Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 149 The Ancient Tree of Life (4000, please subscribe)

Chapter 149 The Ancient Tree of Life (4000, please subscribe)

This time without Liu Qingxuan's orders, Jin Yudiao chased after him.


It roared excitedly, its wings vibrated, turned into a golden light, and quickly rushed towards the fleeing golden dragon, with excited emotions in its eyes.

As the embodiment of the blood of the divine beast, the Golden Feather Eagle can clearly perceive how beneficial the energy in the golden dragon is to him.

It used to be just an ordinary eagle-like soul beast, but after eating a small golden snake, it evolved into a golden feather eagle, possessing the strength to ascend to the Lingtai vertically and horizontally.

Looking at this scene, Na'er was quite surprised: "Brother, why is this golden feathered eagle so excited!"

Liu Qingxuan shrugged: "Who knows? Maybe he took medicine!"

When the Golden Feather Eagle heard the words, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, if it hadn't really been unable to beat them, it would have tore the two punks apart on the spot.

The golden dragon is flying very fast, but the space here is too small, and it soon enters the folded space. It wants to leave this place and enter the wider Ascension to Lingtai.

But the Golden Feathered Eagle was not slow either. It also used its innate soul skill to slow down time. Circles of golden ripples spread from its body, and the golden dragon in front instantly slowed down.

Seeing this, the Golden Feather Eagle flapped its wings fiercely, crossed a distance of [-] meters in an instant, and grabbed the golden dragon with a pair of sharp claws.

Although this golden dragon was transformed by fairy spirit, it only possessed a bit of spirituality and had no attack power, so it had no resistance at all against the sharp claws of the golden feather eagle.

The Golden Feather Eagle was very happy to catch the golden dragon. He planned to taste it and improve his strength a bit, but he never thought that at this time, Liu Qingxuan's voice came from behind.

"Nice job! Give it to me."

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, a trace of hesitation flashed in Jin Yudiao's eyes.

Liu Qingxuan frowned, and immediately activated the means planted in the soul of the Golden Feather Eagle with a thought.

A heartbreaking pain came from the depths of his soul. Golden Feather Eagle felt as if someone was cutting his soul with a knife. His whole body trembled in pain, screamed repeatedly, and immediately fell from the void.

Liu Qingxuan and Na'er spread their wings and grabbed the fairy spirit that escaped from the golden feather eagle's sharp claws.

Soon, the Golden Feather Eagle landed on the ground, rolling and roaring continuously, powerful soul power burst out from his body, rolling up layers of air waves.

After persisting for a while, it finally couldn't bear to release the idea of ​​surrender to Liu Qingxuan.

"Boss, spare me!"

After hearing the sound transmission from Jin Yudiao's spiritual thoughts, Liu Qingxuan did not let him go directly. Instead, he used the soul curse to consume part of Jin Yudiao's mental power, and then said coldly: "Be honest, next time, take it." You’re a piece of shit.”

"Don't dare!"

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Jin Yudiao's body trembled subconsciously, then lowered his head, used his mental power and said weakly.

Liu Qingxuan didn't pay attention to this guy any more, and turned his attention to the terrified fairy spirit whose palms were flying up and down.

"Is this the spirit of the fairy?"

Na'er glanced at the golden dragon transformed by the spirit energy, her clear eyes were full of curiosity.


Liu Qingxuan nodded with a smile: "This thing is the core of Ascension to Lingtai - the spirit of the spirit. Controlling it is equivalent to controlling the energy source of the entire Ascension to Lingtai."


Na'er nodded, and suddenly noticed a little green light emerging from the clouds, and said in surprise: "What is that? Brother."

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan subconsciously turned his head to look, and a bright light burst out from his eyes, instantly piercing through the clouds and mist, and saw the true face of that thing clearly.

"There is actually a second fairy spirit?"

A trace of surprise appeared on Liu Qingxuan's handsome face.

There is actually more than one fairy spirit in this space. It seems that there is no doubt that it is a real fragment of the divine world.

Thinking in his mind, Liu Qingxuan thought, and the yin and yang complementary soul core in his body shrank violently, releasing circles of silver light.

As the silver light spread from his body, the space of a hundred meters in radius immediately stopped, the clouds and mist stopped rolling, and the fairy spirit that was about to escape when it discovered the abnormality also stopped.

As soon as Liu Qingxuan stretched out his hand, his soul power surged out, turning into an invisible big hand, restraining the second wave of fairy energy.

The shape of this thing is different from the golden dragon in his hand. It turned out to be a green luan, with light blue feathers all over its body, and a slender figure, like a beautiful jade. A pair of crystal clear eyes were crimson red, blooming with a strange look.

Now it is also a mythical beast.

Liu Qingxuan looked through the outside of Qingluan, and found that there was an invisible and strange "gas" energy inside. This energy gave him a feeling that it was much more advanced than the aura cloud outside, and it also had a hint of immortality.

"Na'er, it seems that there is more than one fairy spirit here. You and Jin Yudiao will go and find out if there are any other fairy spirits. If there are any, catch them all."

After hearing her brother's words, Na'er nodded obediently and did not ask Liu Qingxuan what he wanted the fairy energy for.

Liu Qingxuan actually doesn't know how to deal with these fairy spirits. It seems too early to absorb them. It is not impossible for him to absorb fairy spirits with his current strength, but there are many hidden dangers, because the fairy spirits If the energy level is too high, it will greatly increase his strength and cause the foundation to be unstable, which will also be a very troublesome matter.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan decided to put away the fairy spirit temporarily and talk about it later. Unexpectedly, the seed of life in his consciousness sea moved at this time.

This seed of life is exactly the one given to it by the will of the plane.

After killing Tang Hao and his wife, the will of the plane Cangmin took the seed of life back from the body of the ancient golden tree and gave it to Liu Qingxuan.

Then, Liu Qingxuan put this thing into the sea of ​​consciousness, used the power of reincarnation to refine it, stamped it with his own soul seal, and turned the seed of life into his own. Now it is almost refined.

He is also going to look for opportunities to plant this thing, absorbing the life energy of Douluo Continent to help him cultivate.

Now it seems that this seed of life is obviously eyeing the higher energy of fairy spirit.

Feeling the idea from the Seed of Life, Liu Qingxuan made a decision not long after, to give the spirit of the fairy to the Seed of Life.

This may be a good choice. Use the spirit of the fairy spirit to cultivate the ancient tree of life. The final ancient tree of life will definitely be stronger than the ordinary ancient tree of life!

After he made up his mind, a pattern of a small sapling immediately appeared on his forehead. A green light flashed on the sapling, and two green branches stretched out, entwining the two fairy airs in Liu Qingxuan's hands, absorbing the energy in them.

After a while, the divine beast transformed by these two fairy spirits disappeared without a trace.

Liu Qingxuan also felt that the Seed of Life was many times stronger. "go!"

With a thought in his mind, the seed of life flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness, turned into a green light, and plunged into the earth. The power in it soon began to erupt, and the immature roots broke through the shackles on the surface, stretched out, and spread to the ground. At the same time, the surrounding land, fresh and tender sprouts grew from the roots of the tree, quickly broke through the shackles of the soil, popped out, and grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became a real ancient tree of life sapling.

Green light flickered on the sapling, frantically absorbing the incomparably rich vitality of heaven and earth from the fragments of the God Realm, enhancing its body shape and vitality.

At first, its height was only one meter, but after a while it reached ten meters, and it was still growing at an extremely fast speed.

Liu Qingxuan watched this scene quietly, his eyes flickering, and he suddenly had some new understanding of the law of creation.

"Brother, what is this?"

At this time, Na'er noticed the movement here, and immediately flew over with a few strands of fairy energy that she had just captured.

Liu Qingxuan said: "The ancient tree of life, it is the root of all life in the Douluo plane..."

The ancient tree of life can control all life energy, and can also affect the birth and death of life souls. It has a certain plane authority and its ability is very terrifying...

Liu Qingxuan only learned this information about the Ancient Tree of Life after refining the Seed of Life.An adult ancient tree of life can help the plane adjust the vitality of the world, absorb cosmic energy, and stabilize the plane. The young ancient tree of life needs to absorb a lot of energy to truly develop, and ordinary energy is not enough, it must be the same as the original source of the plane. Level energy, or higher-level fairy energy can also be used, which is more beneficial to the growth of the ancient tree of life.

Hearing Liu Qingxuan's introduction, Na'er's eyes flashed with astonishment. She was very surprised how Liu Qingxuan obtained the ancient tree of life. You must know that this is the life core of a plane!Except for the will of the plane, no one knows where this thing is, let alone control the ancient tree of life.

At this time, the Ancient Tree of Life trembled slightly. It felt the fairy spirit in Na'er's hand and immediately stretched out a few green branches.

A hint of surprise flashed in Na'er's eyes again, she didn't directly hand over the immortal spirit energy to the Ancient Tree of Life, but looked at Liu Qingxuan with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Na'er, give it the fairy air!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingxuan smiled.

"Golden Feather Eagle, give it your fairy spirit energy too."

Hearing this, Na'er immediately handed over the spirit energy to the Ancient Tree of Life, while the Golden Feather Eagle was a little reluctant, but it had just been taught a lesson and did not dare to resist Liu Qingxuan's order, and finally surrendered itself honestly. The caught fairy spirit.

Sweeping the branches of the Ancient Tree of Life, they cheerfully rolled up the fairy air and inhaled it into the body, and the speed of growth accelerated again.

Its branches and leaves popped out one by one, and the trunk quickly grew taller and thicker. At the same time, the roots under the soil also seemed to be excited, growing rapidly, and quickly formed a network of rhizomes that was denser than the branches and leaves.

Liu Qingxuan found that with the growth of the ancient tree of life, he had a little more connection with the evolution space of this fragment of the God Realm.

He was overjoyed immediately, he didn't expect the Ancient Tree of Life to have such a function.

The ancient tree of life grew rapidly, and circles of emerald-colored halos bloomed all over its body, and the energy clouds and mists around it against it were more emerald green.

The surrounding space also returns a strange fluctuation.

Liu Qingxuan's connection with this space became stronger and stronger, and he gradually sensed more things.

This space is the fragments that fell from the God Realm during the Dragon God War. Most of the fairy spirits in it were lost in the process of falling into the mortal world, but there are still at least thousands of fairy spirits.

When the Ancient Tree of Life grew to 50 meters, Liu Qingxuan clearly sensed the location of these fairy spirits and immediately controlled the Ancient Tree of Life to capture these fairy spirits.

Countless tree branches plunged into the clouds, like hunting pythons, quickly rounding up those hiding fairy spirits. Because they controlled this space, there was no difficulty in hunting this time. The green branches were very fast. It entangled the fairy spirit in the air and absorbed all these high-level energies into the body.

There is also a part of the fairy spirit hidden under the soil, which was also found out by the trunk of the ancient tree of life, swallowed into the body, absorbed the fairy spirit, and the ancient tree of life began to develop for the second time.

This time, its height has grown to [-] meters, occupying almost the entire fragment space.

All Liu Qingxuan saw were green leaves and thick branches.

He suddenly sensed a huge energy coming into his body, and immediately said to Na'er, "Help me protect the law."

"Okay!" Na'er nodded.

Liu Qingxuan immediately sat cross-legged on a thick tree trunk.

Orange Orange Orange four soul rings emerged from Liu Qingxuan's body.

Seeing this scene, Na'er's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

"They're all ferocious beast spirit rings?"

"Brother is really amazing."

She murmured to herself, feeling very happy.

In fact, Na'er's soul ring is not an ordinary purple thousand-year soul ring, but a nine-color heterochromatic soul ring. It has nothing to do with the soul rings in the common soul ring system today. Liu Qingxuan was worried that it would scare others, so he asked Na'er hid, otherwise there might be countless people who want to study Na'er's soul ring. After all, Huo Yuhao, the first person to have a different-colored soul ring, has become a god.

Na'er stared at Liu Qingxuan without blinking, her eyes flashing with attachment and love.

At this time, the Spirit Pagoda has already turned upside down.

Just as Liu Qingxuan planted the Seed of Life, an abnormality was detected at the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters.

All the Ascension to Lingtai had problems, and the turbulent fluctuations caused the data received by the Spirit Transferring Pagoda to be chaotic, making it impossible to monitor the situation in the Ascension to Lingtai.

Not only Nangong Suqing, the person in charge of the Ascension to Lingtai in the East China Sea, was alarmed, even Qiangu Dongfeng, the owner of the Spirit Pagoda in Shrek City, was also alarmed by the abnormality of the Spirit Pagoda.

"what happened?"

Qiangu Dongfeng brought the deputy pagoda master Leng Yaozhu and several high-level leaders of the Spirit Pagoda to the headquarters control room, looked at the staff in charge of monitoring the Ascension to Lingtai coldly, and asked a little angrily.

The staff trembled, and replied in a low voice: "Tower Master, we checked it out. It is because there is a problem with the core of Ascension to Lingtai, which caused problems with the instruments that control Ascension to Lingtai. The current Ascension to Lingtai is in chaos. Our console sends out various chaotic data streams, which will lead to monitoring failure."

"Can it be repaired?"

"It will take some time!"

Hearing this, Qiangu Dongfeng's complexion softened slightly, but it was still not very good-looking.

He thought of those soul masters who entered the Ascension to Lingtai, and a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes: "Will those who enter the Ascension to Lingtai be in danger?"



(End of this chapter)

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