Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 150 Chapter 5 Soul Technique Life Control (3000, please subscribe)

Chapter 150 The fifth soul skill - life control (3000, please subscribe)

He is most worried about those soul masters who enter the high-level Ascension to Lingtai, because the quota of high-level Ascension to Lingtai is extremely precious, and none of the soul masters who can enter it is easy.

In addition to a small number of geniuses in the Spirit Pagoda itself, many of these people are soul masters from various major forces, people from various soul master families, and military powerhouses. No matter what their strength is, they have a common goal. The point is that the background is deep, even if the Spirit Pagoda, which is in full swing, offends these people, it will be very troublesome.

If the Spirit Transferring Pagoda is besieged by them, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda will not say it will be destroyed, but it will certainly not be able to avoid the injury and bone fracture. Qiangu Dongfeng naturally cannot accept this situation. He is determined to let the Spirit Transferring Pagoda overwhelm the Tang Sect. The Temple of War and Shrek have shocked the entire continent, making the Qiangu family the most powerful family in the continent.

"No! Their bodies are in normal condition. We can transmit their spiritual thoughts through offline operations."

"Okay, let's do it like this! Tell them that the Soul Ascension Platform needs to be repaired, and all the tickets will be returned, and some compensation will be given to those soul masters."

Saying that, Qiangu Dongfeng's heart seemed to be bleeding. The meat he ate just now had to be returned, not to mention how uncomfortable he was, but there was no way. Safety: "Check Ascension to Lingtai for me right now and find out the cause of the problem."

"Yaozhu, go and notify all the soul masters in the headquarters whose spiritual power has reached the spirit abyss level to come, activate their spiritual power, help clean up the chaotic data flow and information flow, and restore Ascension to Lingtai to normal as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Leng Yaozhu replied lightly, and then sent a message to other high-level executives through the soul guide communicator.

Soon, more experts from the Spirit Pagoda came to help the researchers calm down the chaotic data flow and information flow inside the Ascension to Lingtai, and at the same time penetrated into the Ascension to Lingtai with spiritual power to find the cause of the problem.


Donghai City!
Elementary Ascension Platform!
While the three of Gu Yue killed the century-old man-faced spider, the staff just marveled for a while before falling into a daze again.

He watched soul beasts one after another, bumping into the spider web of the man-faced spider, trying to attack Gu Yue and the others inside the spider web, but they were poisoned by the poison on the spider's web and turned into The white and yellow spiritual power was absorbed by the three of them, and their eyes widened in an instant, and they were very shocked.

Are these retarded?

One or two walk without looking at the road!
"How is this going?"

The staff was sweating on their foreheads, and suddenly looked at Wu Changkong next to him, and said, "There is a problem with Ascension to Lingtai, Teacher Wu, will you let those three little guys come out?"

Wuchangkong glanced at him coldly, and said: "My student did nothing wrong. Everything that is happening now is in line with the natural operation of Ascension to Lingtai, and you have no right to interfere. Ascension to Lingtai should operate completely freely, and you interfere like this It must be a foul, right?”


Hearing this, the staff broke into cold sweats, and said: "Ascension to Lingtai cannot be easily changed, but can your students withstand the impact of those spiritual powers? You must know that once the soul ring evolves to the thousand-year level, its own existence will be destroyed. It brings a great burden to the soul master's body and spirit, if they can't bear it, they will be in danger."

"You don't need to worry about this, they can bear it now!"

"Okay, I'll report to the higher ups."

Just as the staff finished speaking, and before they had time to call the higher-ups of the Spirit Transferring Tower, they noticed a flash of light on the soul guide screen in front of them, a large snowflake appeared, and all the monitoring systems failed.

Wuchangkong was surprised: "What's the situation in your Spirit Transferring Pagoda? Even the monitoring of the intermediate Ascension to Lingtai first had problems, and now the monitoring of the elementary Ascension to Lingtai has problems? My students will not be in danger, right?"

Hearing this, the staff glanced at the access warehouse of the three people, and said: "No problem, they are in a normal state now, but the situation inside the Ascension to Lingtai cannot be monitored now, I suggest sending them out directly."

Wu Zhangkong hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay!"

Compared with those spiritual powers, he cared more about the safety of the students.

At this time, the staff's phone rang, and they received a notification from Nangong Suqing, the person in charge of the East China Sea Sub-Tower, to activate the No. 6 plan to send out all the soul masters in Ascension to Lingtai.

Seeing this situation, the staff immediately understood that there was really a big problem inside Ascension to Lingtai, and felt a little uneasy. He came to the instrument and performed an operation. The distress signal of Gu Yue and the others immediately activated by itself. The person was sent out by a force of space at the same time.

Xie Xie opened his eyes, and looked at Wuchangkong suspiciously: "Teacher Wu, what's going on? Are we absorbing spiritual power? Why did you send us out?"

Wu Changkong said: "There is a problem with Ascension to Lingtai, I asked the staff to send you out."

Hearing this, the staff member apologized: "Sorry, this time it was a mistake in the work of the Spirit Pagoda. We will refund the ticket fee and give you some compensation." Gu Yue's eyes flashed, and she suddenly found that Liu Qingxuan was not there, and immediately looked at Wuchangkong asked with concern: "Where is Liu Qingxuan? How is he doing now?"

Wuchangkong shook his head when he heard the words: "...He! I don't know the situation of Liu Qingxuan and Na'er either."

"Let's go and see together!"

As he said that, Wu Changkong immediately turned around and walked towards the access room of the Ultimate Ascension to Lingtai. He now understood that there was a problem with Ascension to Lingtai, and that Ling Qiuyue lied to him. A more serious accident occurred.

When Gu Yue heard Wuchangkong's words, her complexion changed slightly, she immediately jumped out of the metal cabinet, and followed Wuchangkong to the metal room next to her.


Intermediate Ascension to Lingtai.

In the fragmented space, emerald green ancient trees rise from the ground, spreading their branches and leaves, surrounded by clouds of rain and rain, which are highly concentrated vitality of heaven and earth, and also the source of spiritual power of Ascension to Lingtai. Under the background of printing, the whole space is like a fairyland on earth, filled with a hazy and mysterious beauty.

Na'er was dressed in white, as beautiful as snow, with a pair of autumn-like eyes staring closely at the handsome young man next to her, with a gentle look in her eyes.

Next to him, Liu Qingxuan was absorbing the energy transmitted from the Ancient Tree of Life. As the strange fairy energy was continuously poured into his body through the Ancient Tree of Life, Liu Qingxuan's physical fitness, mental and soul power were greatly improved. promote.

A bright azure light shone on his body, circles of life-filled blue light spread out around him, falling on Na'er and Jin Yudiao next to him, instantly increasing the vitality of each of them, because That is the purest life energy, and it is of great benefit to any living being.


Affected by this energy, Na'er and Jin Yu Diao immediately stretched their brows and eyes, revealing relaxed expressions.

Streams of green light blew down from the ancient tree of life. These green lights entangled around Liu Qingxuan's body, and soon formed a green-gold soul ring full of life.

The fifth soul ring was formed, and with the help of the ancient tree of life, Liu Qingxuan obtained a strange fifth soul ring, officially entering the realm of soul kings, and he is only less than ten years old this year. At this age, the whole battle has reached this level. It has never happened in Luo Dalu's history, and if it spreads out, it will definitely shock the entire soul master world.

You must know that even if the resource utilization rate of human soul masters has reached an extremely high level, it will take more than ten years of practice to break through the five-ring soul king, and it is possible to reach around 15. Of course, a few geniuses may be around [-] years old. Reaching this level is a special case, and there is no comparison with a genius like Liu Qingxuan.

Liu Qingxuan could already imagine what people outside would think of him.

But he wasn't very worried, because with Lan Ruoxi, a soul whose combat power had reached the limit level, ordinary people couldn't hurt him at all.

In addition, he was still Leng Yaozhu's disciple, backed by the big tree of the Spirit Pagoda, even if a big force wanted to take action against him, he had to think twice about whether he could bear the anger of the Spirit Pagoda.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan's face calmed down, his thoughts sank into his body, and he silently realized the new soul skills he had obtained.

Control your life!

This is Liu Qingxuan's fifth soul skill, and it is also the innate skill of the ancient tree of life. Life control, as the name suggests, can control interference with everything related to life. This skill has a wider range of uses and more uses.

Through this skill, Liu Qingxuan can deprive and devour the life energy of other creatures, or use the imprint of life to affect the senses and emotions of creatures on the Douluo plane. The most important thing is plants. No matter what quality or strength of plants, Liu Qingxuan will lose this skill when encountering Liu Qingxuan. Part or all of the combat ability, if weaker, will even be directly controlled by Liu Qingxuan. This is the powerful ability of the ancient tree of life as the origin of life in Douluo Continent. Liu Qingxuan's skill is equivalent to a weakened version of the ancient tree of life.Of course, when encountering a plant soul beast, the other party will generally not resist Liu Qingxuan, but will feel kind and fond of him, because the ancient tree of life is the end point of the evolution of all plant soul beasts, and can live forever together with the plane, which is attractive to plant soul beasts The power is still great.

Secondly, Liu Qingxuan can endow other creatures with life energy through life control, and adjust the life state of other creatures, such as restoring injured creatures to their uninjured state of life, and returning dead creatures to their living state.

Of course, this is very difficult to do. Bringing the dead back to life requires mobilizing part of the power of the plane, which consumes a lot of money for Liu Qingxuan.With Liu Qingxuan's current strength, using it once would take at least three years to recover.If the ancient tree of life itself is used to use this skill, it will be much easier, but it will take a long time to cultivate, because the ancient tree of life has not really grown up yet, otherwise if you want to resurrect life, especially Douluo Dalu There is no difficulty at all for the creatures.



(End of this chapter)

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