Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 510 The Arrival of Zhuge Liang (2 more)

Chapter 510 Zhuge Liang’s arrival (second update)
Compared with Jian Yong and Meng Guang, who despite quarreling, still do not take action and mess around.

As Liu Chan's companions, Fa Miao and Pang Hongna were simply crazy in Liu Chan's eyes!
Pang Hong now has a good impression of Meng Guang. At the same time, he also pays attention to virtue. In his opinion, even the land of Yongliang cannot be completely devoid of virtue education and can only be conquered by force.

Otherwise, why Fu Xie and others were favored by foreigners back then, even if it was the Huns and not the Qiang Hu, it was the same reason.

Fa Miao believes that the Qiang and Hu rebellion has been going on for a hundred years, and not only that, the Qiang and Hu forces are now completely out of control. Faced with this situation, even if they want moral enlightenment, they must be subdued first.

And the best way to conquer is to kill!

For this reason, the two started arguing endlessly, but after Fa Miao found out that Pang Hong could not be persuaded by words, he directly "raided" Pang Hong's camp with Zhang Bao in the middle of the night.

All his bedding and clothes were taken away.
It was just the beginning of spring at the beginning, and under the cold night, there was a cool and bitter place here, poor Pang Hong was almost frozen to death in that tent.

And because this bitch refused to go out in just his underwear to ask for help, he survived until the next morning.

Liu Chan was almost frightened when he saw it.

But Famiao directly questioned Pang Hong at this time, your virtue almost killed you, this is the reason why virtue is useless in Yongliang.

These words completely angered Pang Hong, and after he got a little better, he immediately started to "win over" others everywhere.

Starting from the time of Guan Xing and Zhuge Qiao, they have been saying that Fa Miao acted like this without moral integrity, without ethics, and even had no bottom line in doing things.

Such a person will definitely act recklessly and recklessly in the future, and I am afraid that if you associate with him, you will be burdened by him, or even betrayed by him, etc.

What he said was reasonable and well-founded. In the end, even Zhang Bao was persuaded by him and began to slowly stay away from Famiao. This was a direct step to severing all relationships around Famiao.
Completely isolated it.

Then Fa Miao was not stingy. He directly connected with Gui Feng and the Qiang and Hu under his command. Instead of allowing Pang Hong to isolate him, he isolated them in the opposite direction.

Faced with such a situation, Pang Hong still refused to give up at all. He just kept angrily scolding Fa Miao for his wanton behavior, even to the point where becoming an official in the future would definitely cause suffering for the people.
In short, if Pang Hong is really famous in the future, then Fa Miao may directly ruin his future official career and future because of these words.
Now the two people are full of anger when they meet. From the beginning, they reluctantly accepted mediation, but now they are about to draw swords against each other.

Liu Chan didn't know what to do when facing them at this time. Now his favorite was Zhuge Qiao, because Zhuge Qiao would not be like them at all.

At this time, Zhuge Qiao could not offend each other and could help Liu Chan resolve the conflict between the two. The most important thing was that he had almost no "enemies" and seemed to have a good relationship with everyone.

For such a young and mature person, Liu Chan really felt at ease.
But even this kind of day is not long ago, because Zhao Yun got the news just two days ago.

"Young Master, sir, the message has arrived at Longyou, accompanied by General Zhang Fei and his troops.

At this time, Liangzhou may no longer be stable, so we need to leave Liangzhou immediately. There will be soldiers and horses to support us.

"Do those people in Liangzhou still dare to do anything to me?" Liu Chan, who had already gained some experience, didn't show any signs of worry. He even felt that these people might still be struggling to surrender directly!

"They may not know it, but those Qianghu people may not really know it." Zhao Yun is a cautious person, "If we are robbed by those Qianghu people at this time.

Only then will the gentleman be really afraid, which is also the best result for these powerful people in Liangzhou. "

Zhao Yun deliberately emphasized his tone on Qiang Hu and robbery, and finally made Liu Chan understand.This is not Zhao Yun's nonsense. During this period, he has been arranging his troops to inquire about the movements of all parties, which is why he is so worried.

When he first received the news, he had already arranged for Liu Chan and others to move slowly towards Longyou. He did not dare to go too fast for fear of arousing the vigilance of those people.

Now he felt that the news should have reached the ears of those people in Liangzhou. If he didn't hurry up, some people might lose his temper.

After Liu Chan heard Zhao Yun's words, he didn't dare to have any unnecessary thoughts. He immediately nodded repeatedly and asked Yang Feng and others to forcibly interrupt the quarrel between Pang Hong and Fa Miao.

As for Jian Yong and Meng Guang, they had already called it a day.

Under the guidance and protection of Zhao Yun, the group of people directly accelerated towards the Longyou land. Along the way, some Qiang and Hu were a little surprised when they saw this group of people and the flag they issued.

But fortunately, these are just small tribes and they don't dare to do anything to Liu Chan, the current prince of Hanzhong.

Along the way, he almost escaped from Liangzhou without any danger, and met up with Zhang Fei who came to meet him by the Lushui River.

When Liu Chan saw his majestic third uncle again, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Third Uncle!" Liu Chan shouted and then rode up to Zhang Fei. He saw that Zhang Fei, who had always been mighty and majestic, now had a lot of gray hair.

The figure that seemed to have always been upright was even now half rickety, but the words he wanted to say were somewhat unable to come out.

Perhaps Liu Chan himself didn't realize that during this period of experience, he seemed to have not really learned anything.

But it’s already possible to discover a lot of things that weren’t discovered before.

"How is Third Uncle doing? Is he still fine?"

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Fei burst out laughing after hearing this, his voice still majestic, "Don't worry, your third uncle is still very majestic!

Come on, come on, let your third uncle see how you are doing today. Just now I saw that your horse riding skills seem to be a bit...somewhat.
What are you? "

When Zhang Fei saw the rope between Liu Chan and the horse, he was stunned.

I didn't understand what it was for a while.

"Yide!" Just when Zhang Fei was about to say something, Zhuge Kongming finally came over behind him.

When there were still more than ten steps away from the two of them, he had already rolled over and dismounted, and then walked quickly to Liu Chan, and shouted to make Zhang Fei sideways half his body.

Then he bowed to Liu Chan very solemnly.

"Liang, meet Wang Shizi!"

(End of this chapter)

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