Chapter 147 Killing
Hearing this, Gu Yue glanced at Xie Xie and said disdainfully: "It's just a hundred-year-old human-faced demon spider. If you're afraid, you can leave first."

"I can deal with this Man-Faced Demon Spider by myself."

Xie Xie choked for a moment, and said, "I don't think it's worth it?"

Gu Yue said coldly: "You are just a coward!"

When Xie Xie heard this, his eyes widened instantly with anger, he took a deep breath, and said loudly, "I'm not afraid of the Man-faced Demon Spider, it's just..."

Seeing Gu Yue and Xie Xie arguing again, Tang Wulin had a headache.

"Okay, stop arguing."

He grabbed Xie Xie, pointed at the Man-Faced Demon Spider next to him, and said, "We can't leave now, let's deal with this guy first!"

Xie Xie looked back and found that the insidious soul beast, the Human-Faced Demon Spider, had trapped the three of them without even using his martial virtues or saying hello.

The surrounding trees were entangled with dense and highly poisonous spider silk, using the trunk as a fulcrum to surround the three of them, but the Man Faced Demon Spider was still not satisfied, and actually weaved spider webs inside and outside to narrow the encirclement.

Looking at the leaves that had been corroded into black and purple, Xie Xie shuddered and did not dare to test the poison himself.

"Gu Yue..."

He looked at Gu Yue, wanting the other party to try using fireballs, but before he finished speaking, three fireballs flew out. Unfortunately, it had no effect. The surface of the spider silk was covered with a layer of venom, which was a human face. The demon spider's soul power and body fluids were so poisonous that ordinary fireballs could not burn through it.

After that, Gu Yue tried wind blades and ice picks, but they didn't work.

Seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, Xie Xie's face looked grim. It had only been two hours. Could it be that they were about to be eliminated?
Are they destined to not have a good rest during the zero shift?
Tang Wulin looked calm and asked Gu Yue calmly, "What should we do now?"

When Liu Qingxuan was not around, Gu Yue was usually in charge, because she was stronger than Tang Wulin.

Gu Yue thought for a while and said: "When the Human-Faced Demon Spider attacks, you will restrain it with blue silver grass and hit it with a heavy silver hammer. Xie Xie will attack its shell from above, and I will attack its weak points."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie nodded at the same time.

Afterwards, the three of them stared at the Man-Faced Demon Spider, waiting for the other party to approach, while recovering their soul power.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider is extremely fast and is good at climbing trees. If the distance is not enough, when they attack, the opponent will probably escape directly through the big tree. It will not be easy to kill this guy by then.

A few minutes later, the Man-Faced Demon Spider reduced the encirclement to five meters, and the surrounding area was densely covered with spider silk spun out by it.

It glanced at the vigilant Gu Yue and the others, estimated the distance, felt that the timing was about right, and immediately launched a second round of attacks.

A ball of yellow-green light spewed out from the mouth of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, rapidly expanded in the air, and turned into a three-meter-sized spider web, covering the place where Xiang Guyue and the others were standing.

This is the innate soul skill of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. It sprays spider webs, is windproof and waterproof, contains highly toxic substances, and is very powerful.

Seeing this, Gu Yue's first soul ring instantly lit up, the elemental tide started, and countless elements gathered. As Gu Yue waved her palm, a ray of earthy yellow light rose from her feet, turning into a stone pillar. The cobwebs jumped up.The Man-Faced Demon Spider rushed over, and Tang Wulin immediately launched his second soul skill - Blue Silver Stab Array.

Blue vines rose up from the ground one by one, winding towards the Man-Faced Demon Spider like a giant python. When the Man-Faced Demon Spider saw this, a light flashed in its eyes, and it immediately stretched out four shining spider legs, like blades. It waved quickly and cut all the vines coming around it, but it was still blocked by the thick vines and could not see the way forward clearly. It slowed down instantly. At the same time, the paralysis effect attached to the Blue Silver Emperor vines also consumed people. The Masked Demon Spider has a lot of soul power.

At this time, Tang Wulin threw a heavy silver forging hammer with all his strength and quickly hit the Man-Faced Demon Spider's eyes.

Hearing the sharp roar coming from the head, the Human-Faced Demon Spider flicked its tail, and a ball of yellow-green light flew out, turning into a spider web and wrapping the Chen Yin Hammer, blocking it for a while, and using this gap, the Human-Faced Demon Spider quickly escaped. On the spot, he quickly pounced on Tang Wulin. As a result, a golden vine shot up from the ground, like a sudden python, entangling the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

This was when Tang Wulin activated his first soul skill - Blue Silver Coil, and also used the small golden light of his soul, so the Man-Faced Demon Spider didn't have to be the first to break free.

Seeing this, Xie Xie's eyes flashed, and he immediately seized this opportunity and launched his strongest attack on the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

He had already stepped on Tang Wulin's shoulder and jumped into the air. The second soul ring on his body flashed and turned into a golden whirlwind. Tore the back shell of the Man-faced Demon Spider, but failed to completely tear the Man-faced Demon Spider's defense.

Feeling the pain coming from its back, the Man Faced Demon Spider let out a shrill roar and struggled even more.

Just when it was about to break free, the golden color on the Blue Silver Emperor suddenly disappeared, a silver light flashed from its belly, and a ball of four-color light suddenly appeared.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider felt the breath of death from above. It was frightened and wanted to jump away. Four-color light balls suddenly erupted.

The energy impact generated in an instant directly blew the Man-Faced Demon Spider away. Countless wind blades, fireballs, earth spears, and ice picks swept out, wildly bombarding the Man-Faced Demon Spider's defenseless abdomen, and immediately blasted the Man-Faced Demon Spider away. The demon spider's human face was torn apart, making a big hole in the abdomen of the demon spider. Yellow-green blood gurgled out, quickly taking away the life of the demon spider.

It struggled a few times, trying to attack Tang Wulin and the others, but in the end it failed. It could only swallow its last breath with eyes full of unwillingness.

Balls of rich yellow spiritual power emerged from the Human-Faced Demon Spider and slowly landed on Gu Yue.

Because in the end, it was Gu Yue who activated the first and second soul skills, condensed an elemental ball, and used the power of space to send it to the lower part of the Man-Faced Demon Spider's abdomen, completing the final blow.

Seeing the wonderful scene displayed on the screen, the staff of the Spirit Pagoda opened their mouths instantly, and exclaimed: "Wonderful! It's really wonderful."

Even Wu Changkong, who had always been aloof, had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Teacher Wu, do those two boys have the idea of ​​joining the Spirit Transferring Pagoda?"

The staff asked enthusiastically. He wanted to absorb Tang Wulin and Xie Xie into the Spirit Pagoda. He knew that Gu Yue was already a member of the Spirit Pagoda, so he didn't ask her.


Wuchangkong cast a cold glance at the staff, and directly rejected the other party. He was already very heartbroken when three people from shift zero entered the Spirit Pagoda. He didn't expect these guys to want to poach the corners of their Tang Sect. It was simply too much.



(End of this chapter)

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