Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 550 Lu Ziming storms Jiangling City, Zhuge Liang sneaks into Wuguan (3 updates)

Chapter 550 Lu Ziming storms Jiangling City, Zhuge Liang sneaks into Wuguan (third update)

"Fight to the death today, all officers and men, follow me to kill the enemy!"

At the moment Lu Meng gave the order to launch a general attack, a battle broke out in Jiangling City.

Jinglan's chariot was the first to appear, followed closely by a large number of soldiers in armor carrying ladders and holding shields. Under the cover of Jinglan's chariot, they rushed toward Jiangling City.

At the same time, on the other side of the team, there was another man carrying a sack of soil and sand on his shoulders, which was used to fill in the moat at the front of Jiangling City.


Accompanied by the sound of thunderbolts, the boulders drew arcs in the sky, entered the inside and outside of Jiangling City, and also fell into the military formation of Jiangdong soldiers and horses.

In the fifth year of Jian'an, the Pili car came out of Liu Ye's hands, and now it has become the standard equipment of all kinds of troops. The Pili car, which does not have much technical content, has not broken away from the foundation of throwing cars after figuring out the principle. .

Whether it is Liu Bei or Sun Quan, the craftsmen under him can already easily imitate it at this time, and even Liannu, Jiangdong is slowly trying and failing.

Of course, this is already a story.

With the blessing of the Thunderbolt Chariot, the battlefield in Jiangling City was filled with explosive atmosphere just from the beginning.

Lu Meng's troops and horses were mobilized in an orderly manner. He didn't mean to despise Guan Ping just because his reputation was not good now. Instead, he directly used his full strength.

It is normal to completely defeat Guan Ping.

Guan Ping on the other side was not polite. After seeing the current situation, he stopped talking and immediately mobilized troops and horses to enter the city wall.

At the same time, he ordered that all the supplies in Jiangling City be transferred.

In addition, his subordinates Wenbu, Deng Kai, Han Yan, Wang Mou, Zhang Wei, Xu Yun and others also performed their respective duties and began a powerful counterattack under Guan Ping's command.

"Send the order to Gao Rui and lead the vanguard army to fill in the moat!"

Under Lu Meng's order, this Jiangling offensive and defensive battle officially began. The first to take the field was the Jiangdong fierce general Gao Rui, one of Jiangdong's rising stars.

In these years, he followed Lu Meng in the northern and southern campaigns, and made many military exploits in the Qing Dynasty and the suppression of Shanyue.

It is a pity that such a fierce general directly stepped one of his feet into death the moment he received Lu Meng's order. Amidst the roar of drums, the two thousand pioneers were dressed in leather armor and carrying sacks. The soldiers rushed out directly.

And beside them, there is a faster soldier, that is, the vanguard army under Gao Gao.

"Kill the enemy!"


Guan Ping didn't show any politeness when he saw this scene. Outside the moat, there were many deer villages that resisted horses. This was the first line of defense for Jiangling City.

The two sides began a fierce fight around this line of defense. Xu Yun, Guan Ping's subordinate, was also a veteran of many battles. He was born in Nanyang and had been with Liu Bei since he entered Jingzhou.

Over the years, he relied on fighting with swords and guns to reach his current position as a partial general.

At this time, the two sides had just fought, and it immediately entered a fierce battle.

Under the rain of arrows, Gao Di didn't stop at all. He held a shield in one hand to protect his face, door and heart, letting the arrows hit other places on his body.

With blood flowing, he rushed in front of Xu Yun's soldiers first and raised his hand to kill one of the soldiers.

"Kill the enemy!"

"The crossbowmen continue to fire arrows!" Xu Yun knew that they were short of troops and must use up the opponent's troops as much as possible before the siege completely began. "Others, follow me and charge!" The crossbowman changed his flat shot to a projectile shot. , Xu Yun personally led troops to attack the high-end, and the two sides fought continuously relying on the defense line formed by Jumaluzhai.

Soldiers continued to die on the battlefield, and Xu Yun personally rushed to the front to fight with Gao Gao. Both sides were warriors who fought on the battlefield, and they were also children of aristocratic families in their respective regions.

The meticulous attack and defense are far less brave than Guan Zhang, and not as powerful as Xu Chu, but it is this kind of fighting that makes it even more bloody.


A spear that came from nowhere pierced Xu Yun's lower back. Xu Yun's expression suddenly changed. The severe pain made him unable to even breathe.

Looking at the high-end saber raised high again, Xu Yun suddenly gave up struggling, rushed over violently, knocked the opponent away, and then roared loudly behind him.

"The crossbowmen retreat, and the others retreat!"

There is also a suspension bridge on the moat, which is the way for the crossbowmen to retreat, but as other soldiers fighting in close combat, they cannot retreat.

They consciously gathered together and then stood behind the crossbowmen, protecting the robes as they slowly evacuated until the suspension bridge rose again.

One by one, the Jumalu village was overturned, and a famous soldier was beheaded. After many years of fighting, Xu Yun, who had just become a father not long ago, also died on that battlefield.

Looking at Xu Yun's severed head, Gao Gao was not happy at all, and raised his arms again and roared directly forward.

"Charge and kill, fill the river!"

With the high-end roar, a large number of soldiers charged again. Sacks filled with sand, gravel and soil were thrown into the moat. Bamboo baskets transported the soil, and the soldiers carried the stones.
The crossbowmen on the other side also began to loosen the bowstring in their hands, and the deadly arrows, in conjunction with the stones flying into the military formation, continued to take away the lives of Jiangdong soldiers.

At this moment, a happy death seems to have become a luxury wish.
As for the generals on both sides, whether it was Guan Ping on Jiangling City or Lu Meng, who was waving the flag and commanding the charge, there was no unnecessary change on their faces.

One general's success can lead to ten thousand bones being withered. This is the true meaning of one general's success can lead to ten thousand bones being withered.

The fighting in Jiangling City was ordinary but brutal. Both sides did not have any cunning plots or superfluous thoughts. They just attacked each other openly and openly.

Do the best you can, this is Jiangling.

From day to night on the battlefield, the shouts of killing seemed to never stop.
On the other side, outside Wuguan, which everyone had almost forgotten, a rather embarrassed Zhuge Liang finally appeared here with his troops.

Even the soldiers who are the best at crossing mountains and ridges in the world can't help but tremble after crossing more than half of the Qinling Mountains.

They may never want to walk this road again in their lives.

But now, all their efforts are worth it.

"Wang Ping listens!"

"The end is here!"

With a low tone of voice and a tall posture, Wang Ping held his head high and waited for his order at this moment.

"Siege the city and break the barrier!"


At the beginning of the 24th year of Jian'an, just after the people of the world had just finished bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, Zhuge Kongming in the wind and snow attacked Wuguan at night.

Wang Ping, the leader of the unworthy flying army under his command, even went to the city first and killed the guard Jia Si. From then on, Wuguan was opened, and the road between Jingzhou and Yongliang was half opened.
(End of this chapter)

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