The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 48 48 "Fight" Word Secret

Chapter 48 48 - "Dou" Word Secret

Two days after the Dao Discussion Conference, Jiang Taixu, who had transformed in the Purple Mountain Pure Land, finally lived his second life, and was taken by Jiang Longxiang to the universe and starry sky to complete the great tribulation of becoming a saint. However, Jiang Taixu had been trapped for 4000 years. The benefits are also extremely great. Although the tribulation of becoming a saint almost killed him, Jiang Taixu carried it through. After passing through the tribulation, his cultivation reached the peak of the ninth level of the saint. If there is another chance, it is impossible to break through the saint king. .

After returning from the catastrophe, it was time for Jiang Taixu to pay off the debt. The Jiang family promised Yan Ruyu that the five king's forbidden weapons and one saint's forbidden weapon needed to be carved by Jiang Taixu. The reason why the Shenzhou Dynasty agreed to lend them to Shenzhou Ding also defeated the secret word "Dou" in the "Nine Secrets" mastered by Jiang Taixu. Now that Jiang Taixu has completed his transformation and lived in his second life, these Jiang Taixu people who were promised by the Jiang family on behalf of Jiang Taixu are now Of course it’s time to give.

After collecting local materials and making Yan Ruyu's forbidden weapon, Jiang Taixu said: "Everyone, Taixu has nothing to offer, only the "Nine Secrets" obtained by chance can be used for understanding."

After saying that, Jiang Taixu sat down cross-legged, demonstrated the mysterious method and taught the secret technique.

A mantra was recited by Jiang Taixu, which was difficult and profound. At the same time, strange postures were made one by one, corresponding to the mantra, showing extraordinary magical skills. It was not limited to fists, fingers, legs and feet. It could be attacked everywhere, and every inch of skin was attacked. Can burst out with terrible power.

A strong fighting spirit appears, making people tremble, as if a saint who is proficient in fighting is suppressing it. Who else but me, I am the only one in heaven and on earth!
From the extreme complexity, to the ever-changing ones, from the avenue to simplicity... This is the Douzi secret among the nine secrets!
When Jiang Taixu pushed this secret to the extreme, with a single finger pointing out, a piece of void was shattered!
You know, this is in the Purple Mountain, and there are Wushi Emperor Formations all over the place. Although the Emperor Formation has not revived, being able to break the void in the Purple Mountain with one finger proves the power of Jiang Taixu and the "Dou" Zi Mi place!

After the demonstration, Jiang Taixu stopped and looked at the crowd.

"Gu Tianzun's wisdom and talent are really amazing. The word "fight" is secret..." Gu Tianshu's eyes were deep, "2000 years ago, there was an ancient fighting saint from the ape tribe who went to Zishan to ask for the King of Medicine. I fought with him. It is also the method of fighting, but the holy method of fighting of the DouZhan Holy Ape lineage is only suitable for the DouZhan Holy Ape clan, but the secret code of "Dou" has many changes, and many races can understand and interpret it."

"Nine Secrets!"

Wei Yi pondered, "It's okay to pick it out alone... Although it is universal, every great emperor has a specialized field, so it may not be worse than him."

"What's really scary is that there is a legend that the nine secrets merge into one, which will reach an incredible level of power."

"The unity of the nine secrets is only in legends. Who has seen it before?" Jiang Longxiang shook his head, "Look here, we have just seen one of the secrets."

"I do have another secret clue."

At this moment, Jiang Hao spoke.


The crowd looked at him.

"I once had a chance to find some clues about the secret of the word "Xing" in "Nine Secrets" in a ruins."

"Then I checked the Jiang family's information some time ago and found that 10,000+ years ago, there were three major killer dynasties in the Eastern Wasteland... This is an orthodoxy that evolved from the killer organization."

"Their ways are created specifically for killing people, and they are impossible to guard against, even saints can be killed."

"Three organizations, one is called Heaven, one is called Hell, and the other is called Human World."

When Jiang Hao said this, Si Yue snorted, "That's such a big statement... How dare a killer who cannot stand up to the stage dare to take such a name?"

"So, in the end, they were jointly attacked by the major holy places and disappeared." Jiang Hao shrugged, "Among them, Heavenly Court was the worst, with almost the entire army destroyed."

"But at the last moment, the leaders of the Heavenly Organization escaped with only one breath and disappeared with their greatest inheritance... Based on the information I got in the ruins and the information I found in the Jiang Family Library, I speculate that they should have escaped into the Central Plains. The Holy Cliff, one of the forbidden areas in the territory!”

"And he was able to escape precisely because he had mastered a supreme step, which allowed him to ignore all kinds of formation patterns. His speed was so terrifying that it even reached the realm of time, walking among the fragments of time!"

"This is very consistent with the performance of the word secret of "Xing" in "Nine Secrets"!" Jiang Hao said.

"So, little friend Jiang, do you want us to take a trip to the Holy Cliff to have a look?" Jiang Longxiang said.

"That's right. With five imperial weapons and three great saints, you are still qualified to enter the holy cliff." Jiang Hao said.At this time, the Black Emperor shouted, "Holy Cliff?!"

"I am familiar with this place!"

"The emperor made a list of gods, and put it there!"

"Boy Jiang, are you sure?"

"If you are sure, I will go to the holy cliff right now!"

The Black Emperor was too keen on the secret word "Xing".

I don't know what's going on either.

"I can only say that there should be... there should be clues." Old God Jiang Hao replied, "Of course, after all, this is a classic recorded by predecessors, and the specifics are open to discussion."

"If I hadn't seen so many senior emperor soldiers here, I wouldn't have remembered this matter."

He shrugged off all responsibility in advance.

If he succeeds and obtains the secret word "Xing" from the sacred cliff, he will report a meritorious service.

If it fails, it can also be said that the predecessors were unreliable.

Having said that, Jiang Hao continued to slowly comprehend the secret technique of the Shengsheng Emperor recorded in the "Old Sun Sutra".

But Jiang Hao could sit still, but Hei Huang couldn't.

Not long after, it took the initiative to form a group, calling Shanggu Tianshu, Wei Yi, Jiang Taixu, and Jiang Longxiang. It took Jiang Hao, Yao Tianyao, and Si Yue, and set out for the Holy Cliff together with five imperial weapons. .

Although the Black Emperor's current strength is not high, he has a lot of face - the beasts who protect the mountains under the Emperor Wushi, who can not give him a little face?

All the current human saints in Zishan were dispatched, and all the imperial soldiers also went there, leaving only a few semi-sages and a lot of saints to teach Yan Ruyu and Jiang Yifei.


The junction between the Central Territory and the Northern Territory is the Holy Cliff.

A black hole suddenly appeared, and then a large group of people walked out of the black hole, looking at the majestic mountain in front of them, they were filled with admiration.

Because everyone present knew what was sealed in the restricted area, but a Dacheng Holy Body dared to cut off a large area of ​​​​the mountain from the Immortal Mountain and turn it into a dojo, which is worthy of everyone's admiration.

But when everyone looked at the blood stains on the black mountain, they couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

"A hero dies in his old age and is not allowed to grow old in the world. This is the greatest tragedy in the world!" Jiang Longxiang sighed.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Holy Cliff! I have some information here about the emperor's formation back then. Take a good look at it! Don't go wrong and trigger the emperor's formation." The Black Emperor said, and then opened his mouth and spat out a incomplete picture. ancient scrolls for everyone to observe.

(End of this chapter)

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