Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 67 Nanyang vs. Zhao Yun (4)

Chapter 67 The Battle of Nanyang - Zhao Yun ([-])
"Zhang Xiu, why don't you look back!"

Just as Zhang Xiu and Zhao Yun were chasing and escaping, Zhao Yun in front, after rushing out of the heavy encirclement, turned around on a prancing horse and started facing Zhang Xiu.

Although there was no sarcasm in the words, Zhang Xiu felt it was so harsh after hearing it.

He is not a deaf fool, he saw the soldiers and horses behind him the moment they appeared, but before he could react, Zhao Yun had already stopped.

Facing Zhao Yun with a smile on his face, he looked at the soldiers and horses who had begun to be chaotic.

Zhang Xiu understood that he had fallen into his scheme!


As soon as Zhang Xiu's voice appeared, Zhao Yun roared loudly, and then a feather arrow appeared directly in front of him.

Although the feather arrow was easily deflected by Zhang Xiu, the interrupted order and the increasingly chaotic situation made his face extremely ugly.

"Zhao Yun." Zhang Xiu gritted his teeth, pointed the spear in his hand at Zhao Yun, his eyes were full of anger, "Zhang will remember this battle!"

"That general, please leave." Following these words, another arrow shot at Zhang Xiu, and immediately after the prancing horse raised his gun, he rushed towards Zhang Xiu.

The soldiers and horses in the rear are getting closer and closer, and the flags raised high are the defenders of "Jueyang" city.

The Xinye soldiers and horses in front were fighting to the death, and the Chuoyang soldiers and horses were outflanking them from behind. The general was held back by Zhao Yun, unable to escape, and even more unable to command.

Chen Jiao saw that there was something wrong here, but his prestige... He had no prestige in front of this group of Xiliang soldiers!

"Get out!" Zhang Xiu yelled again, the spear in his hand had lost the slightest trick, and he swung it vigorously to escape from Zhao Yun's entanglement.

"Don't panic, there are not many soldiers and horses in Tuoyang City, they are bluffing!"

"Don't panic, come with me. Follow me. Zhao Zilong!"

Zhang Xiu shouted to his soldiers and horses, rectified the morale of the troops, and responded to Zhao Yun's attack, and soon became sweating profusely.

The whole person was also a little confused, and Zhao Yun stabbed him in the shoulder.

The Xiliang army on the other side did not become more normal because of his shouting, but directly began to be defeated under this pincer attack.

This is a plain, and if the cavalry wanted to escape, it would be very difficult for Zhao Yun's Xinye soldiers to trap them, Zhang Xiu certainly knew this.

But what he knows more clearly is that once the rout begins, he will never have a chance again.
It's a pity that what he understood was not understood by the soldiers.

In other words, I don’t want to understand at all.

"Don't run away. Come back here!"

"How dare you disobey military orders? You are not allowed to escape!"

Zhang Xiu's roar had no effect at all. Before the soldiers and horses from "Juiyang City" arrived at the rear, the outermost cavalry could not bear the fear in their hearts and began to evacuate.

Their departure brought with them other soldiers and horses, and the defeat was inevitable.

Seeing that she still couldn't stop all of this, Zhang Xiu, whose whole body was stained red with blood, could only roar at Zhao Yun with a miserable smile on his face.

"Zhao Zilong! Wait for me to fight again in the future~" After speaking, he rushed to the forefront of escape.

Seeing that the remaining soldiers had begun to be eliminated, Zhao Yun shook his head helplessly and sneered, and continued to give orders to Gao Xiang.

"Gao Xiang, Mi Wei, clean up the defeated army, no pursuit is allowed!"

"No?" Gao Xiang, who was in the middle of killing, couldn't help being stunned when he heard this order, "General, we have already waited for the reinforcements to arrive, why not expand the results of the battle."

"Take a closer look!" Zhao Yun's tone was somewhat solemn, and he looked towards the direction of the reinforcements.Gao Xiang and Mi Wei, who had just arrived, also followed Zhao Yun's gaze and discovered to their surprise that the true identity of the so-called reinforcements was actually the two groups of cavalry that Zhao Yun had just taken away.

It was also their Xinye City, and even the only two hundred or so cavalrymen under their lord's command.

"What is this?" Zhao Yun sighed helplessly, "No matter whether Liu Jingsheng knows about what happened today, how can the people of Juiyang City help me?"


What Zhao Yun, Gao Xiang and others didn't know was that Zhang Xiu, who had begun to gather his defeated troops, was also facing a roar.

Chen Jiao, who was still in shock, looked at these embarrassed Xiliang soldiers, and the anger in his heart was really unbearable.

"Thousands of cavalry. These are thousands of cavalry, and you just ran away!
Back then, Duke Cao was repulsed several times when he faced you, but now he has suffered a loss at the hands of such a nobody.

What are you doing? "

"Then the defender of Juiyang City is crazy, will he send troops to attack us at this time?
Not to mention that we had already searched for Kuai Yidu in Xiangyang before. Even if there was no previous incident between us and Kuai Yue, we would be thankful that the defenders of Juiyang City were able to save the city.

How could he take risks for a young general under Liu Bei?
Is it possible that there are some unborn famous generals hidden in this small city of Juiyang? "

"Xuanweihou, back then you also single-handedly assassinated Qu Sheng, and you were called a hero of Liangzhou, and you were also known as the spear king of the Northland.

Why did it become like this today, and let that little Zhao Yun play with it in the palm of his hand? "

"Is it possible that the Xiliang Iron Cavalry that dominated the world back then were all praised by you?

With such courage, with such ability, is he worthy of the title of Across the World?
No wonder the land of Yongliang has been in chaos for hundreds of years, but you have done nothing. You and other useless people like you should die as soon as possible to avoid staining the eyes of the world! "

Zhang Xiu looked at Chen Jiao, who was roaring at him and his defeated troops, with an ugly face, but he couldn't say a word to refute.

Just because Chen Jiao told him something before.

"Now it is a foregone conclusion that our army will be defeated, but even after such a defeat, our strength is still far superior to that of the young general Shinno.

As long as their shame is aroused, there will be no need to worry about losing the battle! "

In order to save the situation, and to avenge herself and her beloved General Hu Che'er, Zhang Xiu can only endure Chen Jiao's abuse.

And he relied on this kind of insult to make the Xiliang warriors under his command regain their former bravery.

Seeing that the soldiers' faces were starting to turn red and their breathing was obviously becoming heavier, Zhang Xiu knew that the heat was coming.

If this continues, these bastards will probably kill the guy named Chen Jiao in front of them first.
"Enough!" Zhang Xiu stood up with a roar, angrily said to Chen Jiao, and also to all the soldiers under his command, "I have never been half afraid of Xiliang men.

Today we were framed by that kid Zhao Yun. We can't help but be defeated. How dare you insult us! "

"It is not Chen Jiao who insults you, but you yourself.

If you have the guts, kill him back now and let Zhao Zilong see what you are capable of! "

"." Zhang Xiu didn't know whether he was too deeply involved in the drama or was really stimulated by these words. His whole face turned as red as blood.

"Soldiers, do you dare to follow me to take revenge!"

 Chapter 4 here.

  By the way, is there anyone who has a monthly pass in their hands?

  Please give me a few monthly tickets. I don’t ask for monthly ticket results to make a thousand dollars. At any rate, I might as well be in the top three thousand.

(End of this chapter)

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