The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 43 43 Meeting Yan Ruyu for the first time

Chapter 43 43 - Meeting Yan Ruyu for the first time

"Alas! It's my uncle who is incompetent! It's the Qinglian tribe that's holding you back! Xiao Yu'er, be careful! My uncle won't advise you anymore." After hearing what Yan Ruyu said, Yan Yuan was silent for a moment and said.

"Then I don't know when the princess will go, so I can ask my master to discuss with the Jiang family to determine a time for the immortal banquet." asked the Bull Demon King.

"Five days later! I am the leader of the Qinglian Clan. Although the Qinglian Clan has weakened, the reputation of the Qinglian Clan cannot be weakened. I also have to prepare well." Yan Ruyu said.

"Okay, princess, please be prepared. I will cross the Northern Territory with you in five days." After saying that, the Bull Demon King left.

Seeing that the Bull Demon King had left, Yan Ruyu became cautious. Seeing that the Bull Demon King had gone away, Yan Ruyu took out the Chaos Green Lotus, injected her divine power into a small soundproof shield, and then took out a red heart as big as a fist from her body. He handed it to Yan Yuan and said: "Uncle, this is the emperor's heart. You better keep it safe. If I don't come back this time and don't send back the news, then my uncle will crush the emperor's heart and sacrifice his blood to the emperor's soldiers. I happened to do it yesterday I awakened the Emperor's Armed Forces God, who has recognized me. If I die, the Emperor's Armed Forces will avenge me."

"After the emperor's soldiers return, my uncle, please take the few remaining followers of my clan to the stars. Go and survive in the small chaotic world opened by the emperor's ancestors!"

"Xiao Yu'er, take the Emperor's Heart back, I can't take it. If you go to the banquet, if there is a disaster, having the Emperor's Heart will give you a little more life. I'm a bad old man, and I don't have many years to live. If you If something goes wrong, what if the old man is a blood sacrifice to awaken the emperor's soldiers and escape to the world opened by the emperor's ancestors? I understand my qualifications. If there is no great opportunity to become a saint in this life, it will be very difficult. Xiao Yu'er, if you keep the emperor's heart, you will have more opportunities to survive. " After that, Yan Yuan pushed his hand, and the Qing Emperor's heart returned to Yan Ruyu's body.

After returning to his quiet room, the Bull Demon King took out the communication jade token, told Jiang Hao about the conversation with Yan Ruyu, and asked him to tell the Jiang family to prepare the immortal banquet.

When Jiang Hao received the news, he waved the maid waiting on the side to come over and asked her to inform the head of the Jiang family to get ready.

Five days later.

Early in the morning, Jiang Hao walked out of the courtyard and went to gather at the gate of the Jiang family, because today was the day to meet Yan Ruyu, the descendant of the Demon Emperor.

A moment later, Jiang Hao arrived at the gate of the Jiang family, waiting for other members of the Jiang family who were heading to the Holy City.

Soon, the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Chengyi, the eldest elder of the Jiang family, as well as the powerful Jiang Yun of the God King lineage, and the quasi-young masters of the Jiang family, Jiang Yifei and Yao Tianyao, all arrived.

After the people who were going to the Holy City arrived, Jiang Chengyi took out a stone order, injected it with divine power and activated it, and a domain gate appeared.

"Let's go! Opposite is the ancient Taoist platform of the Holy City." Jiang Chengyi said.

Then, everyone stepped into the domain gate. After everyone stepped into the domain gate, the black hole-like domain gate disappeared.


Holy city, ancient Taoist platform.

A clear light flashed, a domain gate appeared, and Jiang Hao and the six people walked out of the domain gate.

"Great Elder, please go to the Holy City and wait for the descendants of the Demon Emperor. I will go to Zuixian Palace first and inform them that the food is ready." After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and headed towards the sky. Go to another building.

Jiang Hao and the other five people went to the Holy City to wait for Yan Ruyu, the descendant of the Demon Emperor.

A moment later, a domain gate outside the Holy City opened, and a cyan chariot with a lotus pattern came out. The chariot was pulled by a nine-headed monster from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm. The Bull Demon King and the Sky Eagle King followed the chariot impressively.

At the end were a group of little demons from the Four Pole and Dragon Transformation Realm, holding flags embroidered with the Chaos Green Lotus. The flags fluttered in the wind and made a hunting sound.

"The princess has finally arrived. My Holy Master has been waiting at Zuixian Palace for a long time." The eldest elder of the Jiang family stepped forward and said.

"Sorry to trouble you, senior, then let's go to Zuixian Palace!" After Yan Ruyu got off the chariot, the mysterious light in her body swept away, and the chariot was put away.Later, Yan Ruyu took several demon monks who were good at negotiating, the Bull Demon King, the Sky Eagle King, and Jiang Hao to the Zuixian Palace.

With the great elder of the Jiang family clearing the way, naturally there was nothing in the way to block the way, and everyone smoothly arrived at the Zuixian Que suspended in mid-air.

This is a piece of Qionglou Yuyu. Every brick and tile of the palace is carved out of jade. It is magnificent and magnificent, like a dream.

Surrounded by white mist, this palace is located in the clouds, with carved beams and painted buildings, resplendent and resplendent, as if you have come to the ancient heaven.

Everyone soared up into the air, stepped on the white jade stairs, looked back, and saw the misty clouds and mist, overlooking the world below, as if they had really landed in the fairyland.

"Dare to ask the heavens, are there immortals?" The eagle-nosed middle-aged man transformed into the Sky Eagle King said with emotion.

"If you don't become an emperor, how can you talk about becoming an immortal? There are no immortals among the great emperors throughout the ages, so what's the use of us little monks talking about it?" Jiang Hao said.

"My little friend is quite clear-eyed," said the eldest elder of the Jiang family.

"My teacher is a deity from the mythical age. I watched with my own eyes each deity walking forward on the road of seeking immortality, but in the end the road ended and no one took the path to immortality." Jiang Hao said briefly. He said a few words and stopped talking.

The White Jade Avenue stretches forward like a bridge to the sky. People are walking on it, walking forward step by step. Many spiritual birds and precious animals are flying in the clouds and mist.

In the lofty palace hall, sixteen young girls flew in the air, landed in the clouds, gave them respectful salutes, and led them forward.

Zuixianque is a very exquisite, retro building, as if it has experienced thousands of generations and has carved the mark of the years. It is magnificent but has a kind of precipitation called Dimeng.

"Is this the real heritage of the Holy Land family that has lasted for tens of thousands of years? It's just a golden family, not an imperial clan! It actually has such a big immortal palace, what a sight the real imperial clan is!" Yan Ruyu saw it in front of her. sighed the beautiful scenery.

"Why is the princess hurting the spring and the autumn here? Now that the princess has mastered the Qing Emperor's army, the Qinglian clan has the emperor's army, and has the confidence to survive forever. It will gradually get better." Jiang Hao comforted.

"This is your honored guest." The sixteen young girls are not weak monks, but here they can only lead the way and help the guests serve wine and vegetables.

"Nantian Gate?" Jiang Hao's expression changed. There were three ancient characters engraved on the majestic gate in front of him. When he walked here, there were clouds and mist everywhere under his feet.

"This is built after the legendary ancient heaven." The elder of the Jiang family introduced, obviously a frequent visitor here.

"The emperor ancestor of our clan once mentioned that he wanted to build a heavenly palace and laid out such a pattern, but it eventually fell apart." Yan Ruyu explained.

"Could it be that the ancient heaven really collapsed?" the Sky Eagle King said casually.

"It's impossible, it's just something Qingdi mentioned." Jiang Yifei shook his head.

"Haha! There really was a real ancient heaven in ancient history, but it collapsed at the end of the myth." Jiang Hao said.

"The Lord is a disciple of a certain Heavenly Master from the mythical age." The Bull Demon King saw Yan Ruyu's confusion and secretly transmitted the message.

"Master Jiang, please elaborate." Yan Ruyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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