The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 62 62 Liquidation [Looking for investment and reading]

Chapter 62 62-Liquidation [Looking for investment and reading]

"You..." The old man from the Li family felt humiliated, but at the same time he was shocked. He felt that the other party seemed to have a really powerful background, otherwise how could he dare to speak so wildly.But they had no way out. They had to tie the Li family and Yanxia Dongtian together to have the possibility of destroying each other. They gritted their teeth and said: "Since you don't take Yanxia Dongtian in your eyes, I will report it truthfully. The elders in the sect will naturally let you You understand that the sky is high and the earth is high!”

"You are not worthy!" The knight just took a step forward without actually taking any action. The old man flew out like a scarecrow and hit the wall heavily. His bones rattled, and his mouth and nose cracked. Bleeding outwards at the same time as both ears.

"You..." Most of the bones in the old man's body were broken and stuck to the wall like mud. His eyes were full of fear.

Under Jiang Yifei's signal, the knight did not kill him, and he still had something to ask him.

"Did you kill Tingting's parents?" Jiang Yifei's words were still very calm, but when they heard the words of the old man from the Li family, they were shaking like thunder. The calm man in white in front of them made them feel like a mountain. Look up.

"we say……"

"Who is so arrogant that he doesn't even pay attention to my Yanxia Cave?" At this moment, a middle-aged man strode into the front yard. When he saw a dozen strange beasts, he couldn't help but change his color and said: "What do you guys think? Why did you destroy my Yanxia Cave Heaven disciples?"

"It's just to eliminate evil." A knight stepped forward and blocked his way.

"What do you mean, is my Yanxiadongtian the so-called 'evil'?" The middle-aged man asked.

The knight responded indifferently: "I don't know whether Yanxia Cave is a great evil, but it is true that the Li family monks are villains who harm people's lives."

"This is just your one-sided statement. How can you act so arbitrarily before the matter is investigated clearly? Besides, these are my disciples of Yanxia Cave Heaven. If there is any mistake, it will naturally be dealt with by us, and it will not be the turn of outsiders like you." The middle-aged man said.

Jiang Yifei's expression was calm, but his words were a bit cold, and he said: "The Li family has been doing evil for many years and has not been punished by you in Yanxia Cave. Now they still want to excuse themselves and try to cover up. It seems that I really need to go to Yanxia Cave." , ask for an explanation.”

"You are so arrogant. You are mistaking me for a place like Yanxia Cave. Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out of Yandi?" The middle-aged man stared at Jiang Yifei coldly and said.

Jiang Yifei sneered lightly and said: "Is the Yanxia Cave very powerful? Unfortunately, I have never heard of it, and I must go to learn it later."

"You are so defiant." The middle-aged man said coldly: "Yanxia Dongtian is one of the six sects in Yandi. If you insist on causing trouble, a war between sects will inevitably occur!"

Jiang Yifei shook his head and said: "The Eastern Desolation is vast and boundless. It is hard to count how many countries there are. The mere Yan Kingdom is just a tiny place. I have never heard of the sects here."

"It's so arrogant, I want to come and try to see how powerful you are."

The middle-aged man rode the rainbow, rushed into the air, and opened his mouth to spit out a purple-gold shield and a blood-colored spear.

There was a roar of a wild beast, and a knight drove the beast into the air, rushing past like a green light.


The middle-aged cultivator in Hazy Cave Sky let out a scream on the spot, and the purple-golden shield was cut open in an instant, and the blood-red spear was broken in two, his chest and abdomen were almost completely cut open, and he fell down on the spot. When he fell down, blood gushed out.

If it is an ordinary person who has died at this moment, the monk's physique is exceptionally strong, he quickly stopped the bleeding, stabilized the injury, his face was extremely pale, and he stepped aside.

"Excuse me, please lead the way and take us to the Yanxia Cave." Jiang Caixuan said with a sneer on her beautiful cheeks: "You two, please." Then Jiang Caixuan signaled the knight to come forward and tie up the middle-aged man and the old man. .

The bound middle-aged man and the old man struggled with all their strength, but how could they break free from the rope made of the snake demon tendons in the Four Extremes Secret Realm? Seeing that they could not break free, the old man said angrily: "You are so arrogant at such a young age, your family Didn't your teacher teach you to respect your teachers? Don't you understand what it means to respect your elders?"

Jiang Caixuan said coldly: "The disciples you teach kill people, bully orphans and widows, and force elderly people in their 70s to go nowhere. Why do you talk about being a teacher? You don't have the qualifications!"

"What evidence do you have?" the old man asked.

"What I, the Jiang family, say is the truth and evidence." Jiang Yichen, who was sitting on the five-color beast, said with a smile.

"You!" The old man was immediately angered by Jiang Yichen's words and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fainted to the ground.

I don’t know if he is pretending to be faint or really faint. After all, any tradition that has been passed down will tell them who the real master of Donghuang is soon after entering the door. Now that he heard that his descendants actually provoked the Jiang family, he was so angry that he fainted. Within common sense.

"Even if my disciples of Yanxia Cave Heaven are really at fault, it is not your turn to deal with it. I, Yanxia Cave Heaven, have my own sect rules to deal with it. Or I, Yanxia Cave Heaven, can report it to the Holy Land and ask the big shots of the Holy Land to handle it personally." Then The middle-aged man retorted.

"It's a good one to deal with it by yourself. For more than two years, the dead have not closed their eyes, and the murderer has been at large. He continues to persecute the orphans, widows, old and young. Is this your sect rule?" Jiang Caixuan sympathized with Xiao Tingting. When she said this, her pretty face was filled with coldness. Shuang said: "Up to now, you are still trying to find ways to excuse and cover up. It is really a cancer!"

"You..." The middle-aged man's eyebrows suddenly stood up, but he was locked by the tendons of the Heavenly Serpent and could not use his divine power.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was speechless, Jiang Yifei singled out two knights and asked them to stay in charge of the Li family. At the same time, he asked people to inform the residents of the town and let them report the evil deeds of the Li family to each other.

"Let's go to Yanxia Cave!"

Jiang Yifei personally helped Old Man Jiang onto the golden god and rode with him.Jiang Caixuan carried little Tingting onto the sacred deer and sat in front of her.Although Ye Fan only stayed in the small restaurant for one day, he was taken on a ride by a knight and flew into the sky.

Dozens of strange beasts soared into the clouds and mist, running in the sky, making a rumbling sound, like thousands of troops galloping, or like a tsunami rushing through the sky.

Soon everyone came to the Hazy Cave, with green peaks and green valleys in front of it, misty smoke and faint rays of light, which indeed matched its name.

"Who broke into my faction's stronghold?" A loud shout came from the front.

"bang bang bang"

The captured middle-aged man and old man were all thrown out, causing screams to come from the front.

"The enemy is coming!" There was a commotion in the Yanxia Cave.

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

(End of this chapter)

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