The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 42 42 Yan Ruyu, Descendant of the Demon Emperor

Chapter 42 42-Descendant of the Demon Emperor Yan Ruyu

After leaving the core pure land, Jiang Chengyi arrived at the divine island where Jiang Hao lived in a few blinks.

It was a small island with an idyllic scenery. There were no complex buildings such as temples, and there were only a few solitary courtyards dotted on the island.

As soon as Jiang Cheng walked to the door of a small courtyard, the wooden door opened automatically without any wind.

As soon as Jiang Cheng walked into the small courtyard, he saw Yao Tianyao and Jiang Hao playing chess. The two turned their understanding of the "Old Sun Sutra" into chess moves to oppress each other.

But although Jiang Hao has a solar body that is naturally in line with the "Old Sun Sutra", how can he compare with Yao Tianyao, who is a member of the Holy Queen, let alone Yao Tianyao was once a great saint, even if Yao Tianyao suppressed his own realm and could only transform into a dragon The perceptions of the secret realm collided with each other, but in the end, it was the great sage who cut himself off with a knife, and his strength was extraordinary. In just half an hour, Jiang Hao was defeated.

Seeing Jiang Cheng come in, Yao Tianyao waved the flags on the table and put away the flags on the table. The brewed spiritual tea flew over and filled a cup for all three of them.

"Little friend Jiang, I just went to see the Great Sage Ancestor. The ancestor will be nursed back to health for another month and will be born in one month. You should contact your guardian who is with the descendants of the Demon Emperor first! I have already been in Bei The Zuixian Palace in Yusheng City has booked an immortal banquet, and I have to trouble Xiaoyou Jiang to contact the descendants of the Demon Emperor to go to the banquet." Jiang Cheng said.

"It's a small matter. I'll contact the Bull Demon King later and ask her to tell Yan Ruyu." Jiang Hao said.

"Then I'm sorry for bothering you, little friend. I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave first." After that, Jiang Chengyi left.

After Jiang Hao drank the tea in the cup, he took out a specially made jade token for long-distance cross-domain communication and connected with the Bull Demon King.

Southern Region, Peach Blossom Valley.

This place was originally the territory of Peach Blossom Fairy, a powerful demon clan who turned a spiritual peach tree into spirit. A few months ago, Yan Ruyu, a descendant of the Demon Emperor, and his followers from the Qinglian tribe wanted to take refuge here, but Peach Blossom Fairy did not want to take refuge. The fairy actually asked for the Demon Emperor's heart as a reward for protecting Yan Ruyu, but Yan Ruyu refused to give it. Then the Qing Emperor's descendants had a dispute with Fairy Peach Blossom and started fighting.

Although Yan Ruyu has the heart of the Chaos Qinglian and the Qing Emperor, the Peach Blossom Fairy is not weak either. One after another, the peach blossom miasma corrodes the light green light curtain created by Yan Ruyu's shallow divine power to activate the Chaos Qinglian. When the light curtain breaks, Yan Ruyu will At the critical moment of death, the Bull Demon King found the Peach Blossom Valley, held the holy weapon and attacked it. He killed the Peach Blossom Fairy with one blow and saved Yan Ruyu.

Then the Bull Demon King followed Yan Ruyu in the name of protecting the demon emperor's descendants, and then often gave advice on Yan Ruyu's practice, and at the same time nourished the weak soul of Yan Ruyu's uncle with a medicine king.

Let Qinglian King Yan Yuan reshape his body, no longer needing to seize Pang Bo's body, and saved Pang Bo's life. Of course, the situation is still unstable. Although Yan Yuan let Pang Bo go, he did not let him leave. For the sake of the strong demon saint bloodline in Pang Bo's body, he was accepted as a disciple and taught him how to practice as compensation.

On this day, the Bull Demon King, who was practicing in a quiet room, made a breakthrough and found that his master suddenly contacted him, and he took out a set of contact jade cards from that time.

"My lord, what are your orders?" the Bull Demon King asked respectfully.

"Ox Demon King, please tell Yan Ruyu that the Jiang family has booked an immortal banquet at Zuixian Palace and invites the descendants of the Demon Emperor to attend the banquet." Jiang Hao said on the other side of the jade sign.

"Yes, Lord. I don't know what the main discussion of this banquet is, and how much reward can be given to the descendants of the Demon Emperor. If you make it clear, it will be easier for me to persuade the descendants of the Demon Emperor." asked the Bull Demon King.

"We will discuss borrowing the Chaos Green Lotus to save a person. The reward will not be less than one million catties. I can guarantee this. Then the Jiang family will act as a guarantee, attract the descendants of the Demon Emperor to join the imperial family, and turn the war with the Ji family into friendship. . Others need to be negotiated by the descendants of the Demon Emperor themselves." Jiang Hao thought for a while and said.

"My lord, just hang up now! I will inform the Demon Emperor's descendants." said the Bull Demon King. "Okay." After saying that, Jiang Hao hung up the communication card.

As for the Bull Demon King, after putting away the communication jade token, he walked out of the quiet room and asked the flower elves who were waiting for the Bull Demon King outside: "Where is the princess?"

"Senior Qi, the princess should be practicing in the Peach Blossom Pavilion or the peach forest in the back mountain." The flower elf replied tremblingly.

"Okay, I understand. Back off!" After saying that, the Bull Demon King dodged towards Peach Blossom Pavilion.

Soon, the Bull Demon King came to a pink and white attic, where Yan Ruyu and the people close to her lived.

At this time, Yan Ruyu happened to be discussing something with Yan Yuan.

After the Bull Demon King came to the side, he smiled and said: "Congratulations, Princess. Congratulations, Princess. The matter you have been worried about has been solved."

"Senior, I don't know how to solve it." Yan Ruyu asked eagerly.

"Princess, I told you earlier that I also have a lord who ordered me to help you."

"My lord recently went out to practice in the Northern Territory. He accidentally entered a great emperor's dojo and gave birth to a hero of the Jiang family who was trapped 4000 years ago - the Dacheng God King Jiang Taixu."

"Jiang Taixu is trapped in the imperial formation and cannot escape. After calculation, it is conservatively estimated that to rescue Jiang Taixu, at least four imperial weapons will be needed to revive the god Zhuan. To be more safe, five imperial weapons will be needed."

"The Lord went to the Jiang family to inform the matter. After discussion, the strong men of the Jiang family went to Zhongzhou Guhua Divine Dynasty to borrow the ancient Hua Ruler and the Shenzhou Tripod from the Shenzhou Divine Dynasty, but added the Hengyu Furnace of the Jiang family and the quantity of my family's master. The Heavenly Ruler is still missing one imperial weapon."

"After a long meeting and discussion, it was decided that the last imperial weapon would be the Chaos Green Lotus in your hands, princess. Now the Jiang family has booked a banquet at the Zuixian Palace in the Holy City and is waiting for you to attend the banquet at any time."

"In addition, my head of the family also said that this time the princess borrows Chaos Qinglian as a guaranteed reward. The Jiang family will pay a one-time payment of no less than one million catties of Origin Stone, and the Jiang family will act as guarantee to invite you, princess, to join the Beidou Imperial Clan. Circle, and are willing to discuss with the Ji family, and the demon clan and the Ji family will turn their hostility into friendship. Of course, there are other rewards, so the princess will have to go to the banquet in person to discuss." The Bull Demon King told the story one by one.

"If you want to borrow Chaos Qinglian, can senior guarantee that this is not a scam? Xiaoyu, don't go." Before Yan Ruyu could speak, Yan Yuan spoke up.

At this time, Yan Ruyu didn't know who to listen to. One was an uncle she had never met, and the other was a senior who had saved her life. At the same time, she remembered that as the leader of the Qinglian tribe, she also had to give advice to her subordinates. In order to seek some benefits, these little monsters risked their lives to accompany him but put them in danger.

After a long thought, Yan Ruyu said decisively: "Uncle, I'm going. This time, even if it's a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, I'm going to go there. I believe that seniors won't lie to me. This is the last chance for our clan. The Ji family is constantly chasing and killing, and sooner or later they will find Peach Blossom Valley, senior, you can protect us for a while, but you cannot protect us forever."

"I have the Chaos Green Lotus, and the Ji family also has the Void Mirror; my predecessor is the Tao-killing King, and has quasi-emperor soldiers, and the Ji family also has them. Our family can't beat the Ji family now, so we can only let people make peace. But now if I have helped the Jiang family a lot, and the Jiang family will definitely be willing to be the peacemaker."

(End of this chapter)

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