Chapter 47 - Chapter 47
"Yes, I will obey the emperor's order." Gu Tianshu said.

Afterwards, Gu Tianshu came forward with the Shenzhou Cauldron, observed the nodes here, and then said: "Then I bombarded this place, responsible for disconnecting the contact points between the Emperor's formation and other formations; Jiang Daoyou was responsible for suppressing the outside of the cage. The Emperor's formation pattern; Brother Wei controls the Ancient Flower Ruler and is responsible for confronting the Emperor's formation; Brother Yao and the two are responsible for rescuing people; you little guys control the Chaos Qinglian to assist Brother Wei!"

After instructing everyone to take charge of the direction of the attack, Gu Tianshu waved his hand and sent Jiang Hao, Jiang Yifei and Yan Ruyu to the Wushi Emperor's formation.

Then, Gu Tianshu injected his divine power into the Shenzhou Cauldron, and a hazy blue light emitted; the Hengyu furnace in Jiang Longxiang's hand rippled with bright red light; the ancient Chinese ruler in Wei Yi's hand had a hazy green light piercing the void; Yao Tianyao and Siyue's bodies were red. Divine power and black divine power were intertwined and poured into the Heavenly Measurement Ruler, with immeasurable purple energy; while a group of Tao-killing Kings and Jiang Family Half-Saints spread out and stood in ten directions, injecting their divine power into the chaotic green lotus in the middle. .


Everyone roared in unison, raised the imperial weapons in their hands, connected with the aura of the Shenzhou Cauldron, and launched a world-shaking killing attack together!

At this moment, it seems that the world has collapsed!

Five rays of dazzling light with imperial power struck the jade wall respectively. The purple jade wall shattered instantly. A roll of purple energy from the measuring ruler took away the half-foot-long cocoon of light, and those five-color patterns were It was under the combined efforts of the five imperial weapons that they collapsed inch by inch.

At the same time that the five-color pattern disappeared, the entire purple mountain was shaking!
After all, the place that everyone is attacking is a node that affects the whole body. It is the battle zone where Wu Shizhong suppresses the Immortal Emperor's orthodoxy... This interference is too big!

The majesty of the emperor is raging, and nothing can stop it at this moment.

Immediately, starting from this place, it pierced through the barrier, pierced through the mountains, and the radiant divine light blasted into the ancient starry sky!

Endless bursts of light, infinite turbulent energy, dazzling, shining the world!
Even if there is a big sun hanging high, all the brilliance has been taken away at this moment!


Under the power of the emperor, a meteorite streaked across the sky, right at the edge of it, it exploded and turned into a firework!
All living beings in the Northern Territory are trembling, their blood and bones are howling!
Countless creatures, prostrate on the ground, kowtowed in the direction of Purple Mountain!
"Emperor Qi Machine!"

"'s the fully recovered Ji Dao Imperial Soldier!"

At this moment, a demonic voice suddenly sounded from a place hundreds of thousands of miles away from Zishan.


Some people are laughing, some are laughing wildly!

After the laughter, obscure language sounded, and the sound of the Tao shook the world!

Most people in the world can't understand it.

However, some people who have studied the ancient divine language still understood it and understood the meaning of this obscure pronunciation.

"I am free!"

"Beginless, you can't trap us..."

A shadow like a demon god, he is tall and boundless, as if he wants to open up the boundless world, with the starry sky above his head and the darkness under his feet.

He appeared behind Zishan, standing like a shadow. It was a big demon who broke the shackles and announced his return to the whole world!

On his body, there are strands of emperor's prestige, which has shaken all ages!
He is not an emperor, but he also bears the word emperor!


A bell rings to announce to all living beings!

The entire Northern Territory, and even the entire Eastern Desolation, heard such an ancient bell fairy sound!
And after the demon god was born, in the southern region of the Eastern Wasteland, by the Jishui River, an ancient mirror soared into the sky, illuminating the universe, shining nine colors of light, blooming flowers of the void, freezing the waves of time that accompanied the ringing of the bell, and stabilizing the world. The land is peaceful.

That's the Void Mirror!


In the Holy Land of Yaochi in the Northern Territory, the aura of the ancient emperor suddenly filled the air, and the sound waves of the avenue were deafening.

The fairies in Yaochi stopped what they were doing and saluted solemnly... Above their heads, in the sky above the vast sky, green air currents fell one after another at this moment. Each one was as thick as a mountain, huge and heavy, Like one hanging river hanging down after another.

In the endless and distant sky, there is a small independent world in a trance, with chaotic energy surging, earth, fire, wind and water rotating, and in the middle there is an imperial tower made of fairy tears green gold looming.Xihuang Tower!
It is like the carrier of the Dao, and at this time, it blooms with divine power, opening up a world.

There seemed to be a god resurrected in the tower with tears on her cheeks. She looked at the purple mountain, seemingly worried, as if she was always ready to attack.


Due to the soft chime of the Wushi Bell, the Void Mirror and the Western Emperor Pagoda were mobilized and prepared, and then the dragon-patterned black gold cauldron that rocked the Holy Land vibrated. It leaped into the sky, and thousands of black dragons poked out from the cauldron. He looked up to the sky and roared, shaking the sky for eternity.

The emperor soldiers of the Eastern Wasteland have all appeared!
On their bodies, there is an extreme brilliance shining, as if at any moment there will be an extreme recovery, and a blow from the ancient emperor!
"No... Wu Shi you... how dare you... do this!" The maniacal laughter suddenly stopped, and then exploded into a ball of blood mist.

After the quasi-emperor demon god was destroyed, the Western Emperor Tower in the North Territory came to Shatter the Void as quickly as possible, taking away half of the blood mist, wiping out the vitality inside, and turning it into a large ball of true blood.

Followed closely was the void mirror that controlled the avenue of space. When the mirror light turned, half of the remaining blood mist was taken away. The nine-color fairy light washed down and the blood mist was refined.

The last one to arrive was the dragon pattern cauldron. Wan Long looked at the West Emperor Tower and the Void Mirror, and could only reluctantly swallow the last eighth of the blood mist and refine it into a small ball of quasi-emperor blood essence.

And this is also Wu Shizhong's compensation to the three imperial clans. Wu Shizhong needs to relieve a little pressure, and at the same time, Wu Shizhong doesn't want anyone to disturb the Great Emperor Dojo after this recovery, so the quasi-digu clan was thrown out .

This was the meaning of the previous bell ringing.

After carving up the quasi-emperor's blood mist, the three imperial weapons outside Zishan went home respectively.

In the Purple Mountain, after rescuing Jiang Taixu, Gu Tianshu took the light cocoon to a sacred spring pool in the Purple Mountain.

Jiang Longxiang and others returned to the stone palace where the Wushi Bell was transformed. On the way back, Jiang Yifei saw the "Book of Origin" that was specially placed in a mine.

Afterwards, the "Yuan Tian Shu" was circulated among everyone present, and finally reached the hands of a group of juniors.

After everyone read the "Book of Origin", Jiang Hao reached out and took the "Book of Origin" and threw it back into the mine tunnel.

Looking at the puzzled looks in everyone's eyes, Jiang Hao explained: "This "Book of Origin" is related to a big plan of Senior Shen Zhuan. You can read it, but you cannot take it away. If you meet an ancient man named Ye Fan in the future, The Holy Body can create a good relationship.”

"Ancient Holy Body? So when you gave him the Book of Origin Heaven, did you plan to let him go to the stone workshop to bet on stones to collect the more than 1000 million kilograms of origin stones needed for cultivation?" asked a Tao-killing king from the Divine Dynasty of China.

"Well! Someone has already placed a bet behind the ancient holy body. Senior Shen Zhuan will add more strength."

"It is naturally impossible for him to collect more than 1000 million kilograms of sources by gambling on stones. Otherwise, I am afraid that this ancient holy body will have died young before the source stones are collected. But we have to find some holy places for him. The hatred of the family is here as experience! In the end, the few of us who join this plan will collect 600 million kilograms of source stones for Ye Fan!" Jiang Hao said.

At this time, Gu Tianshu also came back, and with Gu Tianshu came back a bald-tailed black dog the size of a calf.

After Gu Tianshu came back, Jiang Longxiang, who liked to find people to discuss the Tao after he was born, went to him, and then the three great sages and the three previous great sages continued to discuss the Tao.

[PS: I remember the original book mentioned that the Black Emperor also cultivated to the realm of the Great Sage, but he also killed himself. 】

And this time the three kings of Kunlun, the second king of Guhua, the second king of Shenzhou and a semi-saint from the Jiang family came, and the two kings had a great opportunity.Where can I usually hear the six great sages discussing the Tao?
Now they are all comprehending the understanding of the Tao by the six great sages.

two months later.

The discussion between the six great sages has finally come to an end, and the gains from this discussion are also great. Gu Tianshu has made a little breakthrough, and is now considered a half-step quasi-emperor. In 100 years at most, Gu Tianshu can Breaking through to the quasi-emperor realm; Wei Yi broke through from the original first level of the Great Sage to the second level of the Great Sage, and completed the tribulation in the starry sky; Jiang Longxiang also made a breakthrough from the original seventh level of the Great Sage, and broke through the second level in a row , also survived the thunder tribulation in the starry sky; and Yao Tianyao and Si Yue also gained a lot from this Dao Discussion Conference, overcoming the tribulation and breaking through the semi-saint, becoming a rare saint in this era; as for the specific details of the Black Emperor, The Black Emperor didn't say what the gain was, but it could be seen from its mood that the Black Emperor had gained a lot.

After the Three Kings of Kunlun were conquered, they first fought and tempered themselves in the starry sky. Now they have added the theory of Taoism. Now they are the Three Saints of Kunlun [Half Saints]. The two kings of the ancient Hua Dynasty have reached the realm of Dacheng Kings. "Although the Jiang family's semi-saints have not broken through to the saints, it is only a matter of time. They will be able to break through after the Green Emperor's Avenue dissipates a little more."

The two kings of the Shenzhou Divine Dynasty also gained a lot. One broke through to the semi-saint level, and the other reached the realm of a great king.

The two kings of the Jiang family also benefited a lot. Both kings broke through to the semi-saint realm. It can be said that the Jiang family gained the most from this trip to Zishan.

In this Tao discussion conference, Jiang Hao and the three little guys gained the least. After all, they couldn't understand the great sage's discussion. The only ones who could understand were the six great sages. In order to take care of these juniors, the discussion was from the wheel. Discussions began in the Sea Secret Realm, so after the three of them listened to the discussion about almighty power in the previous three days, they did not continue to forcibly memorize it, but continued to practice the Tao principles of the discussion conference.

The progress of cultivation in the great sage's Taoism was indeed rapid. After two months of Taoism, Jiang Hao's cultivation reached the seventh transformation of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, and Jiang Yifei and Yan Ruyu broke through the Four Extremes Secret Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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