Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 566: Relieve the troubles in Jiangdong! (1 more)

Chapter 566: Relieve the troubles in Jiangdong! (first update)
The Jiefan Army was formed with the elites from Jiangdong. It was the biggest feat Sun Quan had done in addition to managing the internal affairs of Jiangdong in these years.

All the soldiers under his command were carefully selected by him, even from Jiangdong generals.
This is not easy for Jiangdong's military system.

And the reason why he formed such an elite team.
According to rumors, it was because after being frightened by Zhang Liao, he wanted to form a military force that could compete with Zhang Liao. What happened?
That is naturally very sad!

Although this army and horses had not yet fought with Zhang Liao, they were still full of fear when they heard Zhang Liao's name.

Therefore, this battle is to let them regain their confidence.

As time goes by, although the rainy season continues, after all, this is still the Han River and not the Yellow River, and it cannot reach the point where it can collapse thousands of miles.

The water flow slowly began to recede due to the dispersion, a large number of corpses were revealed, and a large amount of land and people also suffered.

Guan Yu's face was extremely ugly as he marched. He was waiting for the flood in Nanyang. That was because fighting and fighting had broken out in Nanyang for more than half a year.

The people either fled into the mountains or entered the city to hide. In short, they would not stay on the plains like the two fools, waiting for the arrival of Cao Jun.

At this time, Nanjun and other places were different. The arrival of Jiangdong soldiers and horses was an accident for them, and it was too late to escape afterwards.

Outside the mountains and forests, there were soldiers and horses from Jiangdong, and the city gates were closed to prevent outsiders from entering. In this situation, the only thing they could do was to tremble in their homes in the village.

In this great flood, not many people in Jiangdong died, but the people in Jingzhou really suffered numerous casualties.

After winter arrived, Guan Yu could even feel that a major plague would break out in Jingzhou again.

"Damn it"

"Jiangdong soldiers and horses are indeed rats, deserve to die!" The generals and commanders around him immediately responded after hearing Guan Yu's words, "Those who wastelessly care about the lives of the people should deserve it."

"This general said that he deserves to die!" Guan Yu interrupted the other party with a cold shout, "If it weren't for this general, how could they end up in this situation?"


The generals looked at Guan Yu with a gloomy look on his face, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

In silence, the army moved a little faster. After passing Fancheng, the water began to recede slowly, and Guan Yu and others could only abandon the raft and boat and continue on their way.

But when the water recedes, the road will be difficult to travel, and these naval forces are really incapable of marching in a hurry.

After only half a day's work, a group of people felt exhausted. Although the soldiers could not say that they were mourning, they could be regarded as miserable.

"General, if it really doesn't work, let's take a rest first!" Finally, some generals also felt tired, and took the initiative to find Guan Yu, hoping to order him to temporarily stop the march.

At this time, Guan Yu looked at his panting subordinates, and then at the muddy official road. Although he was worried about Guan Ping's safety, his reason still made him nod.

"Looking for a place to set up camp"

Just when Guan Yu had just given the order, there was a sudden bang in the woods on both sides of the official road, followed by a not so dense rain of arrows that fell into the army's formation.

The Jingzhou army that was suddenly attacked immediately had some commotion, but fortunately Guan Yu had great prestige, and the arrow rain was not too dense.

Under Guan Yu's stern shouting, although the Jingzhou soldiers were panicked and exhausted, they quickly gathered together and began an orderly counterattack.

In the woods, Lieutenant Chen Xiu of Jiangdong's Sima Division looked at Guan Yu who started to fight back. He did not rush out directly, but waved his hand and began to evacuate in an orderly manner with his soldiers.

Chen Xiunai was the son of Chen Wu, a famous Jiangdong general. His father died on the battlefield in Jingzhou, and he was brought into the palace by Sun Quan to raise him when he was still a child.

At the same time, he was asked to accompany Sun Quan's son Sun Deng to study and practice martial arts. Over the years, he not only remained loyal to Sun Quan, but also learned a lot of skills.

Now that he has conquered Shanyue in Jiangdong for several years, his ability has become stronger and stronger. This time, as a general with the army, he of course wants to kill Guan Yu to avenge his father.

But looking at the commanding Guan Yu, he still couldn't find an opportunity, and finally began to slowly evacuate in a certain direction according to the original plan.

"General." The Jingzhou Army on the other side also darkened after discovering this scene. "They are really a bunch of rats. They will run away after taking advantage. This kind of people"

"Stop talking, chase!" Guan Yu looked thoughtfully at the direction in which Chen Xiu was escaping, but after a moment of hesitation, he immediately began to command the pursuit.Of course, while pursuing, he also made some arrangements.
This path of pursuit was not stable, and after only ten li, when the exhaustion of Guan Yu's soldiers took over the impulse and anger again, another soldier appeared.

There were still just a few hundred people, or there was an ambush with a hail of arrows, dozens of people were shot and wounded, or they turned around and ran away after a series of provocations.

This time, it was Sun Quan's nephew who took action, and his subordinates went around the tent to supervise Sun's neighbors.


"Keep chasing!"

".No!" The general hesitated, but looking at the Jiangdong soldiers and horses who kept provoking him, he was also very angry.

The third time, the son of Sun He, the school captain Sun Jun!
"Keep chasing!"

"General, this."



The fourth time, Sun Huan, a relative of the Sun family.

The fifth time, Sun Jiao, a veteran of the Sun clan
As the saying goes, nothing matters more. When ambushes appear again and again, no matter how stupid you are, you should have realized that something is wrong.

This is why Jiangdong soldiers and horses are constantly luring the enemy deeper and consuming their physical strength.

But Guan Yu just attacked and struck again and again. In this case, Peng Yongnian was as dumb as he didn't know how to talk nonsense.

This made the generals really shocked and angry. They felt that their general was acting more and more like that military advisor.

It's always so scary.

Finally at dusk, as the sun began to set slowly, the Jingzhou soldiers who had been pursuing them for more than thirty miles were really unable to catch up.

And those Jiangdong soldiers who were running away and hanging them finally stopped.

A group of soldiers and horses slowly walked out under Guan Yu's gaze.

Wearing armor and holding a long sword in hand, he is not tall but extremely powerful. The leader holds a spear and raises his arms and shouts.

"Relieve the troubles of the army and relieve the troubles of Jiangdong!"

Looking at the Jiangdong soldiers and horses charging toward him with roars, Guan Yu's expression finally improved.

"If you don't come out again, I really don't plan to continue cooperating with you."

"Qin Lang!"

"The general is here!" Qin Lang, who had been locked up in the prison at this time, took off his bodyguard's armor and came to Guan Yu's side with a halberd in his hand. "What you promised before is still true."

"Win this battle and I'll let you go!"

"." Qin Lang took a careful look at Guan Yu on the side, and then roared directly at the Guan Yu guards behind him, "Where is the Euphorbia!"

There are not many elites in the world, but the Hebei Euphorbia warriors are among the best.

But only a few people in Cao's camp knew this training method.

Unfortunately, Qin Lang, the adopted son who has been raised in Cao Mengde's mansion since childhood, is one of them.
In the sky prison, several years of dormant training, a fight for freedom!

(End of this chapter)

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