Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 549 Zhou Gongjin Attacks Jiangxia, Jiangdong Generals Fight Jingzhou (2 more)

Chapter 549: Zhou Gongjin attacks Jiangxia, Jiangdong generals fight against Jingzhou (second update)

Creating a way out for Jiangdong is the only thing Zhou Yu can do and the only thing he wants to do now.

Since his Bo Fu left, Zhou Yu has never thought about what happened to Sun Quan even though he was in power, and Sun Quan also handled the relationship between the two parties with the same caution.

This kind of relationship makes the two people who were once teachers and friends become strange and harmonious.

Jiangdong's predicament is actually seen by many people. Even for Zhuge Kongming, he has gradually been able to understand the current Jiangdong land.

Just like myself in the previous life.

Trapped in a state, what you face is not just the gap in money, food, soldiers and horses. The biggest problem is the local forces from within that want to surrender at any time.

No matter where they are, they are not bloodless, but you can't treat them as fools.

To compete with the world with the power of one state is not a big gamble, it is risking one's life.
If there is an invasion by foreigners, Han Zuo can still be regarded as being loyal to the country if he resists to the end. Even if he wants to be famous for a long time, this thing is justified.

But with these three families fighting, is it possible that Cheng Cheng must risk his own wealth and life, and everyone in the family will do it?

Although it was a 400-year-old foundation of the Han Dynasty, Cao Mengde's repeated massacres also broke the backbone of Han officials, let alone the wealthy families in that state.

They will not fight to the end, they will think that if they surrender, if they change their lord, they may not be worse off than they are now.
As the saying goes, in the way of strategy, balance is the most important thing, and balance is the most important thing when you have power.

Even Sun Zhongmou, who knows how to weigh things best in the world, can't change the dilemma of a clever woman struggling to make a living without rice. When the Jianghuai forces that entered Jiangdong in those years were also assimilated by Jiangdong.

After no new forces enter Jiangdong, what will happen even if Sun Zhongmou can live for thousands of years?
He can't change anything, this is helplessness
This was the case with Ji Han back then, and it is also the case with Jiangdong today.

Therefore, although no one under Liu Bei was willing to send troops to Jingzhou from Jiangdong, they were all able to think of it.

In Jiangxia County, Wenpin, who had transferred a large number of troops and horses, continued to retreat, and finally re-stationed the defense line in the north of Jiangxia.

I originally wanted to use the disadvantage of Jiangdong's soldiers who were not good at land warfare to block them on the plains as before, but this time Wenpin really miscalculated.

When the Liaodong war horses and the elite cavalry brought back by Zhou Yu from Liaodong appeared on land, Wenpin's expression changed drastically for the first time.


He wanted to cut off the rear in person in exchange for the withdrawal of the army, but it was too late. This cavalry was learned by Zhou Yu when he watched Zhao Yun train soldiers and horses to lead troops to fight in Liaodong.

In these years, even the fight in the Jianghuai direction has not been revealed. In order to feed these war horses, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu and others almost turned their hair gray.

In the end, this elite Liaodong Cavalry of 2000 people was left behind.
The cavalry galloped wildly, and the spears in their hands easily penetrated the enemy's body by relying on inertia. The hoofs of the war horses trampled randomly on the battlefield. Then, amid the shouts of killing, Wenpin turned from retreat to rout.

When he gained a firm foothold again, Zhou Yu's army had completely established itself in the northern part of Jiangxia, and was even able to communicate with Lu Meng in South County.

As for the Jingnan land, it was completely blocked by Zhou Yu after this battle.

Jingnan, Jiaozhou, and even the upper reaches of the Yangtze River were all completely occupied by Jiangdong's army, and the initial strategy was finally completed.

"Send orders to Lu Meng to capture Jiangling as quickly as possible!"

"Flying horse report, let old general Cheng Pu send troops to attack You County and enter Changsha!"

"Light the smoke at the same time to notify the rear."

Zhou Yu's orders continued to be issued. When he occupied the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and captured half of Jiangxia by surprise, the subsequent battles in Jiangdong finally started.Cheng Pu, who was stationed at Haihun in place of Tai Shici, sent troops to You County.

It is really a miracle that this veteran who served the three members of the Sun family is still alive.

I don’t know if it’s because although there have been many wars in Jiangdong in recent years, there haven’t been many major battles, except that Huang Gai followed Zhou Yu and died on the battlefield in the end.

Whether it is Han Dang in Liaodong or Cheng Pu in Haihun, although each looks more uncomfortable than the other, they are still alive, which is somewhat interesting.

And this battle, in the eyes of these old guys, will be their last battle!
Cheng Pu led his troops to attack You County, using Changsha County as a breakthrough point. Taking advantage of the fact that Jingnan was cut off and Guan Yu had no time to look south, he attacked Jingnan and blocked the land of Jiaozhou.

On the other side, the Jiangdong mainland also sent out veteran general Lu Fan and Sun Quan's confidant Lu Dai to attack Jiaozhou.

Although they still don't know whether Zhang Ren arrived at Shangyong or got lost somewhere, what they can be sure of is that Zhang Ren is definitely not in Jiaozhou now.

How could a 22-year-old young man, the commander-in-chief of Jiaozhou, frighten those veterans who had spent most of their lives on the battlefield?

"Capture Jiaozhou and offer it to the Marquis of Wu!"

The slogans are loud and morale is high.
Jingzhou and Jiaozhou have been ignited by the flames of war, and war reports from all over the place are constantly flying on the official roads. Zhou Yu, Lu Meng and other Jiangdong generals, Guan Yu and Guan Ping are from Jingzhou.

There are also Pegasus rushing towards Yizhou and Shangyonghan.
There is no longer any stability in this huge land of Jingxiang.

Of course, Jingzhou's backhand was slowly revealed. Fu Kuang and others who had been transferred were naturally unable to stop the attack of Cheng Pu and others.

But under a banner with the word "Meng" in it, General Meng Da of Dongzhou stood in front of Cheng Pu.

Several generals and schools under his command were also veterans who had fought for many years. With You County as the center, the two sides directly spread out a battlefield with a radius of tens of miles.

On the other side, a group of soldiers and horses also appeared in the Yiling Mountain Road, and the banner was impressively "Fu Han General, Li".

Li Yan from Nanyang came to Jingzhou again, but this time he was the chief general to aid Jingzhou, and the soldiers under his command and the speed of sending troops could tell that they had been waiting for a long time.

In Shangyong Land, a group of soldiers and horses also directly raised their flags and rushed out, heading straight to Jingnan to bypass Nanjun.

The flag is clear. In addition to the big flag with the word "Han", there is also a flag with the word "Shesheng Xiaowei, Fu".

Captain Shesheng, veteran Fu Xu!

But as soon as these two troops appeared, they were held back by a Jiangdong army that had been prepared for a long time.

"Jiangdong Quanzong, I have been waiting for you generals for a long time.

Today, this road is blocked! "

As a result, the only people who have not shown up in Jingzhou are Zhang Ren and Gan Ning.

As for Lu Meng
"The little thief Guan Ping has followed Guan Yu for many years, and he is Guan Yu's parent and son.

All soldiers, follow me and charge! "

(End of this chapter)

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