Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 567: Euphorbia and Cao Jun surrender (2 updates)

Chapter 567
Over the past few years, Guan Yu personally selected elites and warriors from Jingzhou's army one by one.

Then they were sent to Qin Lang anonymously and asked him to help him train these people into an elite force.

There were not many people, just a thousand people.

Even Guan Yu didn't know about the training process. This was a secret between him and Qin Lang.

"I need you to help me win a duel with Jiangdong when necessary. After that, you leave. You and I owe each other nothing!"

That year, Guan Yu didn't know that Zhuge Liang had such a terrifying plan in his mind, but he already had the idea of ​​annexing Jiangdong in his mind.

That's why the current scene happened. It's a pity that this elite group, which has been trained for several years, failed to set foot on the battlefield in Jiangdong.

At this time, on a battlefield somewhere in Nan County, Jiangdong took Jie Fan's army as the vanguard. Soldiers and horses from all walks of life gathered together and charged towards Guan Yu from three directions.

Guan Yu's rear was directly vacated. Everyone knew that this was to allow Guan Yu to lead his troops to flee.
While waiting for work, Lü Meng surrounded him like this, predicting that Guan Yu would flee immediately after seeing the power of Fan's army.

After he starts to flee, they will follow and kill them, and they can kill them directly with the least cost
Of course Lu Meng's idea was excellent, but when Jie Fan's army attacked, he was not facing the panicked Jingzhou soldiers.

But an elite team that has also been prepared for a long time!
"Euphorbian!" Qin Lang roared again, "Attack!"

With this roar, hundreds of soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding halberds rushed out!
They chanted a unified slogan and took unified steps.

There are also some soldiers on both sides holding iron shields and short soldiers to protect them.

At the moment when the two armies were about to clash, Qin Lang suddenly waved the halberd in his hand, and the halberd warriors immediately changed their formation.

"Sword and Shield come forward!"

"The Euphorbia... attack!"


Accompanied by chants, the Euphorbia warriors blocked the road with their iron shields and killed the enemies with their halberds. They pressed forward step by step without any intention of retreating.

The armor is fine and thick, and the halberd in his hand is sharp. The most important thing is that it is two points longer than the ordinary halberd!

With the sword and shield hand in front to resist the attack, the halberd was constantly swinging and piercing. The fighting method seemed chaotic, but in fact it was orderly in chaos, which was really amazing.

The most important thing is that these thousands of Euphorbia warriors not only blocked the front of the army like a rock, preventing Jiangdong's soldiers and horses from charging over, they even faced the cavalry in Jiangdong's hands with ease. .


The Jingzhou army led by Guan Yu was indeed exhausted, but this does not mean that they were unable to shoot arrows.

Crossbowmen, the crossbows in their hands do not require much effort on their part. They use the outside of the baggage carriage as a barrier, and then the crossbowmen continuously shoot the arrows in their hands from inside.

They were not worried about accidental damage to their own robes. The strong armor and solid helmets were enough to ensure their safety, and the projectiles would hardly fall on them.

The cooperation between Jianyu and Euphorbia was quite tacit, and Lu Meng, who was eager to rush over, didn't know what to do when faced with such a situation.

"Guan Yunchang." Lu Meng looked at the Jingzhou army in front of him with an extremely ugly expression. He held his sword and charged directly at it with a roar, "Kill Guan Yunchang, all soldiers, follow me and charge!"

Lu Meng's attack was like announcing the final gamble of the Jiangdong army. They had gathered all their forces together in this battle, except for generals like Quan Zong and Cheng Pu.All the soldiers and horses, and all the generals and commanders in Nanjun have gathered here.

Just to kill Guan Yu in one battle and then take Jingzhou.
"I can't fail. If I fail, how can I live up to the teachings of Governor Zhou and Marquis Wu!" Lu Meng's eyes became increasingly red at this time, and he waved the spear in his hand crazily.

Ever since he started studying military science, he had become a fighting general and a real commander, but his many years of central command did not make him forget his bravery.

The moment he waved his spear again, the young general who roamed the east of the Yangtze River seemed to be back again.

Under the spear, several Euphorbia warriors were directly killed on the spot. On the chaotic battlefield, he rushed like a lion and killed each other step by step, bloody at every step.
Lu Meng's bravery gave Jiangdong's army another chance, and their morale improved again. They also followed the footsteps of their general and rushed towards the front.

On the bloody battlefield, the casualties on both sides were increasing, but even at this point, Guan Yu had no intention of attacking.

He just stroked the red rabbit horse on his crotch in an unusually calm manner, and his eyes were so calm that he slowly closed them, as if he had blocked the noise on the battlefield from his ears.


"Kill the past!"

"Don't stop, Jiangdong children, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Under the rain of arrows, in front of the halberd, Lu Meng roared louder and louder. His roar made the morale of Jiangdong's soldiers higher and higher, and at the same time, the casualties of Jingzhou soldiers and horses began to become more serious.

"I will personally drag them, and you will charge to kill them immediately, charge to kill them!"

Although the roads here are narrow, thousands of Euphorbia warriors still cannot block all the roads, under Lu Meng's roar.

He personally led his Jie Fan Army to get entangled with the Euphorbia, and then the other soldiers and horses from Jiangdong, led by Chen Xiu and others, rushed directly towards Guan Yu's headquarters.

Guan Yu's soldiers and horses are already too tired. As long as they rush over, the battle will be won.
Lu Meng didn't believe that Guan Yu still had an elite force that could stop the madness.
"Jiangdong rats, you dare to hurt my general!"

With a roar, a group of elite soldiers and horses that seemed unable to see the end rushed over from behind Guan Yu.

Getting closer and closer to them, getting closer and closer.
The leader was dark-faced, holding a broadsword, wearing simple armor and a unique helmet. The beard on his face was somewhat similar to Zhang Fei.

It's just that those flying legs are not something that ordinary people can compare with.

The speed was staggering, and this person was also a general under Guan Yu. He had been thrown behind by Guan Yu before, Zhou Cang, who was responsible for cutting off the rear and teasing Cao Ren.

As for the soldiers and horses behind him
"General Yu Jin, I have to borrow your banner at this time!"

With Peng Yongnian's chuckle, a banner of "Yishhou Tinghou, Yu" was directly raised from the formation of Guan Yu's army.

Then Cao Jun's surrendered soldiers began to rush towards here like crazy as if they saw the backbone.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Although it is still not possible to let them go into battle to kill the enemy, there is no problem in scaring people at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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