Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 148 Ascension to Lingtai Core (4000 words, please subscribe)

Chapter 148 Ascension to Lingtai Core (4000 words, please subscribe)
Intermediate spiritual ascension platform!
By a clear stream, Liu Qingxuan looked at the fish swimming in front of him and suddenly fell into deep thought.

Feeling like something is wrong with these fish?

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

Seeing the fish staring blankly, Na'er couldn't help asking curiously!
Liu Qingxuan did not answer, but silently mobilized the power of the reincarnation disk in the sea of ​​consciousness. Wisps of black light appeared in Liu Qingxuan's eyes, giving him the sudden ability to see through illusions.

Looking at the swimming fish again, Liu Qingxuan suddenly found invisible and colorless threads emerging from the other side, connecting to the depths of the Spirit Ascending Platform.

Cause and effect line!
Looking at these lines, three words appeared in Liu Qingxuan's heart.

Seeing that Liu Qingxuan didn't answer, Na'er turned her attention to a few fish in the water and caught one in the air, but she looked left and right but found nothing.

These fish are not big in size, each of them is no more than half a foot long, with pale golden scales and white lines on them, their bodies are streamlined, their soul power is weak, and they don't have much aggressiveness themselves. Ordinary fish soul beasts.

My brother paid attention to them, did he discover something?
"Let's go, I found the God Realm Fragment."

Liu Qingxuan said something to Na'er through sound transmission, and then took the other's hand, flapped his wings, and soared into the sky, in the direction that the causal line extended.

Seeing this scene, Ling Qiuyue's eyes flashed and she said in surprise: "You actually dare to fly in the Spirit Ascension Platform."

You must know that there are not only land soul beasts in the Soul Ascension Platform, but also many flying soul beasts. Therefore, most soul masters do not dare to fly in the Soul Ascension Platform, because flying in the air will be attacked by flying soul beasts and land soul beasts at the same time. .

Unless they are extremely confident in their own strength, almost no one will choose to fly in Ascension to Lingtai.

Wuchangkong looked at the picture on the screen and was also very surprised, because he didn't dare to fly in the middle-level Ascension to Lingtai, but he knew Liu Qingxuan's strength, so he still believed in Liu Qingxuan.

As soon as Liu Qingxuan and Na'er came into the air, they found that the sky was full of flying soul beasts. Big birds of various colors were attacking each other crazily. Their soul skills collided and released bright lights.

I saw two humans coming into the sky, and a golden bird of prey flew out from the flock of birds.

It has a pair of golden wings with lavender magic lines all over its body. Its wingspan is close to ten meters. It has a pair of shining dark golden eyes, revealing a compelling gaze. The golden claws are extremely sharp, as if they have appeared. sword.

Golden Feather Eagle!
Liu Qingxuan glanced at it, and recognized the name of this kind of soul beast. This is a flying soul beast of the overlord level. Its pair of wings are extremely hard and can split alloys.

The adult Golden Feather Eagle is the real overlord of the sky, the nightmare of all small and medium-sized soul beasts, even the real ancient dragon is no match for it in the sky, because it has a very abnormal ability-time slowing down, this kind of The ability makes the Golden Feather Eagle's strength exceed its own level, and it can hunt and kill the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear or the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger of the same level. Only the king of the Dragon Clan can fight against a super soul beast like the Golden Feather Eagle.

Liu Qingxuan glanced at the size and momentum of the golden feather eagle, and immediately confirmed that it was a ten thousand year soul beast.


Jin Yudiao's dark golden eyes stared coldly at Liu Qingxuan and Na'er, and with a sharp roar, he swooped over quickly, like an arrow that left the string, piercing the sky in a blink of an eye, and stretched out a pair of sharp claws like Unsheath the sword.

At the same time, a series of pale golden halos spread from it, causing the wind in the sky to suddenly slow down, and the surrounding flying spirit beasts seemed to be in slow motion, and their attack speed became extremely slow.

Liu Qingxuan and Na'er were about to fight back, but they were swept away by golden ripples, and the speed of mobilizing themselves was dozens of times slower in horror.

But the next moment, Liu Qingxuan's body burst out with brilliant mental power, breaking the influence of time deceleration.

At the same time, seven-colored rays of light erupted from Na'er's body, absorbing all the power of time around her, and her aura instantly increased several times.

The soul skill was forced, and the Golden Feather Eagle let out a scream, and its momentum suddenly weakened a few points, but it did not stop attacking. Its pair of sharp claws emitted golden light, and it grabbed Liu Qingxuan and Na'er respectively, intending to force the two of them to trespass without permission. The guy who entered its territory was torn apart.

Seeing this, a hint of anger flashed in Na'er's eyes, and she picked up the spear in her hand. The nine-colored halo of light flowed and pierced out like lightning.

Liu Qingxuan quickly thrust out a sword, pointing directly at the sharp claws of the Golden Feather Eagle.

The bright sword light and nine-color gun light pierced the sky and collided with the sharp claws of the golden feather carving.

"Clang! Clang!"

Two golden and iron-like sounds resounded, and the next moment a brilliant golden figure was blasted away, the bright energy light burst out, and the shock wave raged and erupted, causing layers of folds to emerge in the space.

With a scream, the Golden Feather Eagle flew upside down, splashing all over its feathers, and gushing blood from its mouth.

It flew upside down in the void for hundreds of meters before it managed to stabilize its figure, but its whole body was trembling, the energy and blood in its body surged, and its soul power was disordered. Two deep bloody mouths appeared on its hard dark golden claws, almost being crushed Liu Qingxuan and Na'er were cut off.

Seeing this situation, Jin Yudiao calmed down instantly and glanced at Liu Qingxuan and Naer with fear. Feeling a little prickly, he immediately gave up on them, turned around and fled away.

"I still want to run!"

Looking at this scene, Liu Qingxuan smiled coldly, the light in his eyes flickered, and a bright soul light burst out.

Mind control activated!

Spiritual power gushing out like abysses like a prison, instantly caught up with the fleeing Golden Feather Eagle, and poured it into its sea of ​​consciousness like a flood, turning into strange spiritual runes, branded on the soul of the Golden Feather Eagle among.

The Golden Feathered Eagle has powerful attack and defense capabilities, as well as terrifying speed, and almost no weaknesses. But it is a soul beast after all, and it cannot change the weak nature of its soul. It may be fine when it encounters an ordinary spiritual soul master, but it may not be a problem when it encounters Liu Qingxuan This kind of spirit master who is very abnormal appears very fragile.

"Cry! Cry! Cry!"

Feeling the alien spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness, the golden feathered eagle struggled wildly. Anger and unwillingness flashed in its dark golden pupils. The feathers on its body lit up instantly, sending out streaks of golden arrow feathers.

The flying soul beasts fighting in the surrounding area suffered disaster immediately, being bombarded and wounded by the bright golden feathers, they were not allowed to fly further to fight.

After struggling for a while, Jin Yudiao couldn't get rid of Liu Qingxuan's mental control after all, his eyes changed from violent to calm, and he flew back obediently.

Liu Qingxuan pulled Na'er and flew to the back of the golden feathered eagle to sit down, and then ordered the flying soul beast to head towards the depths of the forest, ten times faster than when he flew before. This is not to say that the speed of the golden feathered eagle is faster than They were ten times faster, but the golden feathered eagle's bloodline was extremely outstanding, very close to the legendary ancestral phoenix, a raptor belonging to the first echelon among flying soul beasts. The flying soul beasts along the way did not dare to approach it when they saw it.

In fact, it is very unbelievable that the Golden Feather Eagle appeared in Ascension to Lingtai, because the bloodline of this kind of soul beast is no longer at the level of ordinary soul beasts, but at the level of divine beasts. That line of divine beasts was second only to the top-level divine beast Golden-winged Roc.

Liu Qingxuan saw a denser and thicker line of cause and effect from the Golden Feather Eagle, and immediately determined in his heart that this thing should be related to the fragments of the God Realm in the Ascension to Lingtai.

The Golden Feather Eagle was originally a kind of ancient beast simulated by Ascension to Lingtai, but it absorbed the spirit energy of the fragments of the gods, which made its bloodline show a certain atavism phenomenon, possessing a part of the ability of the golden-winged roc. That's why he is so powerful.Looking at the golden bird that appeared on the screen, both Wu Changkong and Ling Qiuyue had surprised looks in their eyes.

"This soul beast should be an ancient beast that has long since disappeared in the Star Dou Great Forest—the Golden Feather Eagle, a legendary powerful soul beast that feeds on giant dragons."

"How could it appear in Ascension to Lingtai? We haven't found this kind of soul beast."

"Fortunately, Lord Qingxuan and Na'er are strong enough to subdue this golden feather eagle."

Several beautiful staff members watched Liu Qingxuan and Na'er easily defeat the Golden Feather Eagle, their eyes filled with brilliance, and they sighed unconsciously in their hearts. These two people are worthy of being the peerless geniuses of their Spirit Transferring Pagoda. Can handle it.

At this time, a beautiful staff member was shocked, because she found that Liu Qingxuan and Na'er on the screen had disappeared miraculously after reaching a forest, and they could no longer monitor their figures.

"What's going on here? Why did Lord Qingxuan disappear?"

Hearing the beautiful staff member's words, Ling Qiuyue's eyes flashed and she found that Liu Qingxuan on the screen had really disappeared. An anxious look immediately appeared on her delicate face: "Teleport them... No, first use the medium-level spiritual ascension platform." Monitor the equipment and find them."


After hearing Ling Qiuyue's words, several staff members did not dare to neglect and immediately mobilized all the equipment in the monitoring room to send detection signals into the intermediate spiritual ascending platform.

Ling Qiuyue glanced at the screen, feeling very strange: How could there be a monitoring blind spot in the middle-level Ascension to Lingtai?

Did something happen there that I don't know about?

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt, at this moment a female staff member came over and reported: "Director Ling, we have used all the instruments and searched all over the Intermediate Ascension to Lingtai, but so far we have not found any trace of Master Qingxuan and Miss Na'er. "

Hearing this, Ling Qiuyue frowned: "Keep looking."

She was very surprised. Where did Liu Qingxuan go?
At this time, another female staff member came over and said, "Director Ling, the teacher from Donghai College asked us what's going on with Liu Qingxuan? Is there something wrong?"

Wu Zhangkong also discovered the problem, so he came to ask.

Ling Qiuyue raised her gaze and said impatiently: "Tell him that there is no problem with the Ascension Platform. Liu Qingxuan is safe now, but there is a small problem with the monitoring and it will be solved soon."


"Director Ling, we still haven't found Master Qingxuan, should we ask him to withdraw from the Spirit Ascension Platform?"

Ling Qiuyue hesitated for a while, then said: "Well, send him and Na'er out!"


"No, there is a problem with Director Ling's transmission equipment, and there is no way to send them out of Ascension to Lingtai."

"What? Check it immediately, repair the teleportation equipment, and we must rescue them."


Just when Ling Qiuyue was in a state of desperation, Liu Qingxuan and Na'er had already entered a strange space on the Golden Feather Eagle.

This space is very large, covering tens of thousands of square meters. Underfoot is the pale yellow earth. Wisps of clouds and mist rise from the ground and float in the air. The entire space is like a fairyland on earth.

Outside is a twisted space, which completely separates this place from the intermediate spiritual ascension platform. If Liu Qingxuan had not controlled the power of space and the guidance of the causal line, he would not have been able to reach this place and would have been trapped by the folded space outside.

“This space is so big and beautiful!”

Looking at the clouds rising in front of her, Na'er couldn't help being moved and surprised.

The vitality of the world here is more than ten times stronger than that outside. As soon as Na'er came in, she felt unprecedentedly relaxed. Every breath and breath seemed to relieve all burdens, and her soul was sublimated.

A hint of joy also appeared on Liu Qingxuan's face, because he was sure that this was the fragment of the divine world, the location of the fairy spirit, and the core of this intermediate spiritual ascension platform.

Na'er looked at Liu Qingxuan, her gaze filled with admiration and curiosity: "Brother, how did you find this place?"

Liu Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "Cause and effect."

"Everything in the world has a cause and effect. All the spiritual energy in the Ascending Spirit Platform is a by-product of the production of fairy spirit energy. A large part of those soul beasts are also formed by the fairy spirit spirit, so they have a lot to do with the real fairy spirit spirit. The connection is how I found this place.”


Hearing this, Na'er smiled, and her clear eyes flashed slightly, releasing a dazzling light. She felt something strange, but it was difficult to grasp the key point if she looked carefully.

At this time, a dazzling golden light flew out from the white clouds.It was a golden divine dragon with antlers and five claws, and golden scales all over its body. It was flying freely in the clouds, swallowing clouds and mist, and there was a strange aura all over its body.

"Fairy Qi!"

Seeing this golden dragon, Liu Qingxuan's eyes immediately lit up. In just a moment, he was sure that the other party's identity was the spirit of the fairy hidden in this intermediate spiritual ascension platform.

The land and space under his feet should be a sub-space derived from the fragments of the God Realm, between falsehood and reality, while the Spirit Ascension Platform outside is a virtual space, created by the resources of the God Realm fragments and the Spirit Transferring Tower. , as a high-level energy, the spirit of the fairy spirit will naturally attract the vitality of heaven and earth and enhance its own strength, and part of the vitality of heaven and earth is released into the spiritual ascension platform, becoming the spiritual power and soul beasts that support the operation of this place.

This is how the entire Ascension to Lingtai works.

When the golden dragon saw Liu Qingxuan and Na'er, a trace of panic flashed in its eyes. Without the slightest hesitation, it flicked its tail and flew into the distance, trying to get out of this space.

After so many years of evolution, the golden dragon transformed from fairy spirit has already developed a bit of spirituality, and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, otherwise it would not have been discovered by the Spirit Pagoda.



(End of this chapter)

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