Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 68 Nanyang Battle against Zhang Xiu (1)

Chapter 68 The Battle of Nanyang - Zhang Xiu ([-])

My name is Zhang Xiu, and I am nicknamed the Spear King of the North.

Why did I say it was a joke, because I am not a fool. When will it be my turn for the brave men of Xiliang to take my turn?

Helpless, Xiliang is powerful, and the family is called the Zhang family of Wuwei County. There are many famous people, among whom there is an elder named Zhang Huan, who is called one of the three famous people in Liangzhou!

No, Zhang Huan is from Dunhuang, but the family insists on saying that they and Zhang Huan are actually from the same origin but different sects.

As for whether this is true, who knows?
Anyway, Zhang Sinong's reputation is extremely resounding in Wuwei County, and it is also extremely useful to my former master, because everyone in the world knows that he was once Zhang Sinong, a Sima under General Zhang.

It was General Zhang who single-handedly promoted him, and later became disgusted with him because of his flattery.

But he said that he admired General Zhang Huan very much.

Well, my previous lord was called Dong Zhuo. He was the greatest hero in Yongliang and the biggest villain in the world.

My parents died early, and I lived with my uncle since I was a child. He taught me principles, taught me martial arts for self-defense, and gave me good marksmanship. But why do others say he doesn't have the courage to be brave?

Alas, I don’t know. Who knows, maybe it’s because my uncle is modest.

My uncle went out to become an official and followed the lord, but at first he was just a general under the lord's son-in-law Niu Fu.

He is very famous in the Xiliang army, not because of his ability, but because his family is very strong, so he is the leader of the army.

And he also had quite a lot of military exploits. He and two generals, Li Jue and Guo Si, once defeated the world-famous general Zhu Jun, and also conquered Yingchuan, one of the most prosperous places in the world at that time.

They almost emptied Yingchuan and killed many people. Those people hated us and said we were Xiliang bastards.

But we just want to live. They may not know how strong the wind is in Xiliang and how chaotic the world is in Xiliang.

They may not have imagined how difficult it would be to survive in Xiliang
When I was young, I wanted to go to my uncle, to fight the world with him, to fight in all directions with the lord, but my uncle didn't agree.

He told me.
"Now that the world is in chaos, and my uncle can't see the situation clearly, you should practice your military strategies at home. Only when you have the ability will you be able to find a way out in the future."

What my uncle said made sense, at least I thought it made sense, so I listened!
But, this is Xiliang, it’s a mess here.

A Jincheng man named Qu Sheng killed our county magistrate and wanted to occupy our Zuli County. Of course I don't agree.

Although I am not familiar with the county magistrate, I cannot let him act arrogantly, because the county magistrate is my superior and has always been very kind to me.

So I assassinated him. I didn't care that someone was making trouble in Xiliang.

I don't care about the power behind this guy named Qu Sheng. I just know that I have to kill him, otherwise I may feel sorry for my conscience.

I succeeded, and then inexplicably became the leader of Zuli County. How could I be the leader?
They also said that I was a hero of Liangzhou, and many people rushed to stand with me and follow me.
I could only tell my uncle these things. I wanted to ask him what he should do. It was my first time to be a hero and it was my first time to have so many people in my hands. I was a little panicked.

My uncle's reply made me feel relieved. Instead of blaming me for being nosy, he praised me and said I was capable.

Let me take those people to find him in Chang'an, which is the capital of the Han Dynasty.

But my uncle is not in the capital of the big man, he is attacking the capital of the big man Well, why did he attack the capital of the big man?
Isn't he our Han general?
"The treacherous minister Wang Yun and the traitor Lu Bu deceived your majesty. They assassinated the lord and put our Xiliang army to death!

To protect ourselves, we have to do this. "

I don’t quite understand what my uncle said. Xu Rong and Hu Zhen were also members of the Xiliang Army, but why they were not liquidated, but... it’s not important.

I only listened to my uncle's words, so we began to besiege the capital of Han Dynasty and captured the capital of Han Dynasty.

Before entering the city, I saw an old minister with white hair and beard. He was angrily scolding us. He said that we were rebellious ministers and traitors, and he said that we were a scourge to the world.

It's ridiculous, we have been fighting for Yongliang's safety for so many years. Without us, how could you, the ministers of the Han Dynasty, still be in the mood to say such nonsense here.So I hate this person, and I think that after the city is broken, I must send him to the bitter cold land in the northwest, so that he can see how bitter and cold the wind in Yongliang is.

But I had no chance, because the old minister named Wang Yun died and committed suicide in front of us.

Before he died, he looked at the little emperor, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing, but his eyes were full of weirdness.

After this battle, I also became an official. I became General Jianzhong of the Han Dynasty and was granted the title of Marquis Xuanwei.

Oh, I am a general, and I have also been granted the title of marquis.

The reason turned out to be that he attacked the capital of the Han Dynasty. This is really interesting.

But who cares how I got my positions as general and marquis? All I know is that from today on, I am also an official of the Han Dynasty!
That day, I secretly swore in my heart, "I must protect my uncle and follow him to have meat to eat!"

I was both General Jianzhong and was granted the title of Marquis Xuanwei. Naturally, my uncle was also a general. He became the imperial court’s General Zhendong and Marquis of Pingyang County.

But I'm not happy, because I want to stay in Chang'an City. This is the capital of the Han Dynasty. There must be many good places here. I haven't remembered to stop in Chang'an yet.

I followed my uncle and left again. I wasn't happy when I left, and neither was my uncle.

I just remember that on the way back, my uncle kept chanting words, and I probably heard a few words.

"The world is in chaos, why should we be the dominant ones in the world? The humiliation today will be repaid in the future!"

Yes, I remember this sentence. My uncle felt that he was humiliated, and I must avenge him. We are the heroes of Xiliang.

Who is Li Jue and Guo Si? He is a bandit and comes from an unknown small family. How can he compare with our uncles and nephews?

As for Fan Chou, he's nothing like that.

Soon our opportunity came. I followed my uncle and was stationed in Hongnong, guarding the gate of Guanzhong, and slowly accumulated strength.

It's just that neither our uncle nor nephew knew how to govern the place. The more the place was governed, the more chaotic it became. In the end, even the military rations were almost insufficient. But at this time, the emperor ran away from Li Jue and Guo Si.

The little emperor said that he wanted to return to Luoyang.

Is there any difference between Luoyang and Chang'an? Aren't they both capitals of the Han Dynasty, and aren't they both dilapidated?

Forget it, who knows, anyway, uncle is happy.

After hearing the news, the uncle immediately took out all the little food and grass he had left, and then led his troops to protect the little emperor and escorted him to Luoyang.

On the way, my uncle got a new official position.

A hussar general can also open a mansion and recruit subordinates just like the three princes.

I don't understand what this means, but my uncle said that he was very happy. He said that he finally waited for this day.

Then we discovered that our army had no food and grass. The soldiers under our command would not agree if there was no food and grass, so my uncle said.

"Let's go to Jingzhou to get food!"

 For the first time, the group portrait narrative begins with the No. 1 title.

  But it’s not on the shelves now, so I feel like I’m not cheating, right, it doesn’t count!
  Thank you "Shuai Kaizi" for your monthly ticket, thank you, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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