The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

第27章 27年大拍(4)【今日1更,4000字大章】

Chapter 27 27-Millennium Shooting (4000) [Today’s update, a [-]-word chapter]

When the old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform saw that everyone had calmed down, she continued to speak: "I talked about how to repair the damaged Immortal Tree earlier. Based on some information found in our Heavenly Demon Palace, I have deduced a method. The method of repair is, first of all, the god of the Immortal Tree has fallen, so if you want to repair it, you must need a new god, which means you need to cultivate a soldier soul and integrate it into the immortal tree."

"After integrating the soul of the soldiers and allowing the Immortal Miao Shu to possess the divine body again, it is time to start repairing the damage to the Immortal Miao Shu. After decades of deduction by the powerful men of our Heavenly Demon Palace, we have determined a method: That is to resmelt a section of the Immortal Tree to make up for the damaged source of the Immortal Tree; of course, smelting another section of the Immortal Tree is the best method, and you can also smelt other materials to replenish the Immortal Tree. The source, but the other materials must be the kind used to sacrifice the holy soldiers handed down, otherwise it will be useless."

"Okay, now, I have made it very clear about the incomplete Immortal Tree. Now let's start the auction: the base price of the Immortal Tree is 200 million kilograms of source. It can only be traded with divine sources or other rare treasures."

"Mother-in-law, you can bid for this Immortal Tree later. I know where there are soldier souls and incomplete Immortal Trees. When I collect them in the future, and repair the Immortal Tree, we will have an extra rough embryo of an Imperial Weapon. ." After Jiang Hao heard the repair method mentioned by Xuan Snake King, he excitedly sent a message to Si Yue.

Jiang Hao should happen to know very well where there are soldier souls and where there are wonderful branches of immortality.When other monks take it into their hands, they will most likely use other materials to make up for the origin of the Immortal Tree. This can only make the Immortal Tree a powerful handed down holy weapon. However, if it is smelted with the Immortal Tree, then the Immortal Tree will be An imperial weapon is so crude that Jiang Hao cannot be tempted.

"Three million catties." When the auction started, the head of the Bing family couldn't wait to speak.

"Hey! 450 million kilograms of source." The voice that had previously provoked the military master appeared again, and in one breath he raised the price of the Immortal Tree by 150 million kilograms of source.

"You...! Huh, Biyuan, my military sect has been passed down for more than 600 years. You can continue to increase the price. 150 million kilograms of sources." The head of the military family said coldly, and then increased the price by the same amount of [-] million kilograms of sources.

"8 drops of the finest purple dragon marrow."

"A volume of practice notes left behind by the demon clan's Tao-killing King."

"A demon god blood stone that enhances the strength of your bloodline."

"Half of the 10-year-old Medicine King."

"A scroll of saint's scripture "The Dragon Scroll"."


"An 8-year-old medicine king."

Jiang Hao frowned when he heard someone bid for a Medicine King, and then sent a message to Siyue, asking her to bid and stop waiting.

"Twelve drops of the blood of the demon saint." Si Yue shouted out a sky-high price.

Then Siyue stood up, took out a jade bottle, opened the seal on it, and 12 purple streams of light rushed out, but they were all suppressed by an indistinguishable legendary holy weapon in Siyue's hand, making these streams of light unable to fly. Walk.

"These 12 drops of demon saint essence blood come from the ancient strange beast Soul-Eating Demonic Spider. If it is refined and absorbed by the spider-like demon, it may be possible to evolve the bloodline. Even if it is not used to improve the bloodline, it is still a treasure when used to refine elixirs. This Immortal Miaoshu Old Body I am bound to win, so please forgive me." Si Yue said.

Many of the monks present frowned after hearing Si Yue's domineering words, but looked at Si Yue's restrained kingly pressure and the handed down holy weapon in her hand, they endured it again.

The old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform didn't say anything, she just said lightly: "The incomplete holy weapon - the Immortal Miaoshu, the highest price is 12 drops of the blood of the demon saint, but some Taoist friends offer a higher price. If not, I will lose it." Hammered."

After the old woman finished speaking, no one said anything at the auction. Apparently, she sold a thin noodle to Siyue. When the old woman saw this, she knocked the small wooden hammer on the stone platform three times to confirm her immortality. The owner of the wonderful tree.

After Si Yue saw the old woman drop the hammer three times, she pushed gently, and the 12 streams of light were sealed into the jade bottle again, and the jade bottle was sent to the old woman's hand on the stone platform, and the old woman also gave the entire tray backhand. Arrive in front of Siyue.

After the two inspected the goods, Siyue put away the tray, and the old woman also put the jade bottle into the storage magic weapon. Then Siyue sat down, and the old woman once again took out a tray covered with red cloth.

The old woman did not let anyone present guess the treasure in the tray. After taking out the tray, she opened the red cloth and revealed the treasure inside, which was a black-yellow fruit about half the size of a human head.

And many monks present exclaimed after seeing this fruit: "Earth element fruit!"

"This...this is the Earth Yuan Fruit that is rare in the ages."


When the old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform saw that many monks recognized the fruit, she nodded and said: "Yes, this is the Earth Yuan Fruit that is rare throughout the ages. The Earth Yuan Fruit cannot extend the life of a saint. The Taoist who can recognize the Earth Yuan Fruit You must all know the efficacy of the Earth Element Fruit! It can extend the life of monks under the secret realm of Xiantai by 3000 years; it can extend the life of powerful men by 2000 years, and it can extend the life of kings by 1000 years."

"Now I am announcing the bidding requirements for the Diyuan Fruit, which requires a large amount of materials that can be used to refine the King's Divine Weapon."

After the old woman announced the start of bidding, monks soon started bidding.

"Twenty pounds of black ice jade."

"A hundred catties of psychic jade."

"Three hundred kilograms of Yuanling soil."

"A thousand pounds of flaming black iron."

"One foot of blood dragon wood."

"30 yuan meteorite."

"Thousands of catties of meteorite falling from the sky."


"Two thousand five hundred pounds of mutton fat and white jade divine iron."

"Three thousand kilograms of flaming black iron."


"Five thousand kilograms of flaming black iron."


"Eight thousand kilograms of flaming black iron."

After someone shouted out eight thousand jins of flaming black iron, no one present finally spoke anymore. They all looked at the monk in the field who shouted out eight thousand jins of flaming black iron. He was a boy with a white beard and a white beard. Big red gossip crane Taoist robe, white jade dust whisk in hand, long sleeves fluttering, like an old Taoist priest among gods.

In the field, many monks from the Taoist lineage of the Central Territory recognized the cultivator who took the Diyuan Fruit.

The mysterious experiences of Taoist Baihe have also been compiled into storybooks by many people and spread throughout the Eastern Wasteland.

And why is it said that Taoist Master Bai He encountered mysterious things when he was young?Because when Baihe Taoist was herding cattle when he was a child, he accidentally entered the inheritance place of a crane demon saint and obtained the inheritance of the demon saint. He practiced hard for 500 years and became a powerful ruthless son of a generation.And this ruthless stubble has a short lifespan, and has only a few years to live.Because no one wants to provoke a powerful person who has only a few years to live, especially an old powerful person who controls the legendary holy weapons and has no orthodoxy, no clansmen, and no friends.

Once he snatches his life-prolonging medicine, I am afraid that the orthodoxy will suffer extremely tragic losses in the last few years.

And just under such silence, the old woman on the stone platform dropped the hammer three times, and Daoist Bai He took out a pile of flame meteor black iron and sent it to the old woman. The black-yellow Earth Yuan Fruit was delivered to the hands of Taoist Master Bai He.

After receiving the Earth Yuan Fruit, Taoist Priest Bai He crushed the token in his hand and left the space inside the legendary holy weapon. He presumably went to find a safe place to refine the Earth Yuan Fruit to extend his life.

After seeing Taoist Priest Bai He leave, the old woman didn't say anything. She just took out a tray covered with red cloth and uncovered the red cloth. Inside was a fist-sized jade seal of the Nine Dragons, which was green in color. But this was There is a crack on the jade seal, and four dragons in Kowloon have lost their heads.

"Everyone, this is a quasi-emperor weapon. According to the research history of our Heavenly Demon Palace, it has been found that the owner of this quasi-emperor weapon is a quasi-emperor fourth-level heavenly expert named Hong Yu 7 years ago. The weapon of enlightenment that was sacrificed and refined was broken for unknown reasons, and now its power is comparable to that of a great saint-level legendary holy weapon. The seller asked for a life-extending elixir for bidding."

"I declare that the starting price of the Zhundibing - Nine Dragon Seal is a hundred-year-old elixir."

“Five 500-year-old elixirs”

"Ten 3000-year-old elixirs."

"I will give you two eternal elixirs."

"A little medicine king that is 5 years old."


"A semi-miraculous medicine - star fruit."

After a quarter of an hour of bidding, the Quasi-Emperor's Nine Dragon Seal was sold to an unknown buyer at the auction with a semi-miracle medicine.

Then the previous scene happened again. After the money was paid (qi), the token was crushed and left inside the handed down holy weapon, and then disappeared through the Xuanyu Platform.

Then, the old woman took out a tray covered with red cloth. After uncovering the red cloth on the tray, there was a golden divine source as big as a human head, and in the divine source were dozens of strands of chaotic energy that did not merge with each other. Floating inside the divine source space.

"Everyone should recognize the treasure in the divine source! Yes, it is Chaos Qi. The kind of Chaos Qi that a saint can only see but cannot use. Of course, these dozens of strands of Chaos Qi in Lao Shen's hands have been processed Now, monks below saints can also use it to refine bodies and weapons. Now I announce the lowest price of Chaos Qi, one hundred thousand kilograms of source." The old woman said.

"But the seller has instructed that only heterogeneous sources can be used for the final transaction, so the auction of chaos gas can only be settled with heterogeneous sources." The old woman on the stone platform added quickly after announcing the start of the bidding.

Then, the bidding for Chaos Qi began.


A moment later, these dozens of strands of Chaos Qi were taken away by the Zhongzhou Imperial Clan, the Divine Dynasty of China, with 300 million kilograms of sources. Then the Emperor of China took out tens of millions of kilograms of exotic sources to pay the bill on the spot, and once again let the people present People know the profound foundation of the Imperial Clan.

As for the next auction item after Chaos Qi, the old woman was not very appetizing. After settling the money and goods with the Emperor of China, she quickly took out the next tray covered with red cloth, then uncovered the red cloth and let The monks present saw the true face of the treasure under the red cloth.

It was a silver-white arm bone. Judging by the size of the bone, the monks present were sure that it was a Taoist bone left behind by a human saint or a humanoid alien saint who transformed into the Tao. However, they did not know how strong the saint who transformed into the Tao was. That’s all.

"This is the arm bone left behind by a human great sage with the body of the Galaxy King after he transformed into the Dao. I announced that the base price of this Dao bone is 100 million yuan or other divine objects comparable to a million kilograms of yuan for bidding. Fellow Taoists, please bid!" The old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform announced the start of bidding this time without introducing too much about the Great Holy Taoist Bone.

Then, in the next quarter of an hour, the auction field turned into a vegetable market, extremely noisy.

In the end, this Great Sacred Dao Bone fell into the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and was photographed by a great power in the Holy Land of Waving Light with a source of 700 million catties plus three small medicine kings.

After the great power of Fluctuating Light brought the Little Medicine King and the Source Stone to him, the old woman sent the Tao Gu to the powerful power of Fluctuating Light and asked him to inspect the goods.

The power of the Shaking Light Holy Land also showed great trust in the Heavenly Demon Palace. After receiving the Great Sage Bone, he put it directly into the storage artifact without inspecting it.

After trading the Bones of the Ten Thousand Great Saints, the old woman on the stone platform took out another object. This was a stone nearly two feet in human shape. The chest of this stone had been cut open, and inside was a kind of stone with The sap of the four-color divine light is fragrant with an extremely honorable fragrance.

It's just that this time, no one at the auction below was sure what the treasure the old woman took out was.

"Haha! You must not recognize what this is! To be honest, I didn't know it when I saw it for the first time. I only confirmed the function of this treasure after checking the information later."

"Holy Spirit, everyone knows it! And this treasure is related to the Holy Spirit. The four-color juice inside is the initial stage of the Holy Spirit. When the juice solidifies, it becomes a stone man, and then evolves for millions of years. It will become a holy spirit." The old woman introduced.

"Senior Xuan She, may I ask if this treasure is the Nine Apertures Psychic Liquid?" After hearing the old woman's introduction, an old man in blue stood up at the auction house and asked.

"Yes, this is the Nine Apertures Spiritual Liquid."

"Let me introduce this Nine Apertures Spiritual Liquid to you in detail!"

"The Nine Apertures Spiritual Liquid cannot be used to extend life, but it is a priceless artifact for young children. It is full of spirituality and can mold blood and immortality. It is the supreme divine liquid used to cultivate geniuses, and it is rare. It has the greatest effect on young children, and the effect on adults drops sharply, because the potential of adults has been finalized."

"There are not many Nine-Aperture Psychic Liquid in this stone, only three. The seller said that these three Nine-Aperture Psychic Liquid are exchanged for materials that can be used to refine holy weapons handed down from generation to generation, and top medicine kings that can prolong the life of saints." , a scripture created by monks above the Saint King. The bidding begins now, all fellow Taoists, please bid!" the old woman said.

"Uncle Yao, mother-in-law, please take two copies of this nine-aperture psychic liquid!" After Jiang Hao's message, he continued to close his eyes and rest.

"A piece of Daluo Silver Essence as big as a fist."

"Three fist-sized pieces of Nine Heavens Biluo Divine Jade."

"Four kinds of Nine Heavens Divine Jade sequence, plus a 9-year-old Medicine King."

"One of the scriptures created by the Great Sage has no secret techniques, but the five volumes of secret scriptures are complete."

"Half prescription of Ziyao Divine Copper, plus a 10-year-old medicine king."


"Three 10-year-old medicine kings and a complete scripture created by the Quasi-Emperor also have no secret skills, but the five volumes of secret realm scriptures are complete." Seeing that the monks present had almost finished reporting, Yao Tianyao stood up and reported a complete scripture. The current highest price on the market.

"Hehe, King Xuanyang, you have taken so many treasures but you don't know if you can keep them!" Someone suddenly said in a sinister voice at the auction.

"Huh, if you can save it, you don't need to talk too much, Holy Lord Four Elephants. If you keep talking, I don't mind bringing the quasi-emperor's soldiers to wipe out the Holy Land of Four Elephants, so that there will be one less great sage in this world." Yao Tianyao said coldly. said.

(End of this chapter)

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