The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 63 63 Liquidation [Looking for investment and reading]

Chapter 63 63-Liquidation [Looking for investment and reading]

In an instant, the haze rose to the sky, and the Dao patterns carved on the mountains and rivers showed their power, charging up with blazing radiance, blocking the way of everyone.

"That's all, I'll break it." At this time, Jiang Yichen suddenly took action, and a purple gold gourd flew out of his body. The purple light was bright, and it quickly magnified in the sky, like a whale sucking a cow's drink, and directed all the haze into the mouth of the gourd. Suck it away.In the blink of an eye, the power of the pattern was suppressed.

Then, the purple gold gourd fell forward like a hill, and a misty purple mist flowed out. Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation, and many figures flew upside down and were collected into the purple gold gourd.


At this moment, a powerful wave shook in all directions in the Yanxia Cave, swinging open the purple gourd, and an old voice came: "It turns out to be a Taoist friend of the Jiang family. I wonder what I, the Yanxia Cave, have done to offend me?"

In the Hazy Cave, a cloud of gray mist rose up, shaking the purple gold gourd away and imprisoning it there so that it could not continue to swallow the monks.

A gray shadow rushed over. This was an old man whose age was hard to tell. He had a white beard, but his face was very rosy. He could be described as a crane. He brought the purple gold gourd over and said: "Please calm down, everyone." ." He directly pushed the purple gourd over. Jiang Yichen snorted coldly and put away his treasure.

"Who are you?" Jiang Yifei asked.

"I am an outer disciple of Yaoguang Holy Land and the leader of Yanxia Cave."

"No wonder you have such strength, you can suppress Zijin Gourd." Jiang Yifei nodded and said, "But I'm afraid you still can't stop us."

"Yes, I understand." The old man admitted frankly, and then continued: "I don't know why I, Yanxia Dongtian, have offended you, so that you can mobilize people like this. If there is really a serious crime, I am willing to disband Yanxia Dongtian, and let everything be dealt with."

This old man in gray clothes is very honest. In fact, he is forced to have no choice. If he really confronts an ancient family, the Yanxia Cave Sky will be wiped out. The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all. Once they become hostile, there will be no suspense.

Even his own backstage Yaoguang Holy Land will not help, because a disciple of the Four Extremes Secret Realm who has only a few years to live is really not worth fighting against another imperial clan. The worst case scenario is to find another disciple and establish a new sect. Just the door.

"Seeing how upright you are, I can't help but make a scene." Jiang Yifei said.

"Young Master is wise, please tell me clearly why you came here to investigate the crime?" asked the leader of Yanxia Cave.

"Did a disciple surnamed Jiang die in your Yanxia Cave two years ago?"

The head of Yanxia Cave Heaven nodded upon hearing this, and said: "If it was someone else, I might not be able to remember it, but this young man with extraordinary aptitude left a deep impression on me."

"That was a direct descendant of our Jiang family, but he was killed by people from your Yanxia Cave Heaven." Jiang Yifei said calmly.

"What, he was killed by someone?" The head of Yanxia Dongtian was astonished, and said: "Who is so courageous!"

"Now you understand why I came here."

The head of Yanxia Cave Sky suddenly had a headache. How could a direct descendant of the Jiang family enter Yanxia Cave Sky and be killed? This was indeed a very difficult matter for him.

"You don't have to worry too much, I'm not here to make trouble for no reason." Jiang Yifei said. "Master Jiang, don't worry, I will punish the murderer severely, and I will never tolerate it!" said the head of Yanxia Cave Heaven forcefully.

"Master Jiang, please move to Yanxia Cave. I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation." said the head of Yanxia.

Jiang Yifei nodded and said, "The most important thing is to satisfy the old man and the child."

At this moment, Uncle Jiang and Xiao Tingting's eyes were blurred with tears.

"I see……"

Later, Jiang Yifei ordered Jiang Yichen to take out the purple gourd and release all the people who had been taken in.Then, he took Old Man Jiang, Xiao Tingting and the old master into the Yanxia Cave. Jiang Hao thought about it and followed him in.

Jiang Yichen and Jiang Caixuan were waiting outside with the other knights.

After waiting for a full hour, Jiang Yifei and Jiang Hao took Old Man Jiang and Xiao Tingting out. The head of Yanxia Cave Sky and a group of important people personally sent them out.

Both the old man and the little girl had red and swollen eyes, and it was obvious that they had cried a lot.

"Old leader, please come back. There is no need to send me off. Our Jiang family is not unreasonable. The matter is over now. You don't need to worry anymore." Jiang Yifei said.

Hearing Jiang Yifei say this, the old head of Yanxia Cave Sky finally breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, anyone would be frightened when facing a behemoth like the Jiang family. Not many big forces in the East Wasteland dare to compete with them, even if Yes, I won't fight for a small hazy cave.

The people from Yanxiadongtian watched them go away until they disappeared before returning to the sect.

After returning to the cave, the leader of Yanxia immediately ordered the entire mortal family of the Li family and the monks who participated in the incident to be killed, because the old leader was waiting in the Holy Land of Shaking Light. However, Jiang Yifei knows the habits of these holy land families too well. Jiang Yifei doesn't need to mention how to deal with these mortal families. It is to prove the Jiang family's magnanimity, but Yanxia Cave Heaven must do it, and it must be done in a hidden way, so that Jiang can Calm down the family.

Leaving aside the matter for the time being, Jiang Yifei and the others returned to Qingfeng Town after becoming spirit beasts, and continued to invite Old Man Jiang back to the Jiang family to recognize their ancestors in the small restaurant.

After returning to the small town, Jiang Hao saw that it was almost past lunch time, so he stopped Jiang Yifei from opening his mouth, and instead took out some food specially made by the Jiang family using natural materials and earthly treasures that ordinary people can eat. After some snacks, he took out a few bottles of spiritual spring, asked the accompanying knights to boil water, served spiritual tea, and asked Old Man Jiang and Tingting to sit down together to cushion their bellies.

This time, Ye Fan was also fortunate enough to be invited to the table by Jiang Yifei, and he and everyone enjoyed the snacks made from these precious spiritual objects.

As for the reason, it was because Jiang Yifei noticed that Jiang Hao had secretly observed Ye Fan several times. Jiang Yifei directly asked Jiang Hao why he paid attention to a young monk who had just opened up the sea of ​​suffering.

Considering Jiang Yifei's identity, Jiang Hao did not lie to him, but told Ye Fan that he was the ancient holy body, and that it was the ancient holy body that would definitely break through the four-pole secret realm in the future.

After Jiang Yifei learned about this, he indeed paid more attention to Ye Fan. After all, they all went to Zishan. He knew that Zishan had a "Book of Origin" waiting for Ye Fan to get it, and there were so many imperial items at that time. After the Binghe Imperial Clan dignitaries knew about the Ancient Holy Body and that the Ancient Holy Body had been paid attention to by Wu Shi Zhong, Jiang Yifei naturally would not be stingy with a few snacks and naturally invited Ye Fan to join the table.

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

(End of this chapter)

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