Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 509 Liu Chan's doubts (1 more)

Chapter 509 Liu Chan’s doubts (first update)
In the autumn of the 22nd year of Jian'an.

Somewhere in the vast land of Liangzhou, hundreds of people were roaring across the border. A child who was no more than ten years old was chasing a rabbit that he got out of nowhere, accompanied and protected by hundreds of people.

He kept bending the bow and nocking arrows in his hands, shooting twelve arrows in a row, and then watched the rabbit run away.

At the same time, a guard who was accidentally injured was also wailing.

When the naughty boy reined in his horse, several young children of similar age to him appeared behind him.

Needless to say, these people are Liu Chan who came to Liangzhou to travel.

Now that he came to the land of Yongliang, Liu Chan felt that he had to learn the riding and archery skills, especially since Zhao Yunnai was the oldest cavalry general under his father's command.

Naturally, he must learn from such a good teacher.

Then Liu Chan decisively gave up the idea after being thrown off his horse three or five times, but he still found another way to tie himself to the horse.

Then I have to learn to ride and shoot!
Since he started learning to ride and shoot, half of the hundreds of servants he managed to gather have been lost.

He used a sunset half-stone bow that was terrifying. Nine out of ten shots missed within ten steps, and the ones that hit after ten steps were unknown.
At first, Zhao Yun thought there was something wrong with his teachings, but after changing a few riding, archery and equestrian teachers, Zhao Yun understood why Liu Chan couldn't learn.

That means you don’t have the talent at all.
"Although my lord didn't have the ability to ride and shoot back then, he still had the ability to wield a two-pronged sword on the battlefield. Why didn't he show any signs of bravery when he arrived at Shaojun's place?"

At this time, Zhao Yun looked at Liu Chan who was still surrounded by everyone, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Beside him were Liu Chan's two gentlemen, the great scholar Meng Guang and Liu Bei's confidant Jian Yong.

"As a young prince, you will be the master of others in the future. Riding and shooting are just hunting toys, and you will not follow suit.

With this equestrian skill, is it possible that in the future I, a big man, will still need Shaojun to fight in person? "

Meng Guang's thoughts were still so simple and crude, but Jian Yong still couldn't see eye to eye with him.

"Although I, a great Han, founded my country based on filial piety, how can I not be brave as a descendant of the Liu family?

If so, why should I bring him here? "

"You are using strong words. There is absolutely no need for us to bring Young Master to this dangerous place. As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under dangerous walls.

With your status as a young gentleman, you only need to understand the principles of virtue, so why do you need to experience the bitter cold of Yongliang here? "

"Even if he is the lord, he was born in the bitter cold of Northern Xinjiang!"

"That's why my lord wants to help the Han Dynasty so that no more people in the world will suffer from hunger and cold!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Zhao Yun also looked helpless and could only keep trying to smooth things over, with Zhao Yun's temperament that he would rather bend than bend.

Even Liu Guan and Zhang couldn't bend the situation for him. In order to take care of Liu Chan and his two gentlemen, Zhao Yun learned to smooth things over.
This has to be said to be a pleasant surprise.

However, his persuasion was not very good, and it was obvious that he could not be pulled away. At this time, he saw Liu Chan riding his horse with a look of helplessness.

That somewhat lonely look seemed to prove that something had happened to him just now. "Young Master, this is..."

"Hey, Master Ju and Fa Miao had a quarrel again, and now they are refusing to give in to each other." After Liu Chan said this, he also saw the two gentlemen who were tit for tat, and his expression suddenly became even more bitter.

As a young prince, Liu Chan has spent a lot of time in the land of Yongliang.

Lun's harvest is naturally a lot. Although he is a little undecided, he has a good character and is as benevolent as his father Liu Bei, even to the point of kindness.

Therefore, people around him also respect Liu Chan quite a bit.

Whether it is people like Huo Yi, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhang Shao, or the slightly older Zhuge Qiao, Famiao and Pang Hong, they are all very concerned about Liu Chan.

Also quite loyal.

As Liu Bei's prestige grows, Liu Chan is now quite famous.

During this period of time in the land of Yongliang, in addition to gaining the respect of the Qiang, Hu and Di people, and getting two small guards.

Just within Liangzhou, there has been considerable progress.

Although this Liangzhou tycoon had never been loyal to Liu Bei and was even quite afraid of him, he still did not dare to do anything to Liu Chan.

After all, Wudu has learned from the past, and now Liangzhou is under Wei Yan's military front. As long as Liu Chan doesn't do anything excessive, they won't pay much attention to this situation.

Therefore, Liu Chan seemed to be traveling, but in fact it was not dangerous. There were even many Liangzhou heroes attached to him along the way.

For example, the one guarding him just now was one of the Liangzhou heroes who was attached to him.

Yang Aruo, who has a lot of prestige among the Qiang and Hu people, is a ranger who became famous at a young age. He is handsome but ruthless. The powerful people in Liangzhou once wanted to take advantage of him.

As a result, he was killed in public, and he killed a group of people. After that, he changed his appearance, and even lost his life to start his wandering career.

At the same time, he also wore a rather ferocious mask on his head. In this land of Liangzhou, he was also called Gui Feng.

In recent years, many Qiang people have gathered around him, and they have gained fame and ability. Liu Chan's appearance also made him seem to have found his own place.

Only then did he follow him and became Liu Chan's personal follower.

In addition, Liu Chan also saw many customs and customs that he had never seen before, and what kind of life people lived under the chaos of Yongliang for hundreds of years.

I saw people eating people, and even changing people to eat them.
Here, the word morality does not work, and Liu Chan also understands why Meng Guang does not want to come here, because here he will find that this morality is completely useless.

But at the same time, he also understood very well that this world is not just the land of Yongliang, but also the vast Central Plains and fertile soil in the north, as well as the Bashu Jiangdong and Jingxiang counties.
Morality may not be suitable for this land of Yongliang, but it does not mean that morality is useless.
It's just that although he understands this truth, he still gets a headache every time he sees Jian Yong and Meng Guang arguing.

Because he thinks everything everyone says makes sense, but even if he understands, he doesn't know who he should listen to.

The most important thing is that after he told his several companions about these doubts, he hoped that these talented people above him could give him an answer.

Bigger trouble arises
Pang Hong values ​​virtue and the law is pragmatic, and the two men are much more ruthless than Jian Yong and Meng Guang.
(End of this chapter)

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