, blue lightning suddenly appeared, his black hair turned into gold and shot straight into the sky, and his muscles all over his body swelled.

At the same time, the terrifying waves of the star explosion hit Luo Fan, and the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees baked Luo Fan.

All around, the endless space collapsed directly under the explosion of stars.

However, Luo Fan still stood in space. No matter how terrifying the explosions around him were, they could not hurt him in the slightest.


When the star exploded, Luo Fan was still standing in space without any injuries on his body.

"The power of time and space."

Luo Fan murmured, the surrounding space changed, and his body appeared on the Tiangong No. again.

Karl looked at Luo Fan who suddenly appeared, his face full of shock, and he said in disbelief:

"You... how could you be so powerful? I detonated a star in advance, and then sent changes to the space around you. You... you were not hurt at all by the explosion of the star?"

Faced with Karl's shock and confusion, Luo Fan still did not answer, just shook his head and said:
"Oh, Karl, your strength is really too weak, I am really disappointed."

The conversation between Karl and Luo Fan directly confused Kesha, He Xi and Liang Bing next to them.

They didn't expect that Karl just waved his hand and sent Luo Fan to the vicinity of a star, and detonated the star to explode Luo Fan.

This, this is enough to surprise the three of them, because this is a technology that they currently cannot master.

However, the thing that made them feel most incredible was Luo Fan.

They could not imagine that a life could withstand the explosion of a star and remain unscathed.

It's so scary.

Moreover, I heard from Karl that this man named Luo Fan had become so powerful after only a few months of exposure to Kamigawa genes.

Are people 3000 years in the future so terrifying?

(End of this chapter)

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