Douluo started by adopting Gu Yuena

Chapter 151 Field of Destiny (3000, please subscribe)

Chapter 151 Field of Destiny (3000, please subscribe)

At this time, Liu Qingxuan suddenly felt that his spirit had broken through a certain barrier and entered a new level.

There were circles of ripples blooming on his body, and the moment these ripples appeared, the space was slightly distorted. They were like real mental fluctuations, and pictures were displayed in front of Naer's eyes, which were Liu Qingxuan's past experiences.

Seeing this scene, Na'er opened her mouth instantly, feeling a little unbelievable in her heart.

"Spiritual essence! Spirit realm!"

After a semester of study, Na'er was no longer a novice in cultivation. Looking at the scene on Liu Qingxuan's body, she instantly understood that Liu Qingxuan had entered the spiritual realm.

The level of spiritual power in the spiritual realm is the peak spiritual level in Douluo Continent today, the level that all top soul masters dream of.Even Limit Douluo only needs the spiritual power of the Spiritual Realm as the background. As long as a soul master reaches this level, he will definitely become a Super Douluo in the future, and even hit the top soul master - Limit Douluo, It also has a greater chance than ordinary Super Douluo.

Of course, in fact, it is very difficult for ordinary soul masters to break through to the spiritual realm before Limit Douluo. The cultivation of spiritual power is even more difficult than soul power. If you are not a genius, don't even think about such a good thing.

What Na'er finds difficult to accept is not that Liu Qingxuan has broken through the spiritual realm, but that the other party has broken through faster than herself.

Obviously, it was only 6000 points of mental power before, so why is it more than [-] points now?

Even though I have the Dragon God bloodline, it is not that powerful. Could this Dragon God bloodline be fake?

Just as Na'er was doubting herself, circles of spiritual ripples gathered on Liu Qingxuan's head, turning into an invisible halo.

The invisible avenue runes interweaved and fused on it, shining with strange brilliance, and the three holy artifacts in Liu Qingxuan's body were also aroused, injecting some strange power into the halo.

An invisible ripple spread from Liu Qingxuan's body, and the three colors of gold, black, and blue light bloomed, turning into mysterious lines extending from Liu Qingxuan's feet. In an instant, the whole world became mysterious, and the flow of clouds and mist Losing the rules, the laws and various vitality of heaven and earth became chaotic. Na'er was in a trance and immediately felt a strange power sweeping over her, giving her a feeling of being seen through.

The Golden Feather Eagle also felt an invisible powerful force sweeping over his body, and immediately screamed and flew into the distance.Because when the power came just now, it felt that its body was out of control, and a feeling of panic immediately appeared in its heart.

Field of Destiny!

This is when Liu Qingxuan enters the spiritual realm and obtains the spiritual realm. As the name suggests, he can influence the fate of others to a certain extent and turn the fate of the other person in a direction more beneficial to himself.Of course, this influence is not only on humans or other living things, but also on energy and laws. For example, if an enemy releases an attack, Liu Qingxuan can change the attack through the spiritual field, or interrupt the enemy's attack through the invisible power of fate. The opponent, or simply affects the energy and emotions inside the enemy's body, making people go crazy.

None of this is difficult for Liu Qingxuan, even if the enemy is stronger than him, he still cannot be affected by him, because fate is a very mysterious force, stronger than the laws of space and time that make up the universe, and more mysterious , the behavior of all creatures in the world or the movement of the world and the universe are part of destiny. Whoever controls destiny can control everything. In many high-level worlds, the way of heaven controls all living beings through the law of destiny, and derives and controls other laws to guide the world. develop.

Liu Qingxuan is very satisfied with this spiritual realm.

The Law of Destiny is also a brand new principle for him. When he becomes a god in the future, he may consider condensing the Law of Destiny and become the God of Destiny that has never appeared in this universe.

After the domain was condensed, Liu Qingxuan noticed that his soul power had been raised to level 52, and his own energy and blood had also increased to a certain extent. It was estimated that he should have reached the peak of the sixth level, but he didn't know if these increased mental and soul powers would be used after returning to the body. It will pass by.

Liu Qingxuan felt that there was no problem, because he had broken through the fragments of the God Realm and absorbed a large amount of high-level energy through feedback from the Ancient Tree of Life.

When he goes back, maybe there will be a bigger breakthrough.

Thoughts were spinning, Liu Qingxuan opened his eyes, and an extremely powerful thought came out of him, spread to the entire space, and even penetrated this fragmented space, reaching the Ascension to Lingtai, and the vast void.

Liu Qingxuan saw the light points connecting the fragments of the God Realm. Those light points were the Spirit Ascension Platform built by the Spirit Transferring Pagoda. Outside, there were dense elements of heaven and earth, all attracted by the spirit of the fairy spirit in the God Realm fragments. Yes, now that the fairy energy in the fragments of the God Realm has disappeared, the ancient tree of life planted by Liu Qingxuan has absorbed the fairy spirit, and also gained the other party's ability to convert the vitality of heaven and earth into spiritual power, directly becoming the new core of the Spirit Ascension Platform.

He can sense the colors and emotions of those heaven and earth energies.

Nine-colored elemental molecules make up the vitality of heaven and earth. These tiny elemental molecules are extremely clear in Liu Qingxuan's mind. They are constantly jumping, surging, and flowing, maintaining the vitality of the entire world.

With a thought, Liu Qingxuan can infect the vitality of these heaven and earth, let them gather, cleanse the body, temper the soul, and improve his own strength.

This is a natural ability possessed after one's mental power reaches the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm can be transformed into a realm of spiritual consciousness, forming a realm of its own, with the soul as the origin, observing the world with the spirit, and the mind and spirit as one realm, coordinating the overall situation, and can naturally perceive more things, and drive those things for one's own use.

And this is where soul masters at the spiritual realm level are truly powerful.

Among the fragments of the God Realm, the ancient tree of life absorbs the vitality of heaven and earth and turns it into nutrients for its own growth, while releasing part of the spiritual energy into the Spirit Ascension Platform to maintain the stability of the Spirit Ascension Platform. Through this energy inquiry, the branches, leaves and roots are inserted into the Spirit Ascension Platform. Having taken control of the Spirit Ascension Platform in the hands of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, even if the Spirit Transferring Pagoda deployed a large number of backhands in the Spirit Ascension Platform, they could not stop this process.

At the same time, the fragments of the God Realm have become stable with the growth of the Ancient Tree of Life. The scope of the space has continued to grow at a slow speed. At the same time, the laws and energy levels within the space have also been continuously improved, sublimated, and improved. , Liu Qingxuan can sense that every energy here is rhythmic with the "breathing" of the ancient tree of life, and everything has a trace of the characteristics of the fairy spirit.

This characteristic makes the level of the fragmented world exceed that of the ordinary life plane and is closer to the real divine realm.

Seeing this situation, Liu Qingxuan was naturally very happy.

By the way, he gave this world a name—Fairy World.From now on, this fragmented world will be his exclusive world.

Liu Qingxuan thought with a smile on his face. He could already imagine how frustrated the Spirit Pagoda would be when he found out that what he spent thousands of years, countless resources and manpower to create became someone else's.

Qiangu Dongfeng should vomit blood!
Suddenly, Liu Qingxuan sensed more than a dozen powerful spirits pouring into the Spirit Pagoda, and one of them made him feel very familiar. In an instant, Liu Qingxuan was sure that the other party should be his master, as well as the high level of the Spirit Pagoda.

It seems that they are already in a hurry!

Thinking of this, Liu Qingxuan decided to leave Ascension to Lingtai first.

His current strength is not enough to deal with the Qiangu Qiangu family, and he still needs to hide it for the time being.

"Na'er, let's go!"


Hearing Liu Qingxuan's words, Na'er came back to her senses, nodded obediently, and followed Liu Qingxuan to jump onto the Golden Feather Eagle's back.

The next moment, the Golden Feather Eagle's wings burst into a stream of pale golden light and flew out of the fairy world.

"Brother, congratulations on reaching the spiritual realm!"

Na'er moved closer to Liu Qingxuan, sat side by side with him, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Qingxuan glanced at Na'er, and said, "You will reach this level soon."

Na'er has a nearly complete Dragon God bloodline. It doesn't take long to reach the spiritual realm. Even becoming a god is not difficult. However, she may encounter some obstacles when she advances to the God King. After all, the current Dragon God is The bit is not complete and is still in a damaged state.


Na'er nodded, a look of confidence appearing on her face.

Na'er has never doubted her talent.

But thinking that Liu Qingxuan was already ahead of her, she couldn't help but sigh: "The Dragon God bloodline is still not as good as my brother's!"

Hearing Na'er's somewhat frustrated words, Liu Qingxuan touched the other person's head and comforted him: "That's because your bloodline is not complete yet, and you have not exerted the true power of the Dragon God's bloodline."

Hearing this, Na'er thought for a while, looked at Liu Qingxuan, and said seriously: "Brother, I want to continue absorbing the remaining Golden Dragon King's bloodline to fully replenish my strength."

There was a hint of questioning in her tone, because Liu Qingxuan was worried that she would be affected by the power of the Golden Dragon King before, and told her not to absorb the blood of the Golden Dragon King for the time being.

Na'er was a little worried that Liu Qingxuan would disagree, but she didn't expect Liu Qingxuan to agree after thinking for a while this time.

"Yes, but when you absorb the blood of the Golden Dragon King, you must tell me that brother will help you protect the law. If there is any accident, brother can also help you solve it in time."

Hearing this, Na'er's eyebrows widened and she showed a smile that would make the world pale.

"Brother, you are so nice."

She hugged Liu Qingxuan happily and kissed him on the cheek.

Liu Qingxuan smiled and said: "Little fool, isn't my sister just for pain?"


Hearing this, Na'er's pretty face blushed slightly, her heart was as sweet as honey.

After a while, Na'er moved closer to Liu Qingxuan and asked curiously: "Brother, what is your fifth soul skill?"

Those crystal clear and fair cheeks were almost close to Liu Qingxuan's face, and he could even ask her to exude an elegant fragrance.



(End of this chapter)

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