The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

第28章 28年大拍(5)【今日1更,4000字大章】

Chapter 28 28-Millennium Shootout (4000) [Today’s update, a [-]-word chapter]

Then, he took out three 10-year-old medicine kings packed in jade boxes and five copper pages and handed them to the old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform.

After confirming the Yao Wang and Quasi-Emperor scriptures that Yao Tianyao took out, the old woman cut open the nearly two-foot stone man in front of everyone, took out all the four-color juice, and divided it into three parts. He handed two of them to Yao Tianyao.

On the other hand, the Nine Apertures Psychic Divine Liquid was sent to an old woman who was the King of Killing Dao in the Yaochi Holy Land, because the last portion of the Nine Apertures Psychic Divine Liquid was taken by the Yaochi Holy Land with a piece of Nine Heavens Blue Fall Divine Jade.

After the auction of the Nine Apertures Spiritual Liquid, the old woman did not directly take out the next auction item, but said something to everyone: "I want to remind you fellow Taoists that this thousand-year auction is about to begin. It’s almost over, and there are only three auction items left.”

After saying that, the old woman took out a tray covered with red cloth. However, this time after the red cloth was uncovered, there was no treasure inside. Only the monks sitting in the front row and a few sharp-eyed monks saw a knuckle in the tray. Large silvery white stone.

"May I ask, senior, what is this?" An old Taoist priest in the front row stood up and asked.

"The Taichu Life Stone, have any of you Taoists ever heard of it?" the old woman on the stone platform asked.

"The Taichu life stone that the seniors mentioned is related to the Taichu ancient mine?" said a young man.

"Yes, it is related to the Taichu Ancient Mine. The Taichu Life Stone can only be produced in the Taichu Ancient Mine. If the quantity of this kind of sacred stone is sufficient, it can be refined into a magical elixir that can extend the emperor's life. The knuckle here is large, conservative It is estimated that it can also extend the life of a saint by 50 years."

"The Lord of the Taichu Life Stone needs a top-notch spiritual spring, starting with one or two. Now fellow Taoists can bid." The old woman said.

After hearing that such a knuckle-sized Lifestone of Absolute Beginning can extend the life of a saint by 50 years, and that it is such a precious treasure, many powerhouses in the Holy Land have plans to take pictures of it, because the production of Lifestone of Absolute Beginning is so scarce, they The saint's heritage must have never been used. If it is refined into a treasure elixir, it will be enough for his holy land to have more say in the future.

"Five pounds of pure water from Yaochi."

"Ten pounds of moonflower dew."

"Fifteen kilograms of Three Lights Spiritual Water."

"Twenty pounds of yellow spring water."

"The Spiritual Spring of Creation is 25 kilograms."


"Fifty kilograms of clean water from Yaochi."

"Eighty catties of yellow spring water."

"One pound of divine spring water." At this time, Jiang Hao stood up and shouted out a sky-high price.

[PS: The essence of the divine spring is the divine liquid of the Kunlun Immortal Pond. The water of this Immortal Pond is transformed from Longshan’s placenta. As a divine liquid formed from a treasure that can repair immortal weapons, it makes sense to be one grade higher than the divine spring water! 】

"My dear, do you really have a divine spring?" The old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform asked in shock.

"There is no divine spring, but I have a little bit of divine spring essence." Jiang Hao said.

"The Essence of the Divine Spring? What is that? May I ask my little friend what the Essence of the Divine Spring is?" the old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform asked in confusion.

"This is the essence of the divine spring!" After speaking, Jiang Hao took out a small purple jade gourd, but it was as big as a thumb. After opening it, the rays of light gushed out, and it was fragrant. Several monks next to Jiang Hao swallowed the fragrant breath.

"The essence of the divine spring, as the name suggests, is the essence of the divine spring. The essence of the divine spring is extremely heavy, and one drop weighs a pound. And if one wants to extract the essence of the divine spring from the divine spring water, one hundred pounds of divine spring water can theoretically extract one drop of the essence of the divine spring, but it may not be successful. Once it fails, the divine spring water will be wasted."

"A drop of the essence of the divine spring can extend the life of a saint for decades, which is equal to the value of the Taichu Life Stone. Senior, can you ask the owner of the Taichu Life Stone if he is willing to exchange it." Jiang Hao asked.

"If you are willing to add a drop of divine spring essence, I will change it." At this time, a man in black robes stood up and said in the auction room.

"Little friend, this is the Lord of Taichu's Life Stone. You two can discuss it among yourselves!" On the stone platform, the old woman said bluntly when she saw the man in black robe standing up to speak.

"Sorry, I don't have much Shenquan Essence, only two drops, and I want to use one drop for other purposes. If the senior is willing to exchange a drop of the Divine Spring Essence for the Taichu Life Stone, then I will exchange it; if the senior is not willing, then the opportunity will be postponed. Give it to the fellow Taoist who shouted out eighty kilograms of yellow spring water!"

"After all, although the Taichu life stone is precious, if you risk your life and go deep into the Taichu ancient mine, you may not be able to find a few pieces. Instead, it is the essence of the divine spring. This kind of treasure cannot be refined by the great sages. At least it can only be possible by the quasi-emperor. Refined." Jiang Hao said nonchalantly.

"Okay, I'll change." After saying that, the aura of the Tao-killing King flashed across the man in black robes, and the Taichu Life Stone in the tray in front of the old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform flew towards Jiang Hao like lightning.

Seeing the terrifying energy on the Taichu Life Stone, Jiang Hao signaled Yao Tianyao and Si Yue not to take action with his eyes. With a thought in his mind, the Purple Sun Lantern in the Sea of ​​Bitterness appeared above his head, and a purple fire hung down in Jiang Hao's hand. The fire turned into a thin film and wrapped around Jiang Hao's hand, allowing Jiang Hao to catch the Taichu Life Stone that was flying at extremely fast speed.

Then the purple fire in Jiang Hao's hand wrapped around the small purple jade gourd. Jiang Hao pushed it, and the small gourd flew slowly towards the direction of the man in black.

It's just that although the little gourd flies very slowly, the layer of purple fire is still very frightening, because when the purple fire burns, it actually burns out a vacuum channel.

When the man in black saw the purple fire wrapped around the small gourd, he could only smile bitterly, raised his hand, and the black robe slipped off, revealing a withered arm. At the same time, a bit of black light flashed on the black robe, quietly wiping out the purple fire. The fire caught the small gourd in his hand.

Then the man in black robe crushed the token and left the holy soldier space, disappearing.

The old woman on the stone platform saw the two fighting openly in front of her, but she didn't say anything, because these two groups couldn't afford to offend the current Tianyao Palace without awakening their background.

After thinking wildly for a while, the old woman took out a tray covered with a red cloth, then uncovered the red cloth, stretched out her hand to take out the things on the tray, and showed it to everyone.

It was a one-foot-square piece of cloth, not big, in gray-brown color, with some extremely simple landscape patterns on it, which was extremely ordinary. On the contrary, the four words above the piece of cloth were more mysterious. They looked ordinary at first, but after a long time, But it is dizzying and difficult to understand.

After the old woman saw that everyone had displayed all the pieces of cloth, she continued to put the pieces of cloth back on the tray and said: "Haha! The things that are going to be auctioned are a bit strange! I won't hide it from you, because this lot is my heavenly demon. The palace doesn’t understand what this is? However, after joint appraisal by top appraisers from our Heavenly Demon Treasure Palace, we can draw the following conclusion: This piece of cloth was drawn about ten thousand years ago and is related to the emperor."

"Hearing this, you will probably be a little curious as to why such a crude appraisal made this piece of cloth become the finale of the auction on the last day! Because this piece of cloth has been used by our Heavenly Demon Palace to... He went to burn the lamp, but the holy fire was extinguished by a bit of the emperor's power rippling out of the piece of cloth, and the piece of cloth was not damaged at all. It is also related to the emperor, so this piece of cloth will become one of the finale items." "Okay. , this is the end of my introduction, fellow Taoists, you can start bidding. The base price is [-] kilograms of source." The old woman said.

It's just that this lot is different from the previous ones. After the bidding started for every previous lot, the monks in the auction house would whisper and discuss for a while, but this lot is different. There are only a few of them. People are whispering, but if you listen carefully, you will find that what they are discussing has nothing to do with this piece of cloth.

There was only one person in the auction who was extremely excited, and that was Jiang Hao, but he also suppressed his facial expression and acted extremely indifferent.

The reason for Jiang Hao's excitement is that after seeing this piece of cloth, 001 urged Jiang Hao in his ear to take a photo of it.

Finally, after nearly a quarter of an hour, someone at the auction finally called out the price.

"Fifteen thousand catties."

After the monks took the lead, several people started bidding, but each time they quoted, they only increased the original price by hundreds or thousands of kilograms. After more than ten rounds of quotations, the price of this piece of cloth was raised to [-] yuan. Three thousand kilograms of source.

At this time, Jiang Hao spoke, "I will pay [-] kilograms of gold."

"My lord, this piece of cloth is so crude, it's not worth so much! Even if it has something to do with the Emperor, it may be the Emperor's handiwork!"

"Uncle Yao, we don't lack these [-] kilograms of energy. It can exude a touch of imperial power, even if it is the emperor's casual graffiti, I will not lose money if I buy it. If it really contains a big secret, then wouldn't I make a profit? It’s over!” Jiang Hao explained with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Yao Tianyao silently took back his words of persuasion, but many people in the auction house silently rolled their eyes.

Because there have been many such items left by senior masters in the auction house before, but it turns out that the chance of those items being treasures is too small, and even if they are treasures, it is still unclear whether they are destined or not!
So even if Jiang Hao said this, no one continued to bid for the piece of cloth. In the end, the old woman dropped the hammer three times on the Chaos Stone Platform. Yao Tianyao took out 10 kilograms of gold and sent it to the stone platform, and the old woman also sent the piece of cloth to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao got the piece of cloth and looked at it, and he was transported into the world of finger-wrap. Then Jiang Hao sent out a trace of spiritual thought and entered the world of finger-wrap. He saw 001 suddenly appeared, and then 001 raised his hand and moved, measuring the sky. The ruler flew out of Jiang Hao's sea of ​​suffering and was held in 001's hand.

Then, the power of the Heaven-Measuring Ruler was fully activated in 001's hand, and the mighty purple energy of three thousand miles hit the piece of cloth, but the piece of cloth was extremely miraculous, and it actually absorbed all the purple energy.

Afterwards, the cloth shone brightly and faded to beige, and the landscape patterns on it also turned into a towering giant mountain. On the top of the giant mountain, nine huge dragon veins pulled a coffin-like island.

Seeing the pattern on the piece of cloth, Jiang Hao's spiritual incarnation in the world of Tunzhi shouted in shock: "This... this is Mount Tai and God."

"Yes. This is a token. With it, you can enter the heaven and obtain a chance creation left by Emperor Huang Tian. I don't know what it is specifically. There is no detailed information about chance creation in the Tianxin Seal. ." 001 said from the side.

"What a pity! Now God has been turned into a restricted area by the ancient emperor who killed himself. Now God is probably the restricted area with the most inhabited places besides the Taichu restricted area. This piece of cloth is useless now!" Jiang Hao sighed.

Then, Jiang Hao's spiritual avatar sealed the piece of cloth into the space inside the measuring ruler for safekeeping. Then, this ray of spiritual thought dispersed, and Jiang Hao continued to pay attention to the last item at the auction. Auction.

At this time, the old woman also let everyone rest for a quarter of an hour, and then took out a tray covered with red cloth.

The red cloth was unveiled, but everyone still didn't see the final auction item, because the red cloth covered a five-inch square copper box.

"Haha, everyone, now we are going to auction the last lot of this thousand-year auction, which is the finale of this auction. This is a treasure that even the ancient emperors would be excited about. That is - a fist-sized piece of Dao Tribulation gold." The old woman held up the copper box and said solemnly.

When everyone in the auction house heard that the final item was a piece of immortal gold that even the emperors longed for, they suddenly became noisy, and then slowly became quiet after half a stick of incense.

The old woman on the stone platform did not stop them. She just watched the surprise of everyone below from the high platform. After seeing everyone calm down, she opened the lid of the copper box and let everyone see the immortal gold.

The copper box was opened, and a strange light suddenly appeared inside, like a small sun burning, which made people's eyes turn red and tears flow.

It was a piece of metal as big as a fist. It was entirely golden, pure and incomparable. Thousands of golden lights shone, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

There are many natural calamity patterns on the metal surface, which are simple and natural, as if they carry all things in the world, so it is called Dao Calamity Gold.

Then the old woman showed everyone the Taoist gold for a moment, and then poured a divine power into the Taoist gold.

With a "boom", Daojie's golden light roared, spreading out golden clouds all over the sky, dragons flying and phoenixes dancing, flooding the entire holy soldier space, shocking everyone.

"It's definitely the legendary Dao Tribulation gold. It's guaranteed to be genuine! No one in Beidou has ever seen this kind of Great Emperor Immortal Material. Although it can't be used to refine bells, towers, tripods and other heavy weapons, it can also be used to make ordinary weapons. The weapon is hard to find with a lot of money, and I don’t know who will get it.”

"Even if there were fairy materials in the past, they were very few and could only be measured in pieces or grains. I didn't expect that such a large piece of fairy materials would appear today, and it would definitely be sold at a sky-high price!"


Everyone was shocked, and after just one glance, they felt that the trip was worthwhile, because this was something that only appeared in legends, and no great emperor in history had ever obtained the gold of the Dao Tribulation.

All the great leaders are even more greedy and want to put their eyes on it at this moment.

The outstanding heirs of their generation have all been born, and they all aspire to the path of the great emperor. If they can obtain Taoist soldiers refined from immortal gold, they will undoubtedly be one step ahead of others on the path of proving.

"Dao Tribulation Gold, immortal gold that is rare to see in ten thousand years, I saw such a piece here today. I must take a photo of it. The Son of God of our clan needs this kind of divine material to refine a tool for attaining the Dao."

"If such a magical material falls into the hands of our clan, it will definitely add another important weapon and protect our clan's prosperity for thousands of years."


Powerful auras emitted from the seats in each auction house, and waves of fluctuations could be heard.

"The fist-sized piece of Daojie gold has a base price of 100 million yuan, and the price increase must not be less than [-] jin. The auction begins now!" The old woman closed the copper box and knocked down the wooden hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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