Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 581 Jiang Ji went to Hefei, the battle report shook Jiangdong (3 more)

Chapter 581: Chiang Kai-shek marches to Hefei, and the battle report shakes Jiangdong (third update)

After Jia Xu said these words, he couldn't help but already wanted to kneel on the ground. If he hadn't been worried about the anger of the King of Wei, he would have had to take leave to repair things at the rear.
After Guan Yu won another great victory in Jingzhou, Cao Jun also had mixed feelings here.

The joy is that although Cao Jun suffered heavy losses and Yuzhou was also affected by the plague, Jingzhou was completely corrupted after Guan Yu's battle.

In this case, they would have enough time to set up operations outside Jingzhou, and they could even continue to harass Jingzhou for the sake of funeral arrangements.

But the worry problem is also obvious. Guan Yu's prestige is too great in this battle, and Liu Bei also relies on this battle's prestige to rise to the top.

The exposure of the problems on the rear is enough to prove that Liu Bei is no longer the one he used to be. Once he really gains power, it will be something that none of them want to see.

So they have to get that face back somewhere else.

Otherwise how to proceed?
With this kind of thinking, some people set their sights on Jiangdong.

Among them, a group of advisers and generals headed by Jiang Ji and others found the King of Wei who was also constantly worried and put forward their own suggestions.

"At this time, the power in Jiangdong was greatly damaged, and there was turmoil in Shanyue. There were many internal problems and panic.

The 26th army under General Xiahou Dun is already ready and ready to cross the river and fight at any time!
If our army marches out from the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, the main army from Shouchun will move in from the west to attack Ruxu, and another group of troops will be sent from Yuzhou to attack the mainland of Jiangdong.

The three armies may be able to defeat each other in one battle!

At this time, all I need to do is spread the news in Jiangdong, and Jiangdong can even collapse without a fight! "

There was no problem with the words, and there was no problem with the strategy. Even the prelude was prepared by Jia Xu at the beginning. After killing Guan Yu, he planned to devour Jiangdong and dominate the world.

But that was already in the past, and now Jia Xu only wished that he had done nothing, so that no one would do such a foolish thing.

Looking at Jia Xu's troubled face, Cao Mengde seemed to understand something, his face was a little heavy and a little confused.

"Wen He suggested this at the beginning, why does it look like this today?"

"." After a short silence, Jia Xu reluctantly bowed again, "What King Wei said is absolutely true. It was indeed Xu's actions that gave rise to today's opportunity.

But that was back then, and now the situation is weird, and I don’t know what Jiang Dong’s attitude is.”


"According to what we know about Sun Quan, Liu Bei's reputation has almost reached its peak at this time, so he should send an envoy to join forces with us.

But until now, he has never done such a thing. This matter is really hard for us to see through! "

"Hahahaha." Cao Mengde burst out laughing after hearing Jia Xu's words, and his heart that had just been mentioned was put back.

"You old fool thought you had made some extraordinary discovery.

Then how could Sun Zhongmou still have the opportunity to come here to meet his father when he had no time to take care of himself?

Even if he wants to see Gu, is it possible that Gu will let him see him?
Before, he was asked to send a hostage to Gu's side to listen to his admonishment, but he refused to let him go.

This time he must come to Luoyang in person to apologize to Gu! "

At this moment, Cao Mengde had forgotten the pain he had felt, and his eyes were full of prospects for the future.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he keeps making progress in this troubled world. Like Liu Bei, no matter what kind of blow he suffers, he can stand up again and again until he wins.
It's just that this time Jia Xu looked at King Wei with a look of hope all over his face, and he just smiled slightly, and there were many meanings in the smile that ordinary people couldn't understand.In short, this matter has nothing to do with him.

The war in Jiangdong also attracted the attention of the world, especially when the war broke out at this time, which made many people wonder if Cao Mengde was really crazy.

His home and mansion were almost set on fire. Wei Xi's riot directly implicated thousands or even thousands of people.

Now all the prisons in Yecheng are overcrowded. Guan Yu almost defeated the Central Plains army with the help of a flood. With such a huge loss, how could Cao Mengde dare to attack again?

Everyone couldn't understand, but Cao Cao did it.

Not only did it work, but it also gave it a huge advantage right from the start.
In March of the 25th year of Jian'an, Xia Houdun commanded the 26th Army to attack Jiangdong in three ways, and Jiang Ji, the military adviser of the army, made suggestions for him.

He has countless fierce generals under his command, and his soldiers are brave and good at fighting.

During the First World War, Jiang Ji proposed a sneak attack on the old city of Hefei. At the same time, he sent a small number of troops to detour to Hefei, then raised flags to disguise his army and directly surrounded Hefei.

The leading general in Hefei was Han Zong, the only son of the famous Jiangdong general Han Dang. This little bastard always made trouble in Wu County.

Sun Quan would have killed Han Dang dozens of times if it wasn't for Han Dang's hard work on Jiangdong.

This time, he was stationed in Hefei. I originally wanted him to go out and have some experience. He was even paired with famous young talents from Jiangdong.

Zhu Cai, the eldest son of veteran Zhu Zhi.
He was already a veteran in the army at a young age, and Sun Quan loved him very much. He was a man of finesse and agility. He was not only good at riding and shooting, but he had also made considerable achievements over the years.

Stationed in Hefei for many years, it was because of his presence that Xiahou Dun tried to conquer Hefei countless times, but ultimately failed.

As a result, this time when Han Zong saw such a situation, he could not listen to Zhu Cai's bluff.

The news came out in the morning, and Han Zong led people to escape in the afternoon. Not only did he escape, he also took away all his direct soldiers and horses.

Since his father was still living well in Liaodong, he could not capture the soldiers under his father's command, so the people he brought to Hefei this time were all rogues from Wu County.

This group of people usually stir up trouble in Hefei, but this time their escape caused complete chaos in Hefei. I don't know how many people fled with them.

By the time Zhu Cai learned about this, Hefei was already in chaos.

Jiang Ji, who seized the opportunity, immediately asked Xiahou Dun to attack the city and defeat it in one battle.

Zhu Zhi's eldest son also died in the rebellion.
When Han Zong heard the news, he quickly sent Sun Quan a battle report about Hefei.

"Cao's army launched an aggressive offensive and surrounded Hefei, attacking day and night.

General Zhu Cai unfortunately died in the battle on the city. Finally, regardless of the danger, he rushed to the death and fought with Cao's army.

In the end, he fought his way out of the siege and reported the matter to the Supreme Being.

Please make preparations in advance, Your Majesty."

The battle report is sent to the new city of Wuchang, Ezhou!

Sun Quan was furious and overturned the table in front of him, and there was an uproar in Jiangdong.
(End of this chapter)

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