Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 69 Nanyang Battle against Zhang Xiu (2)

Chapter 69 The Battle of Nanyang - Zhang Xiu ([-])
My uncle died in Jingzhou.

While attacking a small city called Rangcheng, he died inexplicably.

A cold arrow from nowhere hit his chest, and he died in the camp that night. That night, I did not cry until I fainted as I imagined.

He didn't summon everyone together with anger on his face, and then threatened to avenge his uncle and fight Jingzhou until death.

Because I was really busy that day.

Jia Xu told me that an army cannot be left without a master for a day. My uncle has no sons or adopted sons.

Only my nephew is by his side, so I have to end everything that belongs to my uncle and lead the warriors of the Xiliang Army to continue living in this damn world.

By the way, Jia Xu is a good friend from my hometown. We have known each other since we were in Wuwei County. He is from the Jia family in Guzang, and his ancestors are the real great Confucians.

Not only was the great scholar Jia Yi the leader, but his grandfather was Jia Xiuyu, the prefect of Wuwei at that time. From then on, the Jia family established a foothold in Wuwei County.

Jia Xu is a wise man. Since he came to me, I have been very good to him, because I know he is a smart man, so I agree with everything he says.

Jia Xu united with my former confidant general Hu Che'er, and the power of the general was transferred to me, making me the new chief general of this Xiliang army.

But I still can't produce food.

At this time, Jia Xu brought a man named Pang Ji, who he said was Liu Biao's envoy, and then
He said that Liu Biao had food, and we had to unite with Liu Biao to save our lives.

I listened to his advice because he is Jia Xu and he is a smart man.

But. Why do I feel something strange this time? It seems that I feel very uncomfortable, as if I feel sorry for my uncle.

He died in Jingzhou, but he
But then again, what can we do if this is not the case?

I can't let so many Xiliang soldiers starve to death because of the hatred of one person, they are also my Paoze brothers.

Wancheng became my new residence, and I didn't even think about returning to Hongnong. I even forgot to find that little emperor to succeed my uncle's official position.

But he probably couldn't inherit it, because the little emperor didn't return to Li Jue and Guo Si in the end.

He was not taken away by Dong Cheng, Yang Feng and others. In the end, a guy named Cao Cao took away the emperor. I don’t know what uncle Izumi Izumi would have looked like when faced with such a result.

Wancheng is completely different from Xiliang. There is no wind here, but there is Cao Cao here. Yes, he is the guy who stole the little emperor.

Not only did he take away the little emperor, he also wanted to take away Wancheng where I was stationed. How can this be done!
Our Xiliang army will never be slaves!So I decided to fight him to the death to let him know what our Xiliang army is capable of.

"General, no, Cao Mengde came with the power of the Emperor. We don't have many soldiers and horses, and we don't have enough food and grass. Although Wancheng is majestic, Nanyang is now in ruins, and we are no match for Cao Gong.

At this time, Duke Cao stationed his troops in Feishui, hoping to advance hand in hand with the general.

Why don't we abandon Liu Biao and join Cao Cao? In this way, we can return to the imperial court! "

These words were said by Jia Xu, he asked us to surrender!
Well, Jia Xu is a smart man, I will listen to him.

But that man named Cao Mengde went too far. Not only did he want to take away my Wancheng, he also wanted to take away my aunt!
He even wanted to steal my trusted general.

When Hu Che'er put the gold that Cao Mengde gave him in front of me, I became angry, and Jia Xu also fell silent.

What does that sentence mean? My uncle can tolerate it and my aunt can't. Forget it, no matter what he says, I'm going to kill this guy who always wants to take away my things!

Hu Che'er pretended to be ingratiating and got his confidant generals drunk. I secretly led troops to surround their camp.

Jia Xu personally arranged all this, and I have arranged everything in all directions, leaving no chance for Cao Mengde to survive.

But I still failed.

I killed his son, who was said to be his eldest son, his beloved nephew, and his guard general.

But I failed to kill Cao Mengde, he ran away
It's not because I don't work hard, it's because of that monster!

How brave can a person be?

The ax in his hand was probably heavier than mine, and his ax blade was bigger than my face. He looked at me. For the first time, I didn’t dare to look up and look at someone.
That monster had a pair of large iron halberds, which must have weighed dozens of kilograms. Because when he came over with an iron halberd, the weapons in the hands of more than ten soldiers under my command were all broken by him.

He led a dozen people and blocked the camp gate, preventing hundreds of us from rushing in.

That night I rushed up, was repelled, and was almost killed by him, but many of my soldiers died.

They were all killed by that guy. He had a lot of arrows stuck in his body, but he was not merciless when it came to killing people.

I have forgotten how many people he killed that night. I only remember that in the end he ran out of weapons and killed several people with his bare hands.

They even use their bodies as weapons. It’s terrible, it’s really terrible!From then on, I will never charge into battle as recklessly as before. I will still take the lead in charging, but I will choose to attack or retreat based on the right moment.

The wind in the Central Plains is not as strong as in Xiliang, but the people in the Central Plains are even crazier than in Xiliang.

After that, I fought Cao Mengde twice more, and I also tried to ask Jia Xu, because he was the one who came up with the blind idea to make me surrender, and my aunt was gone.

How will I explain to my uncle in the future?
But I didn't listen to him, and I was defeated again and again by Cao Mengde.

Then I flinched, I still choose to listen to him, he is a smart man, and I somehow won.

I didn't know what this meant, but he explained it to me... and I didn't seem to understand it.

But I know one thing. Sure enough, only by listening to his words can I win the battle here.

After that, I wanted to surrender to Yuan Shao because I was afraid that Cao Mengde would retaliate against me, after all, I killed his son, but Jia Xu disagreed.

He asked me to surrender to Cao Cao. I was crazy to believe his lies.
Well, well, I'm crazy, who made him Jia Xu.

If I don’t believe what he says, who else can I believe?

In other words, I have no choice. Liu Jingsheng no longer trusts me so much, and the soldiers of the Xiliang Army have also undergone many changes silently.

I can't find a problem with the reason Jia Xu gave me, and I can't go through the huge Central Plains and half of the pass to find Yuan Shao.

I had no choice but to surrender to Cao Mengde. Fortunately, he treated me well.

Now I have changed from General Jianzhong to General Yangwei, and now I have become General Poqiang... I have been promoted twice.

In fact, in the dead of night, I would ask myself, is this the battlefield in the Central Plains?
Is it here? The Xiliang Army, or whatever Xiliang Army was there, has disappeared.

I remember that everyone trembled when they mentioned the name of Xiliang Army.

At that time, we had Sanming in Liangzhou, Prime Minister Dong Zhuo, Xu Rong, the No. 1 general in the world, poisonous men who dared to kill the young emperor, and fierce generals who dared to sweep away the noble families in the world.

Even Lu Bu, who was known as the most powerful general in the world, was dormant under the command of our Xiliang Army.

But now, am I still a soldier of the Xiliang Army? If they saw me like this back then, they would definitely be so angry that they would jump out of their graves.

How could the Xiliang army be so forward-looking and hesitant?

But what can I do?
 Chapter 1 here.

  These two chapters are not about Zhang Xiu, but about the last early elite that perished in the world.

  Times are changing, and I always like to divide the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms into three eras.

  The demons danced wildly in the ancient times, the stars were shining in the period of the Three Kingdoms, and the inspiration in the post-Three Kingdoms period suddenly appeared.

  In the early days, perhaps the world was in chaos, everyone was not powerful, and there was no money to support elites such as the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, the White Guards, and the Jiefan Army, which cost a lot of money to support.

  But that era was just as exciting.

  The three frontier armies, the reckless regiment Bingzhou wolf cavalry, the unparalleled Youzhou white horse riding and shooting, and the Xiliang iron cavalry that traverse the world.

  It was a chaotic yet splendid era. In that era, there were also traps, and the appearance of dead warriors and euphorbia warriors first.

  But these are slowly dying out.

  They may still have their names in the Three Kingdoms era, but there is no way to recast their glory.

  Is there a problem with their soldier resources, are they not fighting enough, or is it something else?

  I think it's because the one who leads them is no longer the general they once were, and they are no longer the soldiers fighting for their hearts.

  The Xiliang Iron Cavalry under Zhang Xiu was the end of the chaotic era of demons at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  Perhaps he himself knew that when he chose to surrender without a fight for the first time, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry was no longer the same Xiliang Iron Cavalry as before.

  The era that belonged to them had just come to an end.

  PS: I'm sorry, I just discovered something very embarrassing.

  I reversed Mi Zhao and Mi Wei, and have changed most of them.

(End of this chapter)

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