The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 34 34 Jiang Taixu

Chapter 34 34-Jiang Taixu

"I'll come." Yao Tianyao said softly.

Then a small nine-story golden tower rushed out from between the eyebrows, penetrated the source energy and evil spirits, suppressed it strongly, and opened a path in the source energy and evil spirits spurting out, allowing the three people to enter.

The source energy and evil energy were suppressed by the golden pagoda, and they could only spray out to both sides in frustration.

The Erqi sword slashed at the stone wall, cutting off a lot of stones. Jiang Hao and the others passed through the opened passage safely.

After passing the Yin-Yang map, a purple stone wall blocked the way.

The Black Ape King stepped forward, slashed with a long black knife, and carved a path inward.

The purple rock is not hard, but it seems to be alive, and the broken place quickly recovers.

Jiang Hao curiously grabbed a piece of purple stone in his hand, and found that the stone contained rich Wutu vitality.

"Hey! Is this purple jade soil?" Yao Tianyao also stretched out his hand to take a look at a purple rock, and said in surprise.

"Uncle Yao, what is purple jade soil? It's rock, not soil!" Jiang Hao asked.

"Purple jade soil is a kind of spiritual soil. It is generally used for planting elixirs or refining secret treasures. If the amount is large, it can be used to refine the king's magic weapon. But I am not sure whether the rocks in the Purple Mountain are purple jade soil, because this rock It has a more luxurious purple aura than the purple jade soil I know." Yao Tianyao said.

"Are you not sure even Uncle Yao? Forget it, let's collect some! After leaving Zishan, send them to Tianyao Baoque. There are many talented people there, and maybe you can recognize them." After that, Jiang Hao was He took out a jade gourd and collected the purple rock that the Black Ape King had chopped.


A hole was split in front of it, and an abnormal sound was emitted.

Finally got through a passage.

A sapphire staircase appeared, and the purple mountain behind slowly healed. Jiang Hao and the others climbed up the stairs, passed through a white jade door, and entered an ancient jade palace. They walked all the way to the end and saw the stone wall again, discovering the traces left by their predecessors. trace.

"God King Jiang Taixu accidentally entered the Magic Mountain and decided to find out!"

"Loose cultivator Li Mu explores the Devil's Mountain!"


Jiang Hao clicked and found that there were a total of 37 monks who left their names on the stone wall, but he didn't know whether they left Zishan after leaving their names.

After passing through the palace, there was a purple cave. As the three of them moved forward, they suddenly felt a demonic force calling.

The Ancient Sun Sutra was rotating, and the sky-measuring ruler hanging above the heads of the three men shook slightly. A streak of purple flowers traced the demonic power and disappeared. A moment later, there was a faint roar.

After the Measurement Ruler showed its power, the demonic power never appeared again. It is not known whether the existence that exuded the demonic power was suppressed and killed by the Measurement Ruler.

After walking another hundred meters, a faint voice reached the ears of the three of them.

"Two... imperial weapons, two... kings, who... are you...?"


His voice was very weak and intermittent, as if he might die at any moment. "Master, over there." Yao Tianyao said, and then Jiang Hao motioned to go over and take a look first.

After walking for more than ten meters, the three of them came to a stone wall. Jiang Hao held up the purple sun lamp in his hand and shined it. He found that the rock here turned into purple jade. The light was discernible and could reflect his figure. Jiang Taixu was imprisoned behind this huge purple jade.

A figure appeared on the jade bi, with a clear outline, skinny, not much better than a skeleton, with long hair dragging the floor.

This is Jiang Taixu who has been trapped here for thousands of years. Seeing Luo Mo approaching, his body is reflected on the stone wall.

"Uncle Yao, try to see if you can rescue King Jiang Shen." Jiang Hao said.

"Yes, Young Master." Yao Tianyao responded, then stepped forward to observe the purple jade. From time to time, he would tap a few times on the jade to outline some formation patterns.

"I...teach you...the Nine Secrets..." Jiang Taixu said weakly.

He didn't want the Nine Secrets to be lost in his hands, so he forced a breath of energy to spread this secret technique.

"Senior, please stop talking and gather your energy. Uncle Yao is observing the formation patterns. Don't disturb his thoughts." Luo Mo interrupted.

"There's no need for this...this is...the Emperor's's useless..." Jiang Taixu said.

"Sir, there is indeed a great emperor formation pattern on this jade jade. Seventy percent of the complete imperial formation is arranged. It was definitely arranged by a great sage. I can't unravel it. And there are several more patterns here than when I was at my peak. The brand that is even more powerful should be left by the Quasi-Emperor. If the formation is broken by force, Jiang Taixu will not be able to withstand the brutal power and will be killed immediately." Yao Tianyao said.

"Is this so? Then if you, Uncle Yao, and the Black Ape King join forces, can you temporarily suppress the movement of this array pattern?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Suppressing the movement of the Emperor's formation? It's a bit difficult, but it's not impossible." Yao Tianyao thought for a while and said.

"Then it's time to trouble Uncle Yao and the Black Ape King. You suppress the formation pattern. I'll send two Medicine King plants in to restore the God King." After saying that, Jiang Hao took out two jade boxes from his thumb and opened them. Inside were two A golden spirit fruit as big as a fist.

At this time, Yao Tianyao was also holding the Heaven-Measuring Ruler, pouring half-saint-level divine power into the Heaven-Measuring Ruler. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, millions of kilograms of Origin Stones exploded into pieces, and billowing Origin Qi was poured into the Heaven-Measuring Ruler.

The 001 in the Sky Measurement Ruler was also ready. He mobilized the power of the Sky Measurement Ruler with all his strength. The vast purple energy turned into twelve talismans and flew out, attaching to the purple jade. Suddenly, the slowly moving The Great Emperor's formation patterns were suppressed, and the Quasi-Emperor and Great Sage's marks on the jade were banned.

The Black Ape King recited the secret mantra devoutly, raised the lid of the immortal gourd, and three dazzling lights bombarded the jade, creating a small hole one foot square.

Jiang Hao saw the timing, and with a push, the two spiritual fruits entered the jade biscuit, and then melted, the golden liquid nourished Jiang Taixu's old body.

"Senior God King, please stay in the jade for a while. Then I will go to Wu Shi Zhong and ask him to take action to release you." Jiang Hao said.

"Thank you for your help, little friend." Jiang Taixu in the jade biscuit was nourished by the medicinal liquid, and his speech finally stopped being choppy.

At this time, the array patterns on the purple jade suddenly glowed, and the emperor-level power surged in. The magical talisman transformed from the purple gas finally turned into flying ash after resisting twelve waves. As soon as the divine talisman dispersed, The one-foot-square hole in the purple jade stone healed, and then the imperial formation covered it and returned to its original appearance.

"Senior, say goodbye!" Seeing that the purple jade had healed, Jiang Hao could only say goodbye to Jiang Taixu, and then headed deeper into the passage.

After the three of them walked for another half an hour, they found two stone tools in the mine tunnel. After Yao Tianyao's appraisal, it was determined that the two stone tools were made of Shenyuan stone skin, but unfortunately they were broken.

Seeing these two stone tools, Jiang Hao thought of the records in the original work. Thousands of years ago, the descendants of the fifth-generation Yuan Tianshi once broke into Zishan with the "Yuantian Book" and were finally attacked by the ancient creatures in Zishan. He was injured, and finally escaped into the stone palace transformed into Wushi Bell and died of serious injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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