The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 29 29 Years Big Shooting (End) [1 update today, 4000 word chapter]

Chapter 29 29-Millennium Shooting (End) [Today’s update, a 4000-word chapter]


Some people took a breath of air. The previous highest price for an auction item related to refining was only 200 million kilograms. However, the sacred object was as big as a washbasin. Now it is just a piece of fairy gold as big as a fist, and the reserve price is 100 million kilograms of source, people have to be shocked whether this price is too expensive.

However, when I thought about it, this was the first time that immortal gold like Daojie Gold had appeared in Beidou's auction. With this starting price, it was nothing.After all, such a large piece of fairy gold is still on the auction block. It is rare to see it for tens of thousands of years. The price is not too high.

[PS: Chapter 338 of the original book of "Zhetian" - The Wushi Bell rang again, Yao Yuekong said that someone cut out a piece of fairy gold smaller than a fingernail, and auctioned it for 800 kilograms.So for a piece of fairy gold as big as a fist, 300 million kilograms of it is not too much to auction!In addition, the output of Daojie gold in Beidou is very small, so adding another [-] million kilograms of gold is not too much! 】

After a brief silence, many people made offers.

However, these quotations are basically from the great powers of the major holy land-level orthodoxy, because they are the only ones who can bear the expenditure of millions of kilograms. Other casual cultivators, even if they have precious treasures, are bidding for them. A million kilograms of water is no longer worth anything.

"170 catties!"

"190 Jinyuan!"

"240 catties!"


Many people were very excited and made offers, trying to buy this piece of fairy gold.

"It's quite lively."

Jiang Hao sat in the auction seat and watched the show with great interest. The holy land-level orthodox priests made bids one after another, and the price quickly reached 300 million kilograms.

It's just that Jiang Hao has no shortage of fairy gold, so he doesn't have much interest in this fist-sized piece of fairy gold. However, his acting has to be realistic and he can't really show that he has no interest in this piece of fairy gold. Therefore, Jiang Hao quoted .

"500 million catties."


Many monks present gasped in shock. At this time, the old woman on the Chaos Stone Platform also spoke up and said: "Little friend, the Origin Stone you can currently pay in advance at our bank is no longer enough to support you in shouting out this high price. , please think carefully before bidding.”

"The Origin Stone is not enough, can I use the ten-thousand-year-old elixir as collateral?" After saying that, Jiang Hao waved his hand, and a stack of twenty jade boxes appeared. The lid was opened, and twenty thousand-year-old elixir appeared in the void. The fragrant and fragrant medicinal gas shocked everyone.

"Senior, the market price of a ten-thousand-year-old elixir is between 40 kilograms and 50 kilograms of source. There are twenty ten-thousand-year elixirs here. You can exchange the source stones for 1000 million kilograms of sources. These can be my bids. Confidence." Jiang Hao asked softly.

"Of course you can." The old woman nodded, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, please continue bidding!"

"900 million catties."

Just as the old woman finished speaking and continued bidding, a cold voice sounded in the auction house. A man wearing a Sirius Roaring Moon robe opened his eyes and spoke calmly.

There was silence on the scene. This person suddenly raised the price from 500 million kilograms to 900 million kilograms, and raised the price by 400 million kilograms in one go, showing his determination to win.

"Who is this person? He has such financial resources and isn't he afraid of offending those powerful forces?"

"The Wolf God is said to be a descendant of an ancient family in Beiyuan. His strength is extremely terrifying, and his cultivation is comparable to that of the Supreme Elder of the Holy Land!"

After a while, someone in other seats hesitantly shouted out the new high price: "1000 million catties of source."

"100 million catties!"

The wolf god's expression remained unchanged, very calm and calm.

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the auction hall, which stunned everyone.This mysterious figure directly added another 100 million kilograms of sources.

"That's interesting! Wolf God, I think it's Wang Teng, the Northern Emperor!" Jiang Hao smiled and added another 200 million kilograms of energy.

"Thirteen million catties of sources."

"Thirteen million catties of sources."

In the auction house, the Wolf God looked calm, as if it was not a 500 million catty source, but just a pile of broken stones.

In the end, Jiang Hao stopped bidding, and no Daoist in the auction house continued to bid. The old woman dropped the hammer three times, announcing that the Wolf God had bought the piece of Daoist gold.

Then, the Wolf God waved his hand, and a leather bag and a token flew into the old woman's hands, and said: "There are 350 million kilograms of sources in the bag. Our clan saved 500 million yuan in the Tianyao Palace before participating in the Millennium Auction. The remaining 650 million kilograms of source and other auctioned source stones taken by our clan will be sent to your bank within half a month."

After the old woman saw the token, she thought about it and agreed. After all, the identity of Wolf God (Wang Teng) was worth selling a thin noodles from Tianyao Palace.

At this time, after the Daojie gold auction was completed, it also meant that the thousand-year auction of Tianyao Baoque was successfully concluded. Many monks in the Holy Weapon Space crushed the tokens in their hands and left the Holy Weapon Space.

After Jiang Hao and the others left the Saint Weapon Space, they were met by a maid from the Four-Pole Secret Realm of the Heavenly Demon Palace, who led Jiang Hao and the others to the VIP room to settle the source stones for the Millennium Auction.After a while, the maid took Jiang Hao and the others to the VIP room. After pouring the spirit tea, she exited the VIP room and asked the person in charge of Tianyao Baoque to receive Jiang Hao and the others.

Soon, within about a quarter of an hour, several footsteps suddenly entered the VIP room from far and near. Jiang Hao and the other three, who were closing their eyes to rest, opened their eyes and looked at the pushed open door. There, they walked into the six rooms. A demon clan.

The one at the front was the old woman who had previously hosted the auction in the Saint Weapon Space. She was followed by four powerful demon cultivators and the young master of the Heavenly Demon Palace - Yao Yuekong.

After the six people entered the VIP room, they sat down, and then a powerful man came forward and said: "Senior Yao, you have entrusted our company to auction a total of one Medicine King, three small Medicine King, five volumes of the King's Notes, and two volumes of the Saint. Notes, a book of sages’ scriptures.”


"The above are the source stones obtained from the auction for seniors, and the next is the source stones that seniors need to pay for the items auctioned at the auction."


"Then there are those 20 king corpses. Our Heavenly Demon Palace needs to pay you another 1000 million (1000 million) catties of yuan, and we will pay them all today."


"Yeah! That's right." Yao Tianyao said.

After confirming that Yao Tianyao nodded and indicated that there was nothing wrong, the powerful man took out a storage bag and handed it to Yao Tianyao and said: "Senior, the remaining two thousand seven hundred and twenty fourteen thousand (720 million) kilograms are in the storage bag. source."

Yao Tianyao took the storage bag and scanned it. After confirming that the amount was correct, he put away the storage bag.

Then the old woman waved to let the four powerful men leave first, and then the old woman said: "Then continue the transaction and auction of the recipe for the foundation building of the demon god! Here is 50 kilograms of dragon-marked black gold. , I wonder if the two Taoist friends have brought the prescription?" The old woman said bluntly, and then took out a piece of dragon-patterned black gold that had been smelted and was as big as a human head.

"We naturally carry the Demon God's foundation-building prescription with us all the time. After all, it is such a valuable treasure. If it is stolen, it will be heartbreaking." After saying that, Jiang Hao took out a scroll from the world of thumb and handed it over. past.

The old woman took the scroll, opened it, wrote down the contents, and deduced it first. After discovering that the ancient foundation-building formula of the Demon God could indeed repair the damaged Dao foundation, she breathed a sigh of relief and handed the scroll to her with a smile. Yao Yuekong, who stood behind him and stared longingly, said: "Kong'er, go find the palace master and ask him to gather the resources you need for this ancient foundation building method of the demon god. It's time for your Dao foundation to be completely repaired."

"Yes, thank you ancestor." Yao Yuekong responded happily, and then went out.

After the old woman chatted with Yao Tianyao and Si Yue for a few words and established a relationship, she left the VIP room and went to receive other powerful men from the Imperial Clan.

"Uncle Yao, mother-in-law, let's go too! The thousand-year auction has passed. Tomorrow I will continue to retreat, attack the secret realm of dragon transformation, and Yaoguang Shifang and the rare source stones of Jijia Shifang. I will trouble you, Uncle Yao, to go there. Come out. Then you go and send greetings to the Jiang family. After I break through the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, we will visit the Jiang family to discuss the Taiyin Divine Body." Jiang Hao ordered.

"Yes, sir."*2
The next day, the door of Jiang Hao's box was closed. Si Yue came to the door and quietly sat cross-legged outside the box to protect Jiang Hao. Yao Tianyao was already lighting up the stone square.

After entering Yaoguang Shifang, Yao Tianyao remembered Jiang Hao's instructions and went straight to Tianzihao Stone Garden. Then he found a master Yuan from Yaoguang Stonefang and asked him to take him to check the sky-high price of Tianzihao Stone Garden. Strange rocks.

The news that Yao Tianyao was going to Yaoguang Shifang was also reported back early by the disciples of the major holy places who were arranged at the Jiang Family Inn. Then dozens of powerful officials from the Holy Land families who were still in the Holy City came to Yaoguang Shifang to watch. Cut stone.


Soon, Yao Tianyao cut three strange stones, and the source of the ancient insect was recovered by the Yaoguang Holy Land on the spot for 70 kilograms of source. And this time, although there were dozens of powerful people who came to watch the stone cutting, naturally it was with you. After some discussion, I determined that the little unicorn in the magic stone was the seed left after the unicorn elixir nirvana. Several great powers from the most powerful sects offered millions of kilograms of the source. To capture this elixir seed from Yao Tianyao, it was a pity that Yao Tianyao always remembered Jiang Hao's instructions and refused to sell it. In the end, he directly used the Immortal Killing Gourd as a deterrent before leaving Yaoguang Shifang safely.

After Yao Tianyao returned to Jiangjia Inn to rest for three days, he went straight to the last imperial stone shop in the Holy City - Jijia Stonefang, and paid [-] kilograms to buy the Xianyin of Jijia Shifang Tianzi Shiyuan. The stone queen cut it open on the spot and took away the fairy exquisite inside.

Of course, considering that both the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji family are imperial clans, and how little he cuts stones in these two stone workshops, and considering his title as a master of origin arts, Yao Tianyao does not want to offend the two imperial clans. In this case, before leaving Jijia Shifang, he also said: "You don't have to think that I cut too few stones in Jijia Shifang and Yaoguang Shifang and think that these two stone workshops have no treasures. In fact, this is not the case. I just ask if you don't want to." Collect all these treasures, so you can go to these two stone shops to buy stones."

After saying that, Yao Tianyao left Jijia Shifang and returned to Jiangjia Inn.

During this period of time, Siyue had already sent the greetings to the head of the Jiang family through the owner of the Jiang family inn. After learning that the two Tao-killing kings would come to visit the Jiang family with their descendants in a few months, it was also Surprised, he then informed the Jiang family to be ready to welcome the two kings.

After notifying the Jiang family, Yao Tianyao and Si Yue took turns protecting Jiang Hao at the door of Jiang Hao's box. During this period, the Black Wish Ape King who was sent by Jiang Hao to the Qinling Mountains of Zhongzhou to search for the "Nine Secrets" was also brought with him. The complete "Bing" word secret is back.

After bringing back the "Bing" calligraphy secret, the matter of protecting Jiang Hao was naturally handed over to the Black Ape King who had already learned the "Bing" calligraphy secret. Yao Tianyao and Si Yue began to practice the "Bing" calligraphy secret in seclusion.

Another two months passed [three months had passed since the Millennium Shootout], and finally, on this day, the atmosphere in Jiang Hao's Qianzihao box was very unstable, and violent auras overflowed from Qianzihao. The box exploded, and 001 woke up from his resting state in an emergency, opening a temporary void passage to send Jiang Hao outside the Holy City to survive the catastrophe of Dzogchen in the Four Extremes Secret Realm and the catastrophe of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom", the thunder continued outside the holy city for two days and one night.

In the past two days and one night, Jiang Hao has encountered seven kinds of catastrophes, including the catastrophe of earth, fire, water and wind, the catastrophe of the sun god and thunder, and the catastrophe of the emperor's soldiers. Then he encountered the rare catastrophe of the secret realm of dragon transformation - the great dragon catastrophe.

Jiang Hao bathed in the thunder in the sea of ​​thunder. He held the sun ruler and smashed one thunderous heavenly dragon after another, imprinting the Dao marks among the heavenly dragons into his spine. The soul also took advantage of this rare dragon tribulation to refine it. .

After overcoming the tribulation, Jiang Hao's cultivation reached the early stage of the fifth transformation of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm. At the same time, he also remembered that the Great Dragon Tribulation has a time limit. Being able to resist the nine heavenly dragons means that he has successfully overcome the tribulation. .

Of course, the benefits of even speeding up to 81 [-] Thunder Dragons are huge. With the help of the Dao Mark of the Great Dragon Tribulation, Jiang Hao may not need to use the Peerless Essence in the future. The Dao Mark of the Great Dragon Tribulation is enough He sent Jiang Hao all the way to the Great Perfection in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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