Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 580 Spring Has Arrived (2 More)

Chapter 580 Spring is here (second update)
"Comrades, the day has come for us to make great achievements. Follow me to attack the city!"

"Destroy Chang'an and kill Cao Hong!"


In March of the 25th year of Jian'an, under the city of Chang'an, a large army that had been repaired rushed to kill without hesitation.

On the city wall of Chang'an, Cao Hong looked at the crazy Liu Bei army, his face was heavy but not afraid, he just calmly took out the sword from his waist.

"Today we are waiting, and we shall repay King Wei's great kindness with death!"

As these words appeared, the boulder rose directly into the sky, and arrows flew towards the other side from the hands of the soldiers on both sides.

Countless wells and chariots moved slowly towards Chang'an City, with arrows flying from them.

Cao Hong on the other side also ordered a counterattack and directly opened the gate of Chang'an City, and a group of elite cavalry also rushed out of Chang'an City.

Holding a spear and a sharp blade, and a jar of kerosene hanging from his waist, he ignited more than ten piles of flames in one charge.

The ferocious flames made the soldiers inside unable to escape, and in the end they could only burst out with tragic cries for help.


The flames and screams did not make Liu Bei's army flinch, let alone make them feel afraid.

With a roar, the veteran Huang Zhong, who was over seventy years old, took the lead, holding a long sword and a five-stone bow on his waist, and rushed towards Chang'an with a neighing Huang Puma under his crotch.


Along with the buzzing sound of the arrow cutting through the void, an arrow shot directly through the body of a personal guard beside Cao Hong.

If the guard hadn't pushed back Cao Hong at the critical moment, I'm afraid it was Cao Hong who was taken away by this arrow.
"Huang Hansheng"

Cao Hong looked at the bodyguard who was constantly twitching and bleeding, and then looked at the veteran Huang Zhong who was showing off his power under the city wall, taking away lives one by one with arrows, and his face was extremely embarrassed.


There was another sound of bowstring, and Cao Hong was so frightened when he looked at the direction where Huang Zhong was aiming, that he shrank directly under the crenel without saying a word.

That embarrassed look was very damaging to one's own morale.

The arrow passed over Cao Hong's head, and there was only a "click" sound. Cao Hong turned his head in horror, only to see that a large flag with the word "Wei" written on it was cut off by an arrow.
The flag was shot and broken. Although it was not his general's flag, it still had a huge impact on morale.

Cao Hong's face was ugly. Hearing the cheers of Liu Bei's soldiers below, and looking at the enemy whose morale was soaring, he just couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Come here! Move to my mansion!"

After saying these words, Cao Hong himself felt that his whole body began to twitch uncontrollably, and his heart tightened in waves, as if he was hurting himself to death.
Cao Hong's wealth is definitely not here, and he can't get the treasures, money, and silk from his mansion in Yecheng.

But who in the world doesn't know that King Cao Mengde of Wei, who has always advocated diligence and frugality, even his own daughter-in-law, allowed one person to enjoy extravagantly and amass wealth.

That was General Wei Cao Hong. Even after learning about his wealth, he didn't even say a harsh word.

Therefore, immediately after Cao Hong came to Chang'an to sit in town, countless people immediately offered him a gift of meeting.

People like Yang Fu, who could not see such things, maintained a tacit attitude when facing the family.In this way, Cao Hong quickly gathered a large fortune again in Chang'an.
This wealth was originally going to be sent to Yecheng like the migrating people, but after Cao Hong thought about it, he finally kept the wealth.

After all, he was worried that if he didn't have these money and treasures with him, he might not be able to sleep.

Today, he even endured the pain and took out all these things.

Under Cao Hong's stern shouting, boxes of valuables were thrown onto the city wall. In addition to money and fine cloth and silk, there were also a large number of precious bronzes.
There were even more than ten beautiful and charming women who were sent to the city wall.
When Cao Hong saw this scene, he couldn't help but twitched in his heart, but in the end he roared at everyone.

"Guard Chang'an, these are all yours!"

"The city of Chang'an is broken, and my family members are in danger. Since then, Yin and Yang have been separated, and we will never see each other again!

But as long as we can defend Chang'an, Cao will personally ask the King of Wei for orders to give you a chance to reunite with your family! "

"All the beauties with wealth and silk are equal to you!"

"Kill the thief!"

Each of these words was like a sharp knife piercing Cao Hong's heart, and each word was like a sharp blade stirring up his heart.

The bleeding pain in his heart even made him breathless, so this "kill the thief" was extremely ferocious and fierce!
The appearance of these wealth and beauties immediately made the soldiers on the city wall feel excited!
In this troubled world, wearing these clothes and holding such a sharp blade in your hands is like pinning your head to the waistband of your pants.

There is only a thin line between life and death. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could enjoy life before death?

"Commanders, follow me to kill the enemy, kill the enemy!"

Under Cao Hong's roars, the soldiers on the Chang'an city wall roared again, and their morale became high again.

At the same time, on the one hand, Cao Hong adjusted his sword and shield to guard against Huang Zhong, and on the other hand, he brought the ballista directly up, and there was a sudden burst in the direction of Huang Zhong.

Amidst bursts of shouts of killing, ladders were set up on the city wall, and soldiers and horses from both sides surrounded the city wall of Chang'an and began an endless charge and resistance.
The casualties suddenly became larger, and the soldiers on both sides were completely red-eyed.

The battle of Chang'an broke out completely in the spring of Jian'an's 25th year
On the other side, in Xuchang City, Cao Mengde also rectified his army and prepared to leave.

Jingzhou was so corrupt that Guan Yu left again and handed over the affairs of Jingzhou to his son Guan Ping and the Nanyang general Li Yan who came to help.

The Central Plains was finally safe, and Cao Cao could finally return to Luoyang.
But on the way, Cao Mengde sat on the carriage, looked at the counselor Jia Xu beside him and spoke softly.

"Wenhe, attack Jiangdong at this time. Is there really a chance of winning?"

Jia Xu couldn't help being slightly startled when he heard Cao Mengde's words, but after a brief pause, he still bowed to Cao Mengde and saluted slightly.

"Now Jiangdong's losses are more serious than ours, and Guan Yu's current prestige also scares Jiangdong. They will definitely be careful to guard against Jingzhou.

In the past, Xu had also provoked Shanyue into chaos within Jiangdong, and many aristocratic families from Jiangdong showed their favor to us.

In this way, the attack on Jiangdong mentioned by Jiang Ji and others is indeed a good plan! "

"Nawenhe, what do you think?"

"Xu Xu doesn't know!"

(End of this chapter)

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