Chapter 35 35-The Beginning Bell
Upon arrival, Jiang Hao knew that the Wushi Bell was not far away and quickly informed Yao Tianyao.

Yao Tianyao was overjoyed after hearing this, and then the three of them quickened their pace and headed inside.

Sure enough, after walking nearly a hundred meters, the three of them entered a huge and empty hall.

Walking into the main hall, one can see a skeleton lying on the ground at first glance, with a roll of silver book next to the skeleton, and there are some fragmented stone skins near the skeleton, which together form a stone garment.

The three of them stepped forward. Jiang Hao thought for a while, then took out a jade bottle and put away the bones.

At this time, Yao Tianyao picked up the silver book, which had a hundred pages and three ancient characters "Yuan Tian Shu" engraved on the front.

"My lord, what should I do with this book?" Yao Tianyao asked.

"I see that you, Uncle Yao, have liked Yuan Shu since you came into contact with Yuan Shu. Now that the supreme treasure book of Yuan Shu is in front of you, Uncle Yao is not moved?"

"Uncle Yao, just don't take it away after reading it. We are not destined to read this book," Jiang Hao said.

"Yes, Young Master." Yao Tianyao responded, then eagerly opened the Book of Heaven and started reading.

And looking at the beautiful scene, Yao Tianyao would also softly recite the contents recorded in the Yuantian Book and slowly figure it out.

"Look up and observe the images in the sky, look down and observe the Dharma on the earth, and observe the writings of birds and animals, which are suitable for the earth... Inner Qi arises, external Qi takes shape, and the inside and outside multiply... When the Qi rides on the wind, it disperses, and the boundary water stops. , the gathering makes it not disperse, the movement makes it stop... The upper part corresponds to the stars, the lower part shows the map, the heaven and the earth are formed, and the hanging movement is stable..." Yao Tianyao chanted softly.

But at this time, Jiang Hao's mind sank into the Sky Measurement Ruler, and he was talking with 001 in the Sky Measurement Ruler.This is also a last resort. After all, this is Zishan and the home of Wu Shi Zhong. No matter how careful you are, it is reasonable.

"001, I will wake up the god of Wu Shi Zhong later, and it's time for you to pretend to be the god of measuring the sky. Help me communicate with the god of Wu Shi Zhong and release Jiang Taixu." Jiang Hao was measuring the sky ruler. Zhong said to 001.

"It's a trivial matter. If the Heavenly Measurement Ruler unlocks the fourth layer of seals and turns into the Heavenly Emperor's soldiers, I can mobilize the power of the Heavenly Measurement Ruler to break through the emperor's formation." 001 said.

After confirming that 001 would help, Jiang Hao returned to his mind and injected divine power into the Sky Measurement Ruler. He then gently shook the Sky Measurement Ruler and emitted a soft light. There was no murderous intention at all, but it contained an idea. , indicating that we should communicate with them as the spokesperson of the ruler of heaven.

After a long time, the entire stone palace was shaking slightly.


A bell rang, spreading throughout the entire Purple Mountain, the bell sounded long and leisurely, as if it had come from time and space from ancient times!

"Sun Divine Body, Sun Ancient Sutra, little guy, why did you wake me up?"

Suddenly, a mysterious sound sounded in Zishan, shaking the space. A huge force appeared, permeating the entire space, like the Milky Way falling, like the starry field becoming silent, and the huge pressure made people feel suffocated. .

At this moment, the Heavenly Measurement Ruler revived on its own in Jiang Hao's hand, blocking the pressure. The purple energy on the ruler slowly flowed, and a humanoid shadow emerged from the ruler, which was none other than 001. "Boom!"

"An imperial soldier that did not appear in ancient history, two human races who practiced the "Ancient Sun Scripture" and a monster king, are interesting!" A loud voice sounded.

"I've met Senior Shen Zhuan! I woke up Senior suddenly because I have something to ask for!" Jiang Hao said respectfully.

"Little guy, you didn't wake up the Emperor's Weapon God Zhuan with the intention of asking for help! Are you thinking that if I don't help, you will take action?" said the God Zhuan of Wushi Bell.

"Senior clearly knows that he has no such intention!"

"Tell me about it! If you want me to help you, I'll think about it again."

"I have a lot of fate with the descendants of Emperor Hengyu. I left the Jiang family just before entering the Emperor's dojo. Now I found a descendant of Emperor Hengyu who was trapped in the emperor's formation in the dojo. But there is an emperor's formation there. Seal, can Senior Shen Zhuan take action to release the descendants of Hengyu?" Jiang Hao said respectfully.

"Buzz!" An invisible sound wave swept out, and then Wu Shi Zhong said: "It's interesting. After being trapped in the imperial formation for 4000 years, he actually walked out of his own way and became the quasi-emperor. He is indeed a proud man of heaven. But, little Guy, you don’t think that I set up that imperial formation, do you?”

"Isn't it? This is the Great Emperor's dojo. Isn't the Imperial Formation left by the Great Emperor?" Jiang Hao asked in confusion, pretending not to understand.

"Although this is the Dojo of the Great Emperor, before the Great Emperor came, it belonged to the Dojo of the Immortal Emperor, the first emperor in ancient times. After the Great Emperor proclaimed the Dao, the Immortal Queen caused a turmoil in the Northern Territory. The Great Emperor was furious, but God had As a result of his virtue, the Emperor only killed the chief evildoer, leaving the Immortal Queen and the Emperor's subordinates to me to suppress."

"I also have some impressions of this Jiang Taixu. He came to Zishan 4000 years ago, and he seemed to be looking for something. However, he didn't find it. When he retreated, he was met by a few people from the lineage of the Immortal Emperor who were not suppressed." Due to the conspiracy of the scattered ancestor king, we are completely trapped.”

"However, this Jiang Taixu is pretty good. Under normal circumstances, the moment a Tao-killing King is assassinated by several ancestor kings, he will probably die on the spot. But he didn't. He insisted on surviving by dying and blew up a handed down holy weapon. He found a glimmer of hope and saved his life. It's a pity that although he saved his life, when he left in a hurry, he mistakenly stepped on the formation pattern and was teleported into the jade."

"The jade jade was originally a death row used by the Immortal Emperor's lineage to suppress the enemy. There is no key. If you want to leave, you have to break out. Otherwise, even if the quasi-emperor enters, he will be killed on the spot. Fortunately, millions of years have passed, and this death row has been The Imperial Formation was partially broken, so Jiang Taixu’s life was saved. However, the effectiveness of this Imperial Formation is still not weak, and it can trap low-level quasi-emperors.”

"And according to the emperor's decree, I want to suppress the Immortal Queen and several quasi-emperors, as well as several imperial magic weapons left by the Immortal Emperor. I can't use too much power to rescue them, so I have been delaying it until now." The God of Wu Shi Zhong Zhuan Tell the story of the past.

"Then I don't know how much strength is needed to break this imperial formation." Jiang Hao asked.

"The quasi-emperor is above the third level of heaven. If he comes with an imperial weapon, he can break it." God Zhuan of Wushi Bell replied.

"Nowadays, the outside world is suppressed by the Qingdi Dao. It is difficult to find even a saint, let alone a quasi-emperor."

"Wait, quasi-emperor. Senior, the quasi-emperor can't be found. If several imperial weapons are controlled by saints, the imperial formation may be unlocked." Jiang Hao suddenly thought that the original work was about several extreme weapons attacking Zishan and rescuing Jiang Tai. Xu asked.

"Several pieces of imperial soldiers attack together, naturally we can crack the imperial formation. But little guy, you may have forgotten where this is. This is the emperor's dojo, isn't it the place where you want several pieces of imperial soldiers to come?" Wu Shizhong said Shen Zhuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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